I actually really like the white. For some reason the dark background with the white text (like the old forums had) made me eyes go funny after a while. I'm surprised no one else had this problem.
@Sarapis Did you want all the css? Or just the front page? Like I said earlier, I just did the single page mockup (since that's relatively quick) and ditched it. I certainly don't mind going through all of it, but I don't love css-land enough to do it multiple times xP. Rolling with off-white, popular opinion, or more color experiments?
I think @Yrael worked up a dark one as well. I will let this sit for a couple of days, or wait for @Sarapis to get back from a little trip he is on before I go all crazy on it.
several things seem to have been lost in translation into the forums, looks like more CSS needs to be overwritten for it to get to what I was looking at. Did not have massive dots in the lines separating replies at least... and it didn't get rid of enough of the bolded fonts :<
@Kinilan -- Not dark enough on the orange, or just don't like orange? I picked a relatively dark one but my monitor's pretty bright so I donno if that's enough.
This colour scheme seems similar but with pastel tones making certain details pop out less, like the "7 new" new post count boxes beside thread listings which are now in a cinnamon colour rather than the previous orange-red (IIRC), which is not bad exactly but I don't particularly prefer it to the previous iteration. Post text is now dark grey on light grey/blue instead of black on white which is a few degrees harder to read, and I dislike that. Individual posts within threads are now less well delineated which is a bad thing, but apparently the lines of dots between posts are in error, so I'll wait for that to be fixed before commenting on in.
It looks like they use the !important bit a little too much in the css. Let me know where there are problems and I will sort it out. I removed the large dots at least.
The tiny text is what gets me. Obviously I can adjust that on my end. But damn it I should have to do things! Do things is for other people. Maybe a better default font? Might I suggest Comic Sans?
But no. Seriously the font disagrees with my eyes. Both of them
yeah still got white here and I dislike it, I never got any lights on in my house and sitting in the dark and having this white forum is a pain for the eyes. Black is much better
So I'm immediately used to msot of the changes, and the dots-between-posts thing is fixed. But I still dislike that posts have a grey font on an off-white background. There isn't enough contrast and it feels like a strain to read. I'd prefer darker or just black text.
Can I ask for divider lines between comments please?
I just realised the lines I was seeing are actually between comments and signatures. Some sort of segmentation or delineation between each comment, as used to appear, would be good, agreed.
In my line of work (HMI systems for controlling stuff like oil platforms) the standard is to use a grey background, with a dark grey text. Quite relaxing for the eyes, and important buttons like "post comment", "WTF", "LOL", "LIKE",.. pops out very nicely.
Jeremy == Jumpy? I sent it to Jumpy.
But no. Seriously the font disagrees with my eyes. Both of them
The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."
(Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
Testing black.
Dark grey...
Less dark grey...
Halfway to white...
Closer still...
Almost there...
And this is white.