What class would instill fear in your enemies? Would you fear to fight? Would you like to see more of in your house? Would you like to collaborate with? What do you think would be a creative addition to a respective house? Explain your reasoning if you would be so kind.
I mean, you're not actually getting a new experience out of it, you're still interacting with practically the same circle of people. It's a little voyeuristic. And then there's a lot of lines that you have to be careful to not cross.
Having said that, it really does sort of depend on the city you belong to as well. In places like Eleusis and Targossas where Necromancers are a regular opponent on the field, they might have stronger need for Bards to kill gravehands.
Jester is very much a universal high demand class though. Shamans (currently acknowledged as broken as hell) and Runies, though not in 'high' demand are also very much valued.
Do not DM on forums unless you're ok with waiting a couple months!
You'd be surprised the uproar that happened when Lilian went from Bard to Shaman.
Then Eleusis hearing that I wanted to go from Jester to Runewarden. >.>
When you're good at your job, and have a thorough understanding of your class in group combat. You are instantly valuable and people drag you just about anywhere.
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Priest if played right is quite possibly the greatest support ever. Can hands,Res,shield, drop rites, cure afflictions and everything else off you. While Also having a 50% mana instant kill. Can do tons of damage and can throw afflictions off like no ones business.
Bards are awesome high lack of bards, but at the same time Bard is going to die first because it's strong.
The class that puts the most fear into your enemies? Priest/Apostate beckons and the runewardens holding the totems and maybe Magi for retardations.
Just kidding the 500 serpents all with lupines and one dragon breaking shield is the scariest shit ever.
But me personally I can typically figure out what ways to fight with any class in my city. but would like to see more priests
A) No one wants to fight you 1v1
C) You get targeted first a lot
D) you start bombing on demand and then they complain you bombed them in a rush
E) You end up putting in a shit load of effort to hinder/heal and they have a go at you because you didn't hinder when you fooled/priestessed someone
Stupid people will be stupid. and shouldn't be allowed to speak.