For the years that I have been a part of this community, there have been many times in which I have been willfully stubborn, ignorant, and nothing short of consciously argumentative. I would like to say with sincerity, whether accepted by a few or by all, I am sorry for my past instances in which I have offered insult or unnecessary argument to any of you. Am I a stubborn bastard? You're damn right I am. There are times I argue for no other reason than I love the strife and confrontation it causes.
Perhaps it is a rare moment of clarity and/or maturity which drives me to pen this post, but I fully realize that such instances do nothing to contribute to the growth of the community. As such, I have tasked myself with making a consciousnesses effort towards providing something of worth to this community, or nothing at all.
I will say no more, or no less, other than that recent events have pointed me towards a flaw in character which I will not, and cannot, ignore, and will aim to improve.
Don't grow up too fast!