@Jacen @Sarapis @Tecton @Makarios @MortoriWe split the game two-ways. Each of the two factions have directly opposing endgame goals.
Ashtan + Hashan + Mhaldor vs Targossas + Cyrene + Eleusis.
We have the best combat system in the gaming world, so let's work with that.
Battlefields would be established by a revolving area of interest. There would be two kinds of encounters. 1) Large scale unlimited players allowed, battle goals yielding XX point values, 2) more regular battles where leading faction can enter X% less amount of players than non-leading faction OR MOST must be from city C - the weaker one. To begin, should a new participant from faction B enter area of interest, a random participant from faction A would be warped out. Once killed within, we could say..smash them into orbit, where it takes 60 seconds (graced) to crash back the world of Achaea to re enter the battlefield. 5 rooms from within the area of interest are violence free.
Current endgame goal holder provide utility, boasting rights or monetary gain for cities - travel, end/wp regen, xp boost, city gold/credit increase (for citizen credit sale support), Deity statue at NoT, essence bonus per offer/kill etc. There is a limited pool of benefits that are distributed by the cities. For example, say there are 9 benefits, each city could have 3 slots, then the weaker city could have the top ones; or no limit and give city C all the hard benefits. For example, Ashtan would be more interested in statue, essence, flavour stuff while having little use for the hard bonuses.
Each city keeps their laws, but INDIVIDUAL city factions are divided for roleplay and flavour (pretty much what it is now). The isolationist status quo will obviously have to go, but I think that has done more to harm the game than benefit.
Icons can no longer be destroyed, but go dormant for 72 hours when depleted to 0%.
To be determined:
What represents the factions?What's are the goals within the battlefield, and how are scores kept?Remove class restrictions within factions?
Should we tie Icons and Nishnatoba into this?
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The Reckoning, for example. Did the game break? Of course not. You can't stop roleplay.
Of course, this is an idea I just threw together. Since we're both players in the same game, suggestions are definitely welcome.
Essentially you have two strong com cities plus one strong noncom vs the same.
I like the idea of opening up classes to other cities but IMO only for Hashan and Cyrene, since they could potentially be neutral grounds for the their allied cities. I think this opens up more opportunity for these cities to grow as well since they are free to have occultists fighting alongside apostates, for example. I approve of this beyond the scope of the event, even.
I like the idea of icon dormancy if only so Mhaldor can actually have icons, heh, and I love the idea of actually using Nish as a place to wage war. Maybe even for battleground style events, like CTF, though more unique. I would like to see something involving denizens, like Mhaldor leading hordes of demons into Nish and Ashtan bringing Chaos entities, etc, fighting for control (this could also perhaps be used to balance out during on off times). Maybe king of the hill type scenario? EDIT: KOTH isn't exactly what I mean, more like... Risk if you're familiar with it? Maybe instead of specific icons for houses we'd be fighting for icons that function like relics to whoever is being empowered by them (one for health regen, mana regen, etc, etc).
Like in real life, I don't believe that hatred MUST be inherent to religious difference. No one needs to violate beliefs. They must cooperate for survival.
As far as factional "goals", you have to remember that they're not actually attainable. They're not real. They're ideas, and will continue to be so.
This was a thing. We did this. Team Red and Team Blue. Team Red won all the time Then Mhaldor wanted it's ball back from Ashtan even though Ashtan had NFI it had Mhaldor's ball but whatever Mhaldor showed up with like 50 dudes and was all "Yo, gimme my ball." and Ashtan was all "Bitch what?" and then it was like this big fight except not really because lolguards and Mhaldor took their ball back, and then prompty forgot about it, like whatever that ball was stupid anyways but the end result was Ashtan and Mhaldor weren't BFFs any more.
Then the Church set a forest on fire and followed up with public news 18738 begging Eleusis not to stop hanging out with them after school.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
That's just some vague idea i have.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
No back stabbing, definitely not.
I get the idealistic preferences. My split is definitely more balanced. Actually, no suggestions seem to be realistic toward a balanced, fun game for all.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
I loved the reckoning type playstyle though, but I like that it is done through individual events.
It might be a good idea to keep The Reckoning on a regular basis. I seriously thought that was some revolutionary shit.
Let's say each time they initiate conflict, the reason can be different.
The only thing the reckoning was missing was small player (Hashan) incentive. Otherwise it was perfect.
I really do want to focus on big brother/little brother city relationship. Or at least an opportunity to give it a run, where spoils can be shared or given.
I just don't see how polarized factions are good for gameplay. The Reckoning came smack in the middle of Eleusis starting to take an aggressive tone with Targossas, and the way it turned into Team Red vs Team Blue felt like a smack in the face of the factional RP we'd been working hard on.
Like Bluji said, this whole thing feels like locking Achaea into Horde vs Alliance. Mechanically speaking it seems like a cool idea, battlefields and big factional battles, but surely there's a way to re-work the idea into all the cities competing for themselves. Or allow RP'd alliances, if the cities want. But definitely in no way whatsoever should factions be locked into alliances.
So if Ashtan a hypothetical city holds more than 3/9, it starts to dramatically reduce their reset time. Or it becomes harder for that city to win additional rewards, by exponentially increasing their threshold for victory. This would permit cities to still fight but hand off rewards to an allied city, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
What type of battles do you envision this system involving? Area-wide PVP? It could be interesting if some of the battlefields involved different things, like ship battles, NPC boss battles, or subterfuge.
If you can't start a sanction, you can take the relic with "RELIC STEAL" that is like a 5 min channel or something, to stop people not responding. Having something tangible to fight over would make the war system a bit more meaningful too.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
God, no. We finally got the factions to split.
Small fights are more fun.