Makes me wonder how many unique honours lines there are, and who has them.
Aringar's dragon line
And conversely, Vincenzio's dragon line. And, Relics.
Thanks for reminding me that I'm the sole person with the "He placed 7th in the Year 600 Championship Games." line. Makes me feel like one special cookie, indeed.
that's not it... I can't find where that random highlight came from. It's driving me crazy
I get random highlights like that as well. Most of the time is a portion of a name I have on my personal highlight trigger. Like the a and d in adverse will highlight (assuming cause of Jadys). I have noticed it never happens in tells, though, and is always a portion of someone's name (which could be a coincidence)
@Kayle waves about a crate marked "live animal inside" energetically.
Kayle says in Cyrenese with a clear accent, "I got a hippo, I got a hippo, I got a hippo hey hey hey!"
You say, "Are you just going to let it suffocate?"
Kayle gives a crate marked "live animal inside" to you.
Kayle says in Cyrenese with a clear accent, "I have been waiting for you!"
Planks of plain timber are assembled into this sturdy crate, with gaps between each slat to allow air flow. On each side, in red letters, are the words: "live animal inside."
It weighs about 5 pounds.
A crate marked "live animal inside" is holding:
"hippo185814" a pygmy hippo
It contains a total of 1 items of a max of 0.
You say, "Yep that's a hippo!"
You give a crate marked "live animal inside" to Kayle.
Kayle says in Cyrenese with a clear accent, "Its for you silly."
Kayle gives a crate marked "live animal inside" to you.
Kayle says in Cyrenese with a clear accent, "So you always have a piece of me with you."
Task# Status Description -------------------------------------- Make Targossas less sucky 284 [x] Neutralise the Aviancan threat 285 [x] Festival of Dawn 286 [ ] Make the Merchant's Guide useful 287 [ ] Rename a city navy ship to something less special snowflake 288 [ ] Live to see lower city deleted
A frenzied cleric screams, "Like more than one halo!"
Woke up to a message from @Moco. Discussed potted plants with @Deladan. Had a belated birthday party with @Verrucht and @Dani, who gave me a cute tundra wolf pup. @Nicca and @Kez (thanks for the cake) added to the cheer. Learned a new word: librator. A quiet and very pleasant evening.
Started birthday celebrations today. Was stoked to finish my Dragon skin pack finally from my last run of globes due to current globes getting talisman market going. This led to spending way more money on globes than I should have. Totally worked out. Wound up with wings and a shadow cloak after trade in and selling, both of which I have always wanted. A very happy start to a birthday weekend.
Made my first credit purchase last night, and today I decided that after a few days of constant though ( so constant that I'd made it through whole days without thinking of much else) I realized I'd never be 100% sure on which class I wanted to be and decided to dive head first into blademaster. So now I am tri-trans with a level one band.
inb4 ashtan kills the spawn, enters the chaos plane to lay siege to Golgotha's home with Glaaki, only to realise on the final moment that Glaaki is someone else in disguise that kills Golgotha and the mortals of the realm have to learn how to pick up a second class to even begin to hope to kill said anonymous entity!
It's obviously going to be Slith.
I swear to whichever Gods will hear me that if Slith is involved in ANY event ever again as some sort of "twist" I'll burn down all of Chicago just to take out Achaea's server.
He's not even a cliche any more, it's just lazy story telling.
inb4 ashtan kills the spawn, enters the chaos plane to lay siege to Golgotha's home with Glaaki, only to realise on the final moment that Glaaki is someone else in disguise that kills Golgotha and the mortals of the realm have to learn how to pick up a second class to even begin to hope to kill said anonymous entity!
It's obviously going to be Slith.
I swear to whichever Gods will hear me that if Slith is involved in ANY event ever again as some sort of "twist" I'll burn down all of Chicago just to take out Achaea's server.
He's not even a cliche any more, it's just lazy story telling.
what if he dies?
Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!" Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh." Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
inb4 ashtan kills the spawn, enters the chaos plane to lay siege to Golgotha's home with Glaaki, only to realise on the final moment that Glaaki is someone else in disguise that kills Golgotha and the mortals of the realm have to learn how to pick up a second class to even begin to hope to kill said anonymous entity!
It's obviously going to be Slith.
I swear to whichever Gods will hear me that if Slith is involved in ANY event ever again as some sort of "twist" I'll burn down all of Chicago just to take out Achaea's server.
He's not even a cliche any more, it's just lazy story telling.
inb4 ashtan kills the spawn, enters the chaos plane to lay siege to Golgotha's home with Glaaki, only to realise on the final moment that Glaaki is someone else in disguise that kills Golgotha and the mortals of the realm have to learn how to pick up a second class to even begin to hope to kill said anonymous entity!
It's obviously going to be Slith.
I swear to whichever Gods will hear me that if Slith is involved in ANY event ever again as some sort of "twist" I'll burn down all of Chicago just to take out Achaea's server.
He's not even a cliche any more, it's just lazy story telling.
what if he dies?
I'll accept a single world emote where in Slith appears and immediatly gets run through by Mick. No Events post
Spent 10 minutes tumbling about Annwyn while @Medi and @Entaro tried to kill me, went back with @Achilles, got killed again but we got Medi the second time! Thanks for the fun boyz, PS you owe me 300 bloodroot
I just broke the Sacred Oath of the Occultist House. Not even a little "Oh, I told someone what the entities do" bending, this was a full on "HEY GUYS CHECK THIS SHIT OUT" BBT.
I just broke the Sacred Oath of the Occultist House. Not even a little "Oh, I told someone what the entities do" bending, this was a full on "HEY GUYS CHECK THIS SHIT OUT" BBT.
That's my boy. Give it to those absinthe-swilling fucks
Novice led King of the Hills! Woohoo. Was such a blast once we got both of them pointed in the right direction. I recommend every faction try one. Definitely a trial by fire method of introducing people to group combat. The rules we played by:
Only novices can call targets. Novices cannot focus each other. If an enemy enters your room, you sit there hoping they call that person next. This leads to forced grouping around the novice. You cannot at any point dictate your own target.
*Disclaimer: it's meant to be fun. If one novice needs a little help, help them out. Make sure to forward tips and ideas to them. Fun is the goal.
Thanks for reminding me that I'm the sole person with the "He placed 7th in the Year 600 Championship Games." line. Makes me feel like one special cookie, indeed.
There are solutions!
Task# Status Description
Make Targossas less sucky
284 [x] Neutralise the Aviancan threat
285 [x] Festival of Dawn
286 [ ] Make the Merchant's Guide useful
287 [ ] Rename a city navy ship to something less special snowflake
288 [ ] Live to see lower city deleted
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
Preach it brother....
He's not even a cliche any more, it's just lazy story telling.
Also, I'ma sink that!
Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
[ SnB PvP Guide | Link ]
Only a problem if you're also spending the credits. Just wait for the price to go up a bit and re-sell them.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
Only novices can call targets.
Novices cannot focus each other.
If an enemy enters your room, you sit there hoping they call that person next. This leads to forced grouping around the novice.
You cannot at any point dictate your own target.
*Disclaimer: it's meant to be fun. If one novice needs a little help, help them out. Make sure to forward tips and ideas to them. Fun is the goal.