What Happened To You Today?



  • KryptonKrypton shi-Khurena
    Ahmet said:
    Sarathai said:
    Makes me wonder how many unique honours lines there are, and who has them.
    Aringar's dragon line
    And conversely, Vincenzio's dragon line. And, Relics.

    Thanks for reminding me that I'm the sole person with the "He placed 7th in the Year 600 Championship Games." line. Makes me feel like one special cookie, indeed.
  • Dochitha said:
    that's not it... I can't find where that random highlight came from. It's driving me crazy
  • AustereAustere Tennessee
    Morthif said:
    Dochitha said:
    that's not it... I can't find where that random highlight came from. It's driving me crazy
    I get random highlights like that as well.  Most of the time is a portion of a name I have on my personal highlight trigger.  Like the a and d in adverse will highlight (assuming cause of Jadys). I have noticed it never happens in tells, though, and is always a portion of someone's name (which could be a coincidence)
  • @Dragonknight want to explain this better than I can?

    There are solutions!

  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    Kandra said:

    Kayle says in Cyrenese with a clear accent, "So you always have a piece of me with you."

    But he gave you a hippo...

  • I don't get it, are you overthrowing the Bloodsworn, what makes it a grey dawn? why not CTS Lotteries?
  • @Morthif Because it was half funded by auctions.
  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    Achilles said:
    You level your draconic gaze at a decaying lich, assaulting him with psychic waves of force.
    A decaying lich exclaims, "Curse you, Achilles! My master shall avenge me, just you wait and see!"
    You have slain a decaying lich, retrieving the corpse.
    Your soul cries out in ecstasy as it reaches new heights of power. You have advanced to level 109.
    You have reached the illustrious level of 3rd Stratum of Puissance.
    *** Congratulations, you've just completed the Battlerage Basics task! ***
    You feel your experience grow as a result of your accomplishment.
    oops, lost level 109 raiding :angry: 


    You dive behind cover as the massive flame-infused creature reaches critical mass. Screaming in rage 
    and pain, a coruscating fire elemental explodes with a massive blast, decimating almost everything 
    in the surrounding area.
    As the elating experience of victory washes over you, you feel your understanding of the world 
    Your soul cries out in ecstasy as it reaches new heights of power. You have advanced to level 109.
    You have reached the illustrious level of 3rd Stratum of Puissance.

  • Started birthday celebrations today. Was stoked to finish my Dragon skin pack finally from my last run of globes due to current globes getting talisman market going. This led to spending way more money on globes than I should have. Totally worked out. Wound up with wings and a shadow cloak after trade in and selling, both of which I have always wanted. A very happy start to a birthday weekend. 
  • Had some fun 2v2 skirmishes on, and around, Clouds with @Ethoas, @Micositu and @Aelios. Thanks guys.
  • Made my first credit purchase last night, and today I decided that after a few days of constant though ( so constant that I'd made it through whole days without thinking of much else) I realized I'd never be 100% sure on which class I wanted to be and decided to dive head first into blademaster. So now I am tri-trans with a level one band.

  • Citizen                                                     Rank CT  Class
    -------                                                     ---- --  -----
    Activist Cadalem                                              2  On  Priest
    Preach, of Targossas                                        1  On  Priest
    Ivory Apostle Ashelynne Wintermourne            2  On  Priest
    Xarii                                                                 1  On  Runewarden
    Mithridates Phyrros                                          5  On  Magi (Dragon)
    Shepherd Isaeah Wintermourne                                  2  On  Paladin
    Aspirant Xykon                                                2  On  Dragon (Paladin)

    Preach it brother....

  • Call him Peach or peaches.
  • TharvisTharvis The Land of Beer and Chocolate!
    Kinilan said:
    Sarathai said:
    Tharvis said:
    inb4 ashtan kills the spawn, enters the chaos plane to lay siege to Golgotha's home with Glaaki, only to realise on the final moment that Glaaki is someone else in disguise that kills Golgotha and the mortals of the realm have to learn how to pick up a second class to even begin to hope to kill said anonymous entity!
    It's obviously going to be Slith.
    I swear to whichever Gods will hear me that if Slith is involved in ANY event ever again as some sort of "twist" I'll burn down all of Chicago just to take out Achaea's server.

    He's not even a cliche any more, it's just lazy story telling.

    what if he dies?
    Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!"
    Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
    Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."

  • I'm trying to save for a Seastrider to call it the "Verdant Violence" but I keep buying credits with my gold instead :(

    [ SnB PvP Guide | Link ]

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  • Tharvis said:
    Kinilan said:
    Sarathai said:
    Tharvis said:
    inb4 ashtan kills the spawn, enters the chaos plane to lay siege to Golgotha's home with Glaaki, only to realise on the final moment that Glaaki is someone else in disguise that kills Golgotha and the mortals of the realm have to learn how to pick up a second class to even begin to hope to kill said anonymous entity!
    It's obviously going to be Slith.
    I swear to whichever Gods will hear me that if Slith is involved in ANY event ever again as some sort of "twist" I'll burn down all of Chicago just to take out Achaea's server.

    He's not even a cliche any more, it's just lazy story telling.

    what if he dies?

  • edited August 2015
    I'm trying to save for a Seastrider to call it the "Verdant Violence" but I keep buying credits with my gold instead :(

    Only a problem if you're also spending the credits. Just wait for the price to go up a bit and re-sell them.
  • Tharvis said:
    Kinilan said:
    Sarathai said:
    Tharvis said:
    inb4 ashtan kills the spawn, enters the chaos plane to lay siege to Golgotha's home with Glaaki, only to realise on the final moment that Glaaki is someone else in disguise that kills Golgotha and the mortals of the realm have to learn how to pick up a second class to even begin to hope to kill said anonymous entity!
    It's obviously going to be Slith.
    I swear to whichever Gods will hear me that if Slith is involved in ANY event ever again as some sort of "twist" I'll burn down all of Chicago just to take out Achaea's server.

    He's not even a cliche any more, it's just lazy story telling.

    what if he dies?
    I'll accept a single world emote where in Slith appears and immediatly gets run through by Mick. No Events post
  • @Kinilan  We will see. The denizen crew on it is still pretty green. The adventurer? Not so much.
  • Spent 10 minutes tumbling about Annwyn while @Medi  and @Entaro tried to kill me, went back with @Achilles, got killed again but we got Medi the second time! Thanks for the fun boyz, PS you owe me 300 bloodroot
  • Arditi said:
    I just broke the Sacred Oath of the Occultist House. Not even a little "Oh, I told someone what the entities do" bending, this was a full on "HEY GUYS CHECK THIS SHIT OUT" BBT.
    That's my boy. Give it to those absinthe-swilling fucks :D

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