Emphasis on "for a short time", because the buff only lasts a minute. Also, they need to be undeaf to hear your song, which makes logical sense but deafness is a pretty standard defense, so its like..."hey friend, can you apply epidermal so I can give you this 1 minute buff?"
Please make Aria work through deafness. Or throw it in Harmonics, instead of Voicecraft, give it a 1 minute timer and make it work for allies in the room. Or make the buff last 25 minutes.
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.
It works pretty good for a hunting buff. You and your friend can take deafness off keepup, then you just set up sing triggers for aria while hunting to give both of you a health buff.
It's especially strong when you see a teammate go prone and auralbless teammate;sing aria at teammate.
Saved @Jhui a few times with that.
Honestly, I just find it annoying that I have to pause blindness curing to apply epidermal twice to use it. RELAX DEAFNESS would be nice.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Oh, wow. Nevermind, then! Aria's fine.Mini-transmute, I like that :P
Yeah I did discover I could also auralbless / aria myself.
my complaint with Aria:
2014/04/24 10:13:58 - Lilian has been slain by the poignant ending of a glorious Aria.
and I've only ever been a class with weathering, it really makes me miss weathering..and Weathering as far as I can remember, DIDN'T raise the con stat (I could be wrong it's been awhile now, or I've just been to used to having high con in general.)
I'd love for it to either last longer or be perma. But it isn't to big of a deal for it to not be.
All weathering does is raise con (by 1). Funny that aria wearing off can be fatal, never seen that.
Come join the Achaea discord!
yeah I escaped a room and stopped bleeding at 3 hp...aria wore off and dead
Still, maybe buff it to last five minutes. It's gets a little annoying to re-apply so often.
It's annoying how quickly aria wears off, but iirc, you can reset the timer by using it while you already have it. At least, I think that's how it worked while I was bard forever ago. I can vaguely recall making a 45 second repeating timer to check for voice balance and then singing aria to reset it.
Also, I never put up deafness during PvE, so I didn't have to worry about it.
Interesting. Definitely testing that.
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.
Sounds good to me. Tbh, I could be thinking of something else entirely. I haven't been bard since 2010ish, so my memory on the subject may be faulty.
Not really comparable to transmute. Heals a much smaller amount, can only be used once, and increases your max health (and thus the damage you will take) at the same time. Weathering is a better comparison.
Singing aria while aria is already up -does- reset the timer, though, so you can keep the health bonus up.
First of all, Aria's primary function in PVP in my experience is healing, not the max health boost. I don't think that the max health bonus is intended to be used as a "defense", it's more like a momentary bonus, and counter against damage stacking tactics by both burst healing and increasing your healing-per-second for a minute (effectively making it a good bashing tool as a side effect).
I think you have a good point though, considering that bard is one of the squishiest classes out there. I think both of these ideas are worth at least considering for next classleads.
A ) Get rid of the deaf requirement, it is pretty silly.
C) Keep the max health effect and allow Aria to be repeated for healing, with a significant WP increase.
Extending the max health buff would make it essentially a rune, which is effectively stackable with all other max health / resistance buffs. We just got rid of algiz, why add another Jera?
Epidermal to ears was already mentioned, but you can also auralbless yourself.
A ) The thing about the deafness requirement is that it goes hand in hand with the rest of Voicecraft, as well as fit thematically with the idea that it is a song, and it must be heard to work. Sure, it can be inconvenient, but it also adds a little flavor to the class.
B ) Would not mind this overmuch, so long as the mechanic of Aria taking the health away after a set time was preserved.
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.
yeah... I never use this skill. The buff doesn't last long enough to be worth it and there's a chance of it disappearing at the most inopportune times and it keeps me off voice balance.
We already have continuo though... so we don't really need another healing harmonic. And it is useful in extremely rare circumstances, where you're just about to die and you need that last one moment to escape when you're hunting something...
It'd be nice if it was a healing skill that didn't wear off though. But that might be slightly OP since we're supposed to be a bit squishier and stuff to counteract all the other buffs we provide/have... Or if it didn't take balance. -hopeful-
I will not draw them in the order that they are requested... rather in the order that I get inspiration/artist block.
Bard really doesn't need to tank or heal, it has damage avoidance galore.
And yes, I agree, I almost never used Aria (only exception being bashing DKs) - it just isn't worth the time.
Would love if aria just healed and could be used multiple times.
The undeaf requirement would be well worth that.
As is, I tend to use it like a con buff while bashing, and ignore it for pk. The "healing" it does is negligible for me.
except using Aria increases your health, which guess what? Changes your limb health! You can use aria to throw off peoples limb counting so easily that we break a dsl/combo early and that's great. It's the only useful thing about Aria being on such a short time. I'd rather it just work like weathering really and make it no longer work on other adventurers.
I don't agree with the weathering thing though, that's simply "too good". Some of these ideas are worth setting on the back burner until classleads though.
To be fair I never said it was the -best- option. Also the other ways to do it, other then racial change is against the rules. (You're not allowed to remove +con items mid fight, it changes the amount you sip for to give you MORE health and there is a post that says don't do it. And no post since saying this bug has been fixed). But Aria does have a use in combat is my general point.
Can we get Riposte accuracy checked out while we're at it, I swear its quite terrible.
Riposte's problem is that it matches the damage type used, so you're using bash with a rapier against blunt attacks, which makes it absolutely worthless for blunt damage. Cutting hits a lot more, but it is still a lacklustre ability imo. Accuracy buff won't change that really, it's just poor damage and no real effect on the fight.
Aria is only really good against damage stacking (and this, also bashing), which is what it is for. The limb damage thing is theoretically neat, but makes a pretty tiny difference (probably only noticeable by knights) and has lots of easy counters. There are also several legal ways to change your max health mid combat (there are like 5+ ways to modify con stat mid combat).
Stick to Aria when they start spamming meteors/Thurisaz/Hirst/Jhui and you'll do ok.
Aria increases your HPS (sip and regen) as well as healing you and giving you a larger health buffer, which is why it can be really great going into a damage stack. But yeah, it's definite good against knights, but I wouldn't bother trying that against anyone else.