That's some pretty effective multi-tasking. Proficy and Santar were dueling at the time.
You tell Santar Darkwind, "Heading out, no earring." H: 8768 (104%), M: 6972 (99%) (91%)w, (100%)e 12:40:58.164 ex- 0/0|0/2|0/0|4 -d (null)cwho Santar tells you, "See ya." H: 8768 (104%), M: 6987 (99%) (91%)w, (100%)e 12:41:01.554 ex- 0/0|0/2|0/0|4 -d (null)(-15 Mana) vg pro veilglance pro Folding the Veil of reality, you bend your mighty will to seek out Proficy. Along the Prelatorian Highway (road). --- Area 32: The Central Wilderness --------- | | | | | [ ] / [ ] / / / [ ] [ ] | | [ ] | \ | [ ] / | \ \ \ / [ ]-[ ]-[ ]- - - | / [ ]
----------------- -28:18:0 ------------------ The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. A ladder of long, soft leaves comprises a wispy Weaver's Fern along the ground. An icewall is here, blocking passage to the south. An icewall is here, blocking passage to the northeast. A young blue dragon stands here with an aloof stare, wagging his tail idly. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. Shoremaster Proficy is here, sprawled on the floor. Santar Darkwind is here, shrouded. He wields a Shield of Absorption in his left hand and Thoth's fang in his right. You see exits leading northeast and south. H: 8768 (104%), M: 6483 (92%) (90%)w, (100%)e 12:41:05.673 x- 0/0|0/2|0/0|4 -d (null)(-504 Mana) You have recovered equilibrium. (4.802s) H: 8768 (104%), M: 6604 (94%) (90%)w, (100%)e 12:41:10.472 ex- 0/0|0/2|0/0|4 -d (null)(+121 Mana) vg pro veilglance pro Folding the Veil of reality, you bend your mighty will to seek out Proficy. Along the Prelatorian Highway (road). --- Area 32: The Central Wilderness --------- | | | | | [ ] / [ ] / / / [ ] [ ] | | [ ] | \ | [ ] / | \ \ \ / [ ]-[ ]-[ ]- - - | / [ ]
----------------- -28:18:0 ------------------ The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. A ladder of long, soft leaves comprises a wispy Weaver's Fern along the ground. An icewall is here, blocking passage to the south. An icewall is here, blocking passage to the northeast. A young blue dragon stands here with an aloof stare, wagging his tail idly. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. Shoremaster Proficy is here, sprawled on the floor. Santar Darkwind is here, shrouded. He is rapidly swinging a sword above his head. You see exits leading northeast and south. H: 8768 (104%), M: 6164 (88%) (90%)w, (99%)e 12:41:15.410 x- 0/0|0/2|0/0|4 -d (null)(-440 Mana) Proficy's back has broken under convulsions caused by Santar Darkwind's voyria venom. H: 8768 (104%), M: 6285 (89%) (90%)w, (100%)e 12:41:19.781 x- 0/0|0/2|0/0|4 -d (null)(+121 Mana) You have recovered equilibrium. (4.85s)
No burst otherwise it might have been a double kill
Malakath has been slain by the might of a branding iron.
"Faded away like the stars in the morning, Losing their light in the glorious sun, Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling, Only remembered for what we have done."
"Faded away like the stars in the morning, Losing their light in the glorious sun, Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling, Only remembered for what we have done."
"Faded away like the stars in the morning, Losing their light in the glorious sun, Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling, Only remembered for what we have done."
* Our Globes of Shifting Continents promotion has been extended for two weeks, we've taken this opportunity to deck them out with a range of new prizes! They're still laden with talisman pieces, so be sure to pick yours up to finish your sets before the 15th.
Translation: holy $!#@ we're making a ton of cash off these.
Amid the thriving indigo. The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. Resting on the ground is a cube-shaped silver sigil. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. Pale violet flowers bloom upon a bushy indigo plant. An indigo nightfire butterfly flutters here peacefully. A common red admiral butterfly flits about over your head. Atalkez al'Dejan, the Damned is here. He wields a bard's lyre in his left hand and an ornate steel rapier in his right. You see exits leading north, northeast, east, west, and northwest. "Tsk, tsk," you say, waggling a finger at Atalkez. A look of true love crosses Atalkez's face. A look of purest love crosses Atalkez's face, and Atalkez is summoned away.
Amid the thriving indigo. The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. Resting on the ground is a cube-shaped silver sigil. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. Pale violet flowers bloom upon a bushy indigo plant. An indigo nightfire butterfly flutters here peacefully. A common red admiral butterfly flits about over your head. Atalkez al'Dejan, the Damned is here. He wields a bard's lyre in his left hand and an ornate steel rapier in his right. You see exits leading north, northeast, east, west, and northwest. "Tsk, tsk," you say, waggling a finger at Atalkez. A look of true love crosses Atalkez's face. A look of purest love crosses Atalkez's face, and Atalkez is summoned away.
Product of 5v1 ganks being normal
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
Upon dark, webbed wings, a small forest bat scours the area for prey.
The furry pelt of this small bat is dark brown, with a belly of lighter grey, making him nearly invisible in the shadows. His black eyes are small and beady, while his large ears and narrow snout give him a vulpine appearance, accentuated by the sharp teeth that line his mouth. With a shorter wingspan than most birds of comparable size, this bat is able to manoeuvre efficiently through confined spaces, such as the dense forests from which he originates. He is called 'Nacht.' A forest bat looks relatively helpless. He weighs about 3 pounds and 12 ounce(s). He is loyal to Lucine. A forest bat is holding: Nothing. It will reset to you.
Amid the thriving indigo. The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. Resting on the ground is a cube-shaped silver sigil. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. Pale violet flowers bloom upon a bushy indigo plant. An indigo nightfire butterfly flutters here peacefully. A common red admiral butterfly flits about over your head. Atalkez al'Dejan, the Damned is here. He wields a bard's lyre in his left hand and an ornate steel rapier in his right. You see exits leading north, northeast, east, west, and northwest. "Tsk, tsk," you say, waggling a finger at Atalkez. A look of true love crosses Atalkez's face. A look of purest love crosses Atalkez's face, and Atalkez is summoned away.
Product of 5v1 ganks being normal
Usually it's the other way around. 5 people appearing by earring.
Upon dark, webbed wings, a small forest bat scours the area for prey.
The furry pelt of this small bat is dark brown, with a belly of lighter grey, making him nearly invisible in the shadows. His black eyes are small and beady, while his large ears and narrow snout give him a vulpine appearance, accentuated by the sharp teeth that line his mouth. With a shorter wingspan than most birds of comparable size, this bat is able to manoeuvre efficiently through confined spaces, such as the dense forests from which he originates. He is called 'Nacht.' A forest bat looks relatively helpless. He weighs about 3 pounds and 12 ounce(s). He is loyal to Lucine. A forest bat is holding: Nothing. It will reset to you.
Santar stands up. 7550h, 7483m, 24382e, 30344w ckdb- Santar begins to flap his wings powerfully, and rises quickly up into the firmament. 7550h, 7483m, 24382e, 30344w ckdb- You have recovered equilibrium. 7550h, 7483m, 24382e, 30344w cekdb- Hirst clenches his fists and grits his teeth. 7550h, 7483m, 24382e, 30356w cekdb- You have recovered balance on all limbs. 7550h, 7483m, 24382e, 30356w cexkdb- 7209h, 7483m, 24362e, 30326w cexkdb- With a great flap of your leathery wings, you pound the air furiously, generating a gale-force wind to becalm the firmament. Santar suddenly falls into view from the sky above you with a terrified scream, plummeting head first to the surface with a sickening crunch. Santar has been slain by misadventure.
Someone's mad. Was a Gare fight that moved out of Gare when I saw Havyn lurking. Was not even remotely close to dead. If you count not breaking a limb in dform with no affs on as close to dead, sure.
(Party): Santar says, "I had dunn dead but." (Party): Santar says, "Like 4 people earring'd in to help him while I was 1v1ing."
Found the problem in your argument right here. What you got there is a classic Santar, I see 'em popping up all over Targossas there days, but you never know where the next one will pop up. You're gonna need to treat that with a heavy coating of disbelief and ensure you know who you're listening to.
Don't worry, here to help.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
You tell Santar Darkwind, "Heading out, no earring."
H: 8768 (104%), M: 6972 (99%) (91%)w, (100%)e 12:40:58.164 ex- 0/0|0/2|0/0|4 -d (null)cwho
Santar tells you, "See ya."
H: 8768 (104%), M: 6987 (99%) (91%)w, (100%)e 12:41:01.554 ex- 0/0|0/2|0/0|4 -d (null)(-15 Mana) vg pro
veilglance pro
Folding the Veil of reality, you bend your mighty will to seek out Proficy.
Along the Prelatorian Highway (road).
--- Area 32: The Central Wilderness ---------
[ ]
[ ]
[ ] [ ]
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[ ] |
\ |
[ ]
/ | \
\ /
[ ]-[ ]-[ ]- - -
| /
[ ]
----------------- -28:18:0 ------------------
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. A ladder of long, soft
leaves comprises a wispy Weaver's Fern along the ground. An icewall is here, blocking passage to the
south. An icewall is here, blocking passage to the northeast. A young blue dragon stands here with
an aloof stare, wagging his tail idly. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on
the ground. Shoremaster Proficy is here, sprawled on the floor. Santar Darkwind is here, shrouded.
He wields a Shield of Absorption in his left hand and Thoth's fang in his right.
You see exits leading northeast and south.
H: 8768 (104%), M: 6483 (92%) (90%)w, (100%)e 12:41:05.673 x- 0/0|0/2|0/0|4 -d (null)(-504 Mana)
You have recovered equilibrium. (4.802s)
H: 8768 (104%), M: 6604 (94%) (90%)w, (100%)e 12:41:10.472 ex- 0/0|0/2|0/0|4 -d (null)(+121 Mana) vg pro
veilglance pro
Folding the Veil of reality, you bend your mighty will to seek out Proficy.
Along the Prelatorian Highway (road).
--- Area 32: The Central Wilderness ---------
[ ]
[ ]
[ ] [ ]
| |
[ ] |
\ |
[ ]
/ | \
\ /
[ ]-[ ]-[ ]- - -
| /
[ ]
----------------- -28:18:0 ------------------
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. A ladder of long, soft
leaves comprises a wispy Weaver's Fern along the ground. An icewall is here, blocking passage to the
south. An icewall is here, blocking passage to the northeast. A young blue dragon stands here with
an aloof stare, wagging his tail idly. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on
the ground. Shoremaster Proficy is here, sprawled on the floor. Santar Darkwind is here, shrouded.
He is rapidly swinging a sword above his head.
You see exits leading northeast and south.
H: 8768 (104%), M: 6164 (88%) (90%)w, (99%)e 12:41:15.410 x- 0/0|0/2|0/0|4 -d (null)(-440 Mana)
Proficy's back has broken under convulsions caused by Santar Darkwind's voyria venom.
H: 8768 (104%), M: 6285 (89%) (90%)w, (100%)e 12:41:19.781 x- 0/0|0/2|0/0|4 -d (null)(+121 Mana)
You have recovered equilibrium. (4.85s)
No burst otherwise it might have been a double kill
Losing their light in the glorious sun,
Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling,
Only remembered for what we have done."
Losing their light in the glorious sun,
Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling,
Only remembered for what we have done."
dash of Gadfly."
(The Midnight Crew): Nellaundra says, "Synbios."
(The Midnight Crew): Nellaundra says, "I haven't been on TVTropes in weeks."
(The Midnight Crew): You say, "Yes."
(The Midnight Crew): Nellaundra says, "Do not make me start the new year off with this."
(The Midnight Crew): You say, "Happy new solar revolution, Nellaundra."
And so the Trope corruption begins.
Losing their light in the glorious sun,
Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling,
Only remembered for what we have done."
Translation: holy $!#@ we're making a ton of cash off these.
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. Resting on the ground is a cube-shaped silver sigil. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. Pale violet flowers bloom upon a bushy indigo plant. An indigo nightfire butterfly flutters here peacefully. A common red admiral butterfly flits about over your head. Atalkez al'Dejan, the Damned is here. He wields a bard's lyre in his left hand and an ornate steel rapier in his right.
You see exits leading north, northeast, east, west, and northwest.
"Tsk, tsk," you say, waggling a finger at Atalkez.
A look of true love crosses Atalkez's face.
A look of purest love crosses Atalkez's face, and Atalkez is summoned away.
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
The furry pelt of this small bat is dark brown, with a belly of lighter grey, making him nearly
invisible in the shadows. His black eyes are small and beady, while his large ears and narrow snout
give him a vulpine appearance, accentuated by the sharp teeth that line his mouth. With a shorter
wingspan than most birds of comparable size, this bat is able to manoeuvre efficiently through
confined spaces, such as the dense forests from which he originates. He is called 'Nacht.'
A forest bat looks relatively helpless.
He weighs about 3 pounds and 12 ounce(s).
He is loyal to Lucine.
A forest bat is holding:
It will reset to you.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Granted, it'd be like 5 of the best against an army of newbies.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Don't be so cheap: offer something significant!
Santar stands up.
7550h, 7483m, 24382e, 30344w ckdb-
Santar begins to flap his wings powerfully, and rises quickly up into the
7550h, 7483m, 24382e, 30344w ckdb-
You have recovered equilibrium.
7550h, 7483m, 24382e, 30344w cekdb-
Hirst clenches his fists and grits his teeth.
7550h, 7483m, 24382e, 30356w cekdb-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
7550h, 7483m, 24382e, 30356w cexkdb-
7209h, 7483m, 24362e, 30326w cexkdb-
With a great flap of your leathery wings, you pound the air furiously,
generating a gale-force wind to becalm the firmament.
Santar suddenly falls into view from the sky above you with a terrified scream,
plummeting head first to the surface with a sickening crunch.
Santar has been slain by misadventure.
(Party): Santar says, "I had dunn dead but."
(Party): Santar says, "Like 4 people earring'd in to help him while I was 1v1ing."
She doesn't like the sink...
Don't worry, here to help.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."