Couldn't think of a better topic title. Basically, what I'm wondering about is this: Has anyone else tried to play a character more creative than themselves? How hard is it to "fake" something like that? If I'm terrible with words and couldn't write even a mediocre poem or song if my life depended on it, and would have trouble even writing good descriptions for physical artwork (sculptures, paintings, etc.), how likely is it that I could play an artist or singer?
This is something I've always been curious about, but I've never tried. For my new character though, I've been thinking of trying something entirely outside my comfort zone, and wanted to get some thoughts on it.
On a related note, given the above deficiencies, how hard a time would I have in Ty Beirdd? I know almost nothing about the house, could I get very far without good writing skills?
On the other hand, playing as a bard actually got me into writing poetry, which I discovered is something I actually really enjoy doing. It took me a lot of reading and time before I wrote something that I thought was passable (and I'm certainly not going to claim any of the stuff I write/post in-game now is any good!) but I probably would've never personally pushed those boundaries if I hadn't felt compelled to not be a complete failure at the class with which I was sort of stuck at the time.
So I guess I'd say give it a shot. Pushing personal boundaries like that isn't ever really a bad thing. Best case is that you discover something you enjoy or something for which you might have a talent, and worst case... well, you don't really have anything to lose, especially if nobody knows it's you.
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.
I'm actually a biologist/mathematician/technical science-y writer person. I can't form complex, articulate sentences to save my life. Yet, here I am on the Bardic Council and heading a path in the Ty Beirdd.
In real life, I could care less about dance and music terminology and all that stuff. Sometimes, I do try to write a dance or a song ig and it has led me to doing a bunch of research and a lot of writer's block. Still, I have about a performance in every one of the paths, with the help and inspiration of other housemates. But that's why I stick to visual arts and design. I, at least, can draw (and I like to shop!). And I've been surrounded by those things almost all of my life. It was more of an easy way out sort of deal than a whole THIS IS RP sort of deal. If I wanted to go pure RP, I'd have been a lyricist.
A lot of the rest of the council actually do writing related things/have played an instrument or two in real life so they are extremely helpful in pointing out things that are right/wrong in your work if you happen to write something completely weird like you're playing your harp with a bow or something or if a painting is not what you were aiming for. They're all really patient and amazing when it comes to grading/giving criticism/praise. Most of us don't stray far from the house because we're always there to talk about a new piece with a student, whether it is to brainstorm ideas or just for general help in something.
And besides, as @Caoimhaen said, it's about having fun! Achaea is a game after all. Who cares if you're perfect? We'd love to have you here! Bug me if you want to talk more.
I will not draw them in the order that they are requested... rather in the order that I get inspiration/artist block.
So what I did was just described her heart-rending (often literally) dirges and such and let other people's imaginations take over. I don't know if this is accepted practice in Achaea, but if it is and you can't do lyrics yet, you can be flowery with emotes instead that describe your song until you can do lyrics for real.
If it's not the accepted practice, then have fun stumbling with the rest of us while we all learn!
A good thread, Sena.
While there is a happy coincidence of OOC/IC talent in many cases, in my view one does not need to be a great OOC artist to RP a great IC bard. Just like one does not need to be a black belt IRL to RP an outstanding monk.
Poor OOC writing can detract from a character's credibility. That is true across the game whether or not they're RPing a bard. "Romeo blinks at you all scary and stuff" is unlikely to make anyone think Romeo is a hardcore, feared Mark. "Juliet sticks her dager into her leg and cries lots as she prays" is unlikely to make anyone think Juliet is a great ritualist. It's not something specific to bards.
Scarlattans have access to text-canvasses. I implemented these to bypass the idea that one should need to have a great gallery on DeviantArt to be regarded as a credible painter in game, which has sometimes been the case in the past.
Cautionary note: if a player has no interest in artistic things OOCly, they may be bored by playing an artist. We are here to have fun!
Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
I joined the CIJ to play a happy go luck prankster, as a change from my typical doom and gloom or super serious rp character type.
I was absolutely horrified to discover that live performance was a big part of the House, and that performing in front of others would be a requirement. I was worried because of a) having to be creative, b) the technical aspects of emotes/illusions/aliases (these things are complex and intimidating), and c) stage fright/fear of criticism.
Moving on, last night I was working on a short skit for one of our novice requirements and had just finished a first draft when it was announced that Ty Beirdd would be having a New Year concert. I went expecting it to be a group music performance, but it turned out to be a few people each doing their own performance piece. I was so impressed by them it actually made me want to perform despite how much I didn't want to before. So I asked if I could perform the skit I had just written and they agreed. I went through with it and not only had a ton of fun doing it, but all of the Ty Beirdd people there were very supportive despite my lack of talent or experience and made me feel welcome among them. It was easily the best time I've had in game. Now I am actually looking forward to writing and performing more!
In short, go for it! I'm sure Ty Beirdd has even more advice scrolls than the CIJ does to help you out, as well as some skilled writers. Even if you only improve a little (or not at all) you can still have blast.
At the end of the day, you need to be having fun. If you normally don't enjoy writing and reading, then Bard and Ty Beirdd are not for you. However, if you're willing to put some elbow grease into it, you'll be surprised how much you can learn.