@Daeir: IC: eh's a pretty cool guy, he plays in targossas and doesn't afraid of nothing OOC: eh's a pretty cool guy, he complains a lot on forums and doesn't afraid of nothing
IC: You're more intelligent than you let on which has been betimes frustrating, but it seems like you're finally getting back to your old/new self. It's a pleasure seeing Siduri flex that in less nonsensical ways. Kudos for character development.
OOC: I don't know you that well out of character but you're a fellow Minecrafter so you get a pass. A lot of laughs seeing you on the server.
A frenzied cleric screams, "Like more than one halo!"
IC: You're one crazy bastard that seems to be highly amusing
OOC: You're one crazy bastard that likes to blow stuff up randomly and keeps me on my toes, but you're AWESOME at designing stuff! build moar on minecraft.
Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!" Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh." Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
@Berenene, while I don't know you IC at all, OOC you've made an amazing journey this year, between your weight loss and coming out with your family. Takes real guts (hur hur) to do what you did, and I can only hope the rest of us can follow in your example! Keep it up, and I hope you have a wonderful new year.
ICly, besides Daeir, you're pretty much the person Mel respects the most from Targossas. Through thick and thin, ups and downs, you've probably been through more of her journey than anyone else. Your character is both lively, solemn, scolding, and everything in-between. You're one of the few people who can constantly keep me on my toes and surprise me with your reaction. It is a true loss for me that Melodie can't really interact with Halos right now, and I hope that changes in the future, because you're by far one of my favourite people to be around. I'd keep going with examples, but then I'd keep everyone reading all night.
OOCly, the main clan we share together keeps me laughing. It's way too much fun to shock you and in turn get shocked as our real personalities show through sometimes in our conversations. You're a lot of fun to be around, and to bounce ideas with. Don't change a bit. You're a great person.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
ICly: You were fun to mess with, and it's always been a joy seeing you in Targs. I miss these times, because you're a really nice girl. I feel really sad about the Lorielan song you sang on the last Open Square, 'cause I didn't even know about Her betrayal back then.
OOCly: One of my old portrait customers, your order was the last I did before my accident/retirement, and it was a pleasure. It was nice doing business with you, and you were really helpful in your descriptions. That definitely set me on the right track.
@Siduri, man, that song was probably some of the worst luck. I had no idea it was by Lorielan, and was such an "oh god what have I done" moment. I use that experience to this day as to why Melodie will no longer perform in public (despite the good outcome of the restoration very shortly after).
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Tfw everyone skips over you. Let's raid /x/ together one day k.
l0l IDK too many scurry people. Raid targ = Santar-30manganksquad. Raid ashtan = Shecks might come and spout his vast knowledge of combat at me, and bore me to death. Raid eleusis = Rangor and his loyal army of F1 mashers. Mhaldor maybe, since all they have is worldburn now. That leaves only Cyrene and Hashan. And let's be honest... That is about as hard to raid as it is to make Shecks angry.
IC: You've been Nell's partner in crime and various mischief for ages, since they were both novices. You've been someone who she could always go to in order to get some relaxation in, be it by arguing with you about random crap or trying to beat your face in at the arena. Nim's method of madness makes her an absolutely wonderful partner for Nell, and I can't wait for a few specific things because it's going to be hilarious with Nim's reaction to them.
OOC: You're a great friend, a lovely person, and I really love talking to you. Even if I apparently cause time paradoxes doing so. They're worth it, so you get to fix the timestream, because I'm not going to stop talking to you.
@Vasriia - I don't even know if you use the forums but as a mentor I couldn't have asked for ANYONE better. I'm unbelievably hooked and consider you a LARGE part to thank for that.
@Roel - don't know if you post either but you taking the time to help me out IG has been kick dick. Looking forward to more interactions.
@Hhaos - again with not sure if you are on here but in the few interactions we've had I've enjoyed speaking with you and definitely see us doing more stuff together in game and keeping it interesting.
EDIT: And this is where I realize I should have read OP and realized I'm supposed to compliment the person who posted before me.
Whew! Sorry for the long post but I couldn't stick to just the person above me! For everyone else I'm sure you're awesome people whoever you are, I love everybody
IC: Being the first Druid Wyst ever met and nearly wanting to change class each time. OOC: Welcomes! Always glad to help out someone while I sit here at work at 1am watching Customs scans automate like the Matrix rain.
"Faded away like the stars in the morning, Losing their light in the glorious sun, Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling, Only remembered for what we have done."
IC: eh's a pretty cool guy, he plays in targossas and doesn't afraid of nothing
OOC: eh's a pretty cool guy, he complains a lot on forums and doesn't afraid of nothing
Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
@Berenene, while I don't know you IC at all, OOC you've made an amazing journey this year, between your weight loss and coming out with your family. Takes real guts (hur hur) to do what you did, and I can only hope the rest of us can follow in your example! Keep it up, and I hope you have a wonderful new year.
ICly, besides Daeir, you're pretty much the person Mel respects the most from Targossas. Through thick and thin, ups and downs, you've probably been through more of her journey than anyone else. Your character is both lively, solemn, scolding, and everything in-between. You're one of the few people who can constantly keep me on my toes and surprise me with your reaction. It is a true loss for me that Melodie can't really interact with Halos right now, and I hope that changes in the future, because you're by far one of my favourite people to be around. I'd keep going with examples, but then I'd keep everyone reading all night.
OOCly, the main clan we share together keeps me laughing. It's way too much fun to shock you and in turn get shocked as our real personalities show through sometimes in our conversations. You're a lot of fun to be around, and to bounce ideas with. Don't change a bit. You're a great person.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
IDK too many scurry people. Raid targ = Santar-30manganksquad. Raid ashtan = Shecks might come and spout his vast knowledge of combat at me, and bore me to death. Raid eleusis = Rangor and his loyal army of F1 mashers. Mhaldor maybe, since all they have is worldburn now. That leaves only Cyrene and Hashan. And let's be honest... That is about as hard to raid as it is to make Shecks angry.
Such skill.
Very terror.
Much afraid.
All I've had today are six gummy bears and some scotch
All I've had today are six gummy bears and some scotch
Your alt is sickeningly adorable. And you're really good at kicking my ass.
ETA (I'm at work, okay?): You also make some of the best and most informed posts I see up here, and it's honestly fun to read them.
You're like, so adorable and logical and (usually) polite and respectful. @_@ You're like the forum's beacon of logic and reason or something!!
And also I'm too tired to spell your name correctly, apparently! u_u
IC: You've been Nell's partner in crime and various mischief for ages, since they were both novices. You've been someone who she could always go to in order to get some relaxation in, be it by arguing with you about random crap or trying to beat your face in at the arena. Nim's method of madness makes her an absolutely wonderful partner for Nell, and I can't wait for a few specific things because it's going to be hilarious with Nim's reaction to them.
OOC: You're a great friend, a lovely person, and I really love talking to you. Even if I apparently cause time paradoxes doing so. They're worth it, so you get to fix the timestream, because I'm not going to stop talking to you.
I have undressed a god.
IC: Being the first Druid Wyst ever met and nearly wanting to change class each time.
OOC: Welcomes! Always glad to help out someone while I sit here at work at 1am watching Customs scans automate like the Matrix rain.
Losing their light in the glorious sun,
Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling,
Only remembered for what we have done."