What are your favorite class pairings?



  • Just go Bard and Jester and join Ty Beirdd. Fun guaranteed.
  • edited November 2013
    Bard/Runie in Cyrene would be good for a pair that does not want to involve themselves in PvP.

    In Targossas, Eleusis and Mhaldor you'll have to involve yourself somewhat in PvP.

    Cyrene/Ashtan/Hashan has a more "do whatever you want when it comes to involving yourself in PvP".

  • Skye said:
    Serpent / Knight seems an interesting pairing to me. Not because of any mechanic (although Serp is an amazing utility class, it's like having your own cab!) but I'm a bit attracted to the idea of the honourable knight and their kinky slinky Serpent spouse. >_>
    You damn perverted human.

  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    You like it.

  • How would Serpent + Magi go together? With my retardation and their afflictions? What goes well with Magi for PvP? I'm also looking for a combat partner at some point
  • edited November 2013
    Pfft Magi and almost anything. Monk for Telepathy outside of ret, Kaido and Telepathy within it. Shaman for one second affs and Sentinel for the same but with pets. Priest for keeping the Magi alive with Aura, Healing and Hands. Occultist for attend/transfix and continuous offence of instill/ent/instill/ent until unravel. (As they operate on separate balances) the same holds true for Bard and voicecraft. Need I go on.

    You can make anything work for you.
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