What are your favorite class pairings?

My wife and I would like to play together and I'm looking for suggestions:
    Which pairs of classes will complement each other well?

I know there is great RP potential with any characters, so that's not my focus. We'll have fun with anything, but I'm interested in the practicality of two classes which will afford us a broad range of experiences.



  • CarmellCarmell Eastern Washington

    The classes that were built to compliment each other the best would be the Paladin/Priest.  The bloodsworn skill shows that in the fact that a priest and a paladin can bloodswear to each other.  That is not the only class that would be good for two people to play together. 

  • BM + Anything
    Monk + Anything
    Bard + Anything

  • Monk and blademaster. @rom and I kicked as when he was a monk and I was a bladie. Haha. Best group spars I ever had was with Rom. Oh. And @tzond when he was a monk. Haha. We teamed up in the Lotus' battle royale and he won and I got second place. It was awesome

  • gotta snag classes that can still effectively attack while hindered

    monk, apo, priest, sentinel, all pair well

    Any other pair and you can completely hinder one opponent and make it a 1v2

    I would likely prefer monk/monk or monk/priest or apo.
  • ShirszaeShirszae Santo Domingo
    I'll go ahead and say Serpent + Anything

    And you won't understand the cause of your grief...

    ...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.

  • When I read 'pairings', I immediately thought of Blademaster x Jester fanfics. Needless to say, I'm happy that I was corrected. Otherwise...well, things will get lemony.

  • Sylvan+Apostate
    You close your eyes momentarily and extend the range of your vision, seeking out the presence of Drugs. 
    Though too far away to accurately perceive details, you see that Drugs is in Mhaldor.
  • edited November 2013
    Shirszae said:
    I'll go ahead and say Serpent + Anything
    Serpents don't really shine in small-scale group combat, due to having no real hindering, not being able to do much while hindered. Also, no kind of room effects or attacks that affect several targets (except illusion - and lightwall, I guess!), not being great at breaking limbs, no literal insta-kills that actually instantly kill someone under certain conditions. Plus, hypnosis is next to useless in high level group fights, since it takes way too long.

    What they still have is archery and camus relapses. Archery is nice, but only really works in 2v2 if your partner is at the opponent, holding them still, and serpents aren't the only ones who can do great damage like that anyways. Camus relapses can be cool too, but can be hindered and still require both team partners focusing on one opponent for a while, leaving the second to hinder. Plus, camus relapse offence doesn't come with hindering as a side-effect, so it doesn't stop people from running/countering.

    The main domains of serpents are 1v1 and large-scale group fights, IMHO.

    Personally, I'd say any combination of classes that can break fast, has great burst damage, and a decent level of survivability. Any combination of monk (break well, high prone burst damage, hinder on demand, can attack while hindered, good tanking), dragon (break fast, high prone burst damage, hinder on demand, hard to kill), and sentinel (very fast breaking, incinerate, passive attacks/hindering) sounds great to me. BM's are also always great to have, due to excellent hindering and good damage.
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    BM + Alchemist

  • Serpents can traverse the continent extremely quickly with wormholes, and can bring others along with them.

    Jesters and occultists can summon chosen allies, and travel to certain locations bringing others along with them, with Tarot cards.

    Shamans and jesters can fashion dolls and puppets respectively of people (allies or enemies), and use those dolls for a variety of purposes, like travelling to the subject of the doll.

    Sentinels and druids can use Metamorphosis to fly to anyone outdoors, and hoist another person along for the ride.

    Sylvans and druids can use Groves to travel between forests, summon others from within the forest, and create portals to others.

    Priests and paladins can summon allies, and use Devotion rites to travel to other Devotion users.

    Magi can create portals to anyone else.

    I would suggest that you don't necessarily need to join the same House, as it can be fun to share different experiences. But you may want to join the same city, and you probably don't want to join enemy cities if you plan on playing together. If you plan to join the same House, make sure it's one that accepts both of your classes.
  • edited November 2013
    I think Runewarden and Magi would be great. Runes for both, portals for both, blade and magic fighting together.

    Sylvan and Sentinel for a nature version, Apostate and Infernal for an evil version, Paladin and Priest for a good version.
    Current scripts: GoldTracker 1.2, mData 1.1
    Site: https://github.com/trevize-achaea/scripts/releases
    Thread: http://forums.achaea.com/discussion/4064/trevizes-scripts
    Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
  • edited November 2013
    Thanks, everyone for your thoughtful responses. I realize that I left out some key information. 

    When we play these characters we will have no interest in PvP combat. I'm interested in a combination that will afford us a broad range of experiences more so than being able to form a tight combat duo. 

    A couple of you ( @Carmell and @Trevize ) mentioned Priest/Paladin and I like the idea that they could have a very natural friendship and play well together in the same city and house (?) because of similar fundamental alignments. But actually, I'm having trouble finding a house which would take both of them. Since the destruction of Shallam, I don't think we have such a house anymore. Am I right?

    My wife has no interest in any evil-inclined class or city, so that does limit us as well. 

    @Mizik, The bard + Magi combo does sound intriguing.

    Thanks for all of your ideas. Feel free to make more suggestions. 

    I'm sure we'll have fun whatever we choose. I'll let you know. :)
  • edited November 2013
    Dardanus said:
    A couple of you (@Carmell and @Trevize) mentioned Priest/Paladin and I like the idea that they could have a very natural friendship and play well together in the same city and house (?) because of similar fundamental alignments. But actually, I'm having trouble finding a house which would take both of them. Since the destruction of Shallam, I don't think we have such a house anymore. Am I right?
         A Listing of Houses Currently Allowing the Priest Class

    Short Name      A  In Which City  Long Name
    --------------  -  -------------  ----------------------------------------------
    Mojushai        Y  Cyrene         The Mojushai

        A Listing of Houses Currently Allowing the Paladin Class

    Short Name      A  In Which City  Long Name
    --------------  -  -------------  ----------------------------------------------
    Wardens         Y  Cyrene         The Wardens of the Cerulean Spire

    So you can be in the same city, not the same House.
    Current scripts: GoldTracker 1.2, mData 1.1
    Site: https://github.com/trevize-achaea/scripts/releases
    Thread: http://forums.achaea.com/discussion/4064/trevizes-scripts
    Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
  • Let's see, no evil...

    The Warlocks and Merchants accept Runewardens and Magi both.

    Sylvans accept Bard and Magi both.
    Current scripts: GoldTracker 1.2, mData 1.1
    Site: https://github.com/trevize-achaea/scripts/releases
    Thread: http://forums.achaea.com/discussion/4064/trevizes-scripts
    Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
  • If you want to go Priest/Paladin, the other option is Targossas. We don't currently have Houses, but you should still get all of the training you want and need. There's also a strong chance you'd be able to both be in the same House once we do get them.
  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    Everyone knows Paladin/Paladin is unstoppable /thread
  • For what you want to do the obvious choices are: 


    Enjoy your hunting:
     (maul+maul/axe/reflexes | canticle+jab/canticle+maul+harmonics)
    Your utility:
     (double concotions + double metamorph | concotions + metamorph + harmonics)
    Your roleplay:
    (People of the Forest(s) | Musical/Poetic/Artistic extraordinaire + People of the Forest(s))
    And eventually your combat:
    (I won't get into it, but it'll be a lot of fun and very effective).

  • Apostate + Druid.

  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Blademaster and Monk would work well if you're looking for just a coupled playing experience without a focus on combat. They're fairly similar, easy to hunt as, and have rich lores.

  • Paladin + monk would be a really, really nifty pair.

    Hunting together, you'd be comibining a ton of tankiness with a lot of damage. Hands, the rite of revitalisation, and the defend skill in Chivalry are a pretty neat trio to pair up with monk hunting.

    For combat, of course, there's a range of things the pair of them could do. Quick limb damage can set up easy damnation, and, conversely, paladin can buff up a monk's damage enough to secure quick kills.

    Utility's a little low, unless you have the patience/time/money to forge, but! Utility, while nice, certainly isn't a requirement in Achaea.

    The only problem with that pairing is that it restricts the pair to two Cities.
  • I really think Priest + Paladin is the ideal duo.  What with that blood bond you can make and stuff.
  • Cynlael said:
    Apostate + Druid.
    this was only good pre-trample aura nerf. Was totally amazing though.
    Replies the scorpion: "It's my nature..."
  • Apostate/Serpent.

    Serpent snipes with aconite, apostate picks up the catharsis.

  • Magi for retardation and everything else for everything else.
  • Runewarden + Druid. Armour, curatives, runes, tank damage, flying and moving.

    What? It works.
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • Bard's a fantastic support class. Harmonics and cantata are godly for bashing with a partner.

    Paladin/priest have bloodsworn, which adds really good flavour for a couple. I'd still rather bard/anything, though.

  • Aepas said:
    Cynlael said:
    Apostate + Druid.
    this was only good pre-trample aura nerf. Was totally amazing though.

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