What ipad are you using? I'm actually logged into Achaea right now on my iPad, though I use Safari on it. I'll check it out on Chrome. I don't think we've actually really tested any browser but Safari on ipad.
This client is optimized for screens larger than your currently configured browser settings. Please enlarge your browser window, if possible, or switch to our low-resolution client by clicking here: http://client.achaea.com/v1/
Maybe I'm being dumb and missing some way that I'm supposed to increase resolution, but it's pretty decent on iPad 4, maybe some browser setting I'm not aware of?
Either way that's what happens. If I close the window and try to log on anyway then Chrome crashes and Safari freezes.
So if you just ignore the message and proceed forward, what happens? Same with clicking on the version intended for smaller screens? I get the same messages (as will anyone on a tablet) but just go ahead and log in anyway. I don't even switch to the lower-resolution client (the messaging is bad there - the lower resolution client isn't lower resolution, it's just intended to be used in environments where screenspace is at more of a minimum, like on a pad or even a phone.
Tried ignoring the message and continuing (both in chrome and safari) and the client opens and I get the Package IRE_KeyPadMovement loaded. Then it freezes the browser.
Tried loading client on desktop and disabling the KeyPadMovement reflex package and saved the settings, but still when I try to log on it loads that package anyway and freezes (I also did double check and package is not selected).
I think the one thing that would make the client better, is adding arrays/tables to it. That option would allow for the more complicated scripting.
Although possibly there's little that could replace using a real RDBMS and doing a sql select on what is afflicted (this annihilates looping). => far better efficiency. But something along those lines would be awesome.
Auto sipper does not always work for me. Lately I bash in istarion allot. Those spiders stun. If the system tries to SIP while stunned the can_SIP var will be 0 and stays that way.
Sip manually once, which should set it back to working once the line that you can sip again comes up, or if you're interested in a little bit of Javascripting, you can fit something like this into it:
First, you either need to add a secondary tracking variable, like trying_to_sip, or change can_sip from boolean to integer. I'm going to be assuming the latter, but the logic is pretty simple, just consider 0.5 to be trying_to_sip = true and add in supplemental checks for both variable states.
Instead of doing can_sip = 0 when the command to sip is sent, do can_sip = 0.5 and do setTimeout(0.5,function(){if (can_sip === 0.5) can_sip = 1;}); right after. Adjust 0.5 based on your local lag, or get really fancy and have the system start tracking your latency and adjusting on the fly.
That's the basic form for correcting sips that failed because of sleep, stun, anorexia, etc., although it doesn't address the more complicated sipping concerns and it'll just keep cramming an elixir in your face until it works.
(Sorry, the script is a bit much for me to dig into a reformat right now, but I'll check into it tomorrow if nobody else posts up a reworked version A true autosipper as part of a complete system also needs to check things like anorexia, so it's not trying to cram an elixir in your face every half second when you can't sip for sure, but that can be handled separately as well...okay, I'm getting ahead of myself, sorry!)
Bydar, a garish-looking trader says, "I'm not a man, I'm an experience."
Auto sipper does not always work for me. Lately I bash in istarion allot. Those spiders stun. If the system tries to SIP while stunned the can_SIP var will be 0 and stays that way.
You need to write your own for a good one - it should have a failsafe that notices when you didn't sip within say, a second, and try to sip again. Adjust (longer) as per usual lag.
I think the one thing that would make the client better, is adding arrays/tables to it. That option would allow for the more complicated scripting.
I'm confused. The client uses JavaScript as its coding language which definitely has objects (tables) and arrays. Not sure if you can save those server side directly but you could definitely use JSON to store them and read them back.
This client is optimized for screens larger than your currently configured browser settings. Please enlarge your browser window, if possible, or switch to our low-resolution client by clicking here: http://client.achaea.com/v1/
Maybe I'm being dumb and missing some way that I'm supposed to increase resolution, but it's pretty decent on iPad 4, maybe some browser setting I'm not aware of?
Either way that's what happens. If I close the window and try to log on anyway then Chrome crashes and Safari freezes.
Tried loading client on desktop and disabling the KeyPadMovement reflex package and saved the settings, but still when I try to log on it loads that package anyway and freezes (I also did double check and package is not selected).
Also, are there any tutorials for putting in aliases/macroes/triggers for this client available?
Site: https://github.com/trevize-achaea/scripts/releases
Thread: http://forums.achaea.com/discussion/4064/trevizes-scripts
Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
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