A few of the 2 vs 2 skirmishes between me/Alrena(runewarden and magi) versus Proficy/Zephyros(monks) for 30-ish minutes earlier today which led to this deathsight.
- 2014/01/11 16:03:14 - Proficy dies, his defences no match for the relentless might of Sir
Exelethril Ithilien, of the Spire.
- 2014/01/11 16:03:29 - As his insides become his outsides, Zephyros dies in a pile of his own
bloodied entrails, victim of Sir Exelethril Ithilien, of the Spire's deadly prowess.
- 2014/01/11 16:07:50 - Shoremaster Proficy, The Bone Collector has broken Alrena's spine with a
backbreaker, slaying her.
- 2014/01/11 16:08:22 - Shoremaster Zephyros has battered Alrena to death.
- 2014/01/11 16:17:27 - Zephyros dies, his defences no match for the relentless might of Sir
Exelethril Ithilien, of the Spire.
- 2014/01/11 16:17:58 - Proficy has bled out, slain by the might of Sir Exelethril Ithilien, of the
- 2014/01/11 16:23:40 - Zephyros has bled out, slain by the might of Sir Exelethril Ithilien, of the
- 2014/01/11 16:23:47 - Shoremaster Proficy, The Bone Collector has battered Alrena to death.
- 2014/01/11 16:25:20 - Proficy dies screaming under the assault of Greenthorn General Alrena
Winterhart, Witch of the Wilds's fire and flame.
- 2014/01/11 16:25:31 - Proficy dies, his defences no match for the relentless might of Sir
Exelethril Ithilien, of the Spire.
- 2014/01/11 16:31:28 - Heshran's back has broken under convulsions caused by Vrass's voyria venom.
- 2014/01/11 16:33:55 - Zephyros has bled out, slain by the might of Sir Exelethril Ithilien, of the
- 2014/01/11 16:34:15 - As his insides become his outsides, Proficy dies in a pile of his own
bloodied entrails, victim of Sir Exelethril Ithilien, of the Spire's deadly prowess.
I agree. Since Hashan isn't up for it, I say Cyrenian combatants are the ones who become mercenaries and defend other cities and stuff. Bonus points for each resulting forum rant and each time people forget which side you're on today.
I agree. Since Hashan isn't up for it, I say Cyrenian combatants are the ones who become mercenaries and defend other cities and stuff. Bonus points for each resulting forum rant and each time people forget which side you're on today.
What, didn't you know?
They say if you deposit a certain amount in a Cyrenian bank account... :P
Depositing millions into Cyrene doesn't get you anything but a scolding from the Imperiate.
(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
Apologies to Lilian for jumping in on that. Stupid Vrass had the nerve to accept help for that.
On a separate note, good month for magi Xith in and out of the arena. Thanks to all contenders.
I'd keep logs but it's basically some staffstrikes, a couple pestilence rings and then 5 pages of sluggish movement. Everybody knows what it looks like.
I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
It's okay, I was confused and wasn't sure if I needed to fight you too. Glad I didn't just let my adrenalin get to me and start mashing pommelstrike, still not used to chasing people down. (Even though she had several people after her, she finally one vs oned me for a bit till Marina arrived. Gotta get used to assess for limb health on the fly.)
God he owned me so hard in both spars. It was mostly just like WHAT IS GOING ON WHY IS THIS SO SPAMMY WHY IS hfdjffgvkufdjjfdghs dead.
The second was with rites down before we started and a severe game of "whose gonna die to damage first". Then we realized chainmail and laughed.
I need to learn Sentinels more, @Rangor is cray cray.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Okay so Caoimhaen and I get to fighting because he and Heshran jumped me last night or whatever, Caoimhaen kills me twice, first time was meh, second time was right after burst he got legs prepped I ran, didn't realize legs were prepped so I went back, and he pretty much one combo/bbt/axk pretty instantly. Third time I jump him, I actually pay more attention heh. I lock him pretty quick, and Proficy/Rakon come in and Proficy stops my behead, then Rakon said something and Proficy stops, then apologizes. I didn't realize Caoimhaen had started heartstop and try to behead again and heartstop had already went through. I was a little upset about that, I locked him I earned the kill, but whatever. I warn him and stuff telling him I'll attack him until I get the kill so sometime later I see him out and I jump him, realize my icewall ring ran out, so ran to Ashtan got another one, set up icewalls and then this.
Okay so Caoimhaen and I get to fighting because he and Heshran jumped me last night or whatever, Caoimhaen kills me twice, first time was meh, second time was right after burst he got legs prepped I ran, didn't realize legs were prepped so I went back, and he pretty much one combo/bbt/axk pretty instantly. Third time I jump him, I actually pay more attention heh. I lock him pretty quick, and Proficy/Rakon come in and Proficy stops my behead, then Rakon said something and Proficy stops, then apologizes. I didn't realize Caoimhaen had started heartstop and try to behead again and heartstop had already went through. I was a little upset about that, I locked him I earned the kill, but whatever. I warn him and stuff telling him I'll attack him until I get the kill so sometime later I see him out and I jump him, realize my icewall ring ran out, so ran to Ashtan got another one, set up icewalls and then this.
It's 15 seconds long. Behead finishes within that time, and a scytherus kill is easily attained within that time. If the heartstop goes through, you can just continue to hunt them down until they stop resorting to it. What's wrong with using it? If anything it's a gift.
I just feel like it shouldn't really be used in a 1v1 situation, although I did jump him, he fought back instead of running. I always saw heartstop for use in either groups when you're going to get ganked, or if a serpent or some other class locked you and just left you there, trying to be an ass. Oh well heh, just showing logs
That's why a delay was implemented - so if it's used in a 1v1 setting, you have enough time to capitalise off the fact they can't do anything for 15 seconds and kill them anyway. Or just leave them to die of course, and then continue your attack later.
Okay so Caoimhaen and I get to fighting because he and Heshran jumped me last night or whatever, Caoimhaen kills me twice, first time was meh, second time was right after burst he got legs prepped I ran, didn't realize legs were prepped so I went back, and he pretty much one combo/bbt/axk pretty instantly. Third time I jump him, I actually pay more attention heh. I lock him pretty quick, and Proficy/Rakon come in and Proficy stops my behead, then Rakon said something and Proficy stops, then apologizes. I didn't realize Caoimhaen had started heartstop and try to behead again and heartstop had already went through. I was a little upset about that, I locked him I earned the kill, but whatever. I warn him and stuff telling him I'll attack him until I get the kill so sometime later I see him out and I jump him, realize my icewall ring ran out, so ran to Ashtan got another one, set up icewalls and then this.
He still tries to heartstop, is that acceptable? Or if someone tried to do that to you would you be kind of mad?
On the bright side by heartstopping he just dropped a lot more xp that he would have if he'd just let you have the kill. I never understood people who lose and heartstop, since it's like a ragy act of desperation with bigger consequences than just admitting defeat.
Heartstopping has always reminded me of a guy I used to know who would spend hundreds of dollars on scratch off lottery tickets, and get excited over winning five bucks.
@Kaie The consequences are only bigger if you care about experience. If you don't give a damn then it doesn't matter either way. For some people losing more experience is worth not giving any to the other person.
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The second was with rites down before we started and a severe game of "whose gonna die to damage first". Then we realized chainmail and laughed.
I need to learn Sentinels more, @Rangor is cray cray.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
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