Combat Logs



  • PSH Monk way harder than Serpent or Bard. *flip hair* I have like 5 aliases I have to cycle through to be effective.

    You just Dstab and snipe/Jab and Sing. That's two each. Easy mode!


    (If you took this seriously and start crying like a little baby, I'll Avianca you and hire 3 times IG)

  • Magi is hard. 

  • Tesha said:
    Trolls gonna troll. You may read my detailed explanation of why bard is just as complicated as serpent here.

    Very informative, great points, a must read
  • Iocun said:
    Kross said:
    You just Dstab and snipe/Jab and Sing. That's two each. Easy mode!
    What the hell is an alias? I click my "do combat" button and then drink some coffee while Mudlet does some things I don't understand.
    My "do combat" button was broken by Tesha in a duel when she started forcing me to remove my artes. My Achaea doesn't function without my artes :(
  • That's why I have two of every artie, just in case.
  • You guys use more than one macro?
  • 0 macros. Everything's triggered, duh.
  • Oh. I still have to mash my F1 macro. I'm thinking about going sylvan or mage so I don't have to write as many scripts on the macro. Hiring professional programmers to code my sentinel offense is so costly.

  • Rangor said:
    Oh. I still have to mash my F1 macro. I'm thinking about going sylvan or mage so I don't have to write as many scripts on the macro. Hiring professional programmers to code my sentinel offense is so costly.
    send("order entourage kill "
    send("maul "
    tempTimer(2.1, [[send("maul "]])
    tempTimer(4.3, [[send("maul "]])
    tempTimer(6.5, [[send("maul "]])
    tempTimer(8.7, [[send("morph wyvern;ignite;incinerate "]])

    You're welcome. I'll take my payment now, please.

  • Cynlael said:

    Rangor said:
    Oh. I still have to mash my F1 macro. I'm thinking about going sylvan or mage so I don't have to write as many scripts on the macro. Hiring professional programmers to code my sentinel offense is so costly.
    send("order entourage kill "
    send("maul "
    tempTimer(2.1, [[send("maul "]])
    tempTimer(4.3, [[send("maul "]])
    tempTimer(6.5, [[send("maul "]])
    tempTimer(8.7, [[send("morph wyvern;ignite;incinerate "]])

    You're welcome. I'll take my payment now, please.
    I'm afraid my scripts are a tad more complex than that.
  • edited January 2014
    send("order entourage kill "
    send("maul "
    send("pt AUTOBOTS! FOCUS "..string.upper(target).." NOW!")
    expandAlias("dor maul "

    FTFY @Rangor.

  • edited January 2014
    "Xith (4492hp, 5899mp) is at The harbour of Targossas - with Jacintha, Kysha, 
    Verily, Nieelensars, Kross, Kaitali, Cyla, Hirst, Salazander, Lianca, Rennyn, Talonia, Dalran, 
    Klochild, Jhui, Tzond and Arcturus (18 people total)."

    Vice Admiral Avianca Shu'in-Crescent                          1  On  Priest
    Seralle                                                       1  On  Priest
    Kaiu Silvertongue-Obuun                                       3  On  Druid
    Iskla Rian                                                    1  On  Blademaster
    Qara                                                          1  On  Blademaster
    Aleksandra al Ashtad                                          1  On  Paladin
    Epiphany Azon                                                 1  On  Alchemist (Dragon)
    Aarashi Shamshir Bouff al Zubin                               3  On  Monk (Dragon)
    Aelfgar Shu'in                                                1  On  Priest
    Purifier Halos Vorondil, Caefir Priest                        2  On  Priest
    Aarashi Shamshir Tesha al Ashtad, Golden Justice              4  On  Priest (Dragon)
    Kilrah                                                        1  On  Paladin
    Caefir Proselyte Daeir Wintermourne                           1  On  Bard
    Carmell Bayt al-Azhan, Caefir Priestess                       3  On  Priest (Dragon)
    Platonus La'Mosea                                             1  On  Monk (Dragon)
    Judicator Sothantos de l'Evanoir, Lord of the Crossing        3  On  Blademaster (Dragon)


    (Party): Sothantos says, "Fullsense: (21 enemies) Rennyn, Hirst, Salazander, Atalkez, Taraus, Tzond, 
    Kysha, Nieelensars, Talonia, Andraste, Cyla, Xith, Lorath, Arcturus, Lianca, Kross, Gyrth, Jhui, 
    Kaitali, Verily, Jacintha in Targossas."

  • RuthRuth Singapore
    That's a good amount of people on each side.
    "Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"


  • Not any more. Everyone that didn't want to fight logged. It's 11 on 22 now. 

  • Today in Achaea news: Nothing has changed with anyone's views. It's still unfair for everyone. (Generally their view, here.) Rather than attempting to change it, they'd rather stick to posting on the forums about it. (In the wrong threads, too.)

    More news at 11.

  • How is it unfair? It's a raid. It was just funny how outnumbered we are. 

  • @Shecks actually sent me a tell saying props for whoever thought that one up. 

  • Tesha said:
    I especially loved the whole forcing me to worm warp into guards :(

    Was definitely not expecting it!
  • Yeah I packed my vibrating stick and embedded Grounding just to be safe.
    Then we found a bug where after force prism, two teammates tried to kick me out of the room and somehow Hirst's mountkick succeeded. Through grounding.
    I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
  • StrataStrata United States of Derp
    Xith said:
    Yeah I packed my vibrating stick and embedded Grounding just to be safe.
    Then we found a bug where after force prism, two teammates tried to kick me out of the room and somehow Hirst's mountkick succeeded. Through grounding.
    Taking notes, @Tesha? You can copy mine if you want.
  • Tesha said:
    Look, I hate to be rude, but I feel like I'm losing brain cells every time you direct a post to me. Can you please leave me alone? Thanks.
    Yeah c'mon Strata. She hasn't restocked in a while.
    I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
  • Brain cells don't reg--... here. Why don't you two go play in the snow?


     i'm a rebel

  • Is... is that a monkey... dressed... like a small child?
    [2:41:24 AM] Kenway: I bet you smell like evergreen trees and you could wrestle boreal mammals but they'd rather just cuddle you
  • StrataStrata United States of Derp
    Xith said:
    Tesha said:
    Look, I hate to be rude, but I feel like I'm losing brain cells every time you direct a post to me. Can you please leave me alone? Thanks.
    Yeah c'mon Strata. She hasn't restocked in a while.
    Yeah. She asked me to leave her alone IG during the great hunt too because I kept backstabbing her in Annwyn. Because, you know, open PK is suspended (only if you're @Tesha), during great hunts.
  • edited January 2014
    I'm not sure if I should be creeped out that you think you know me well enough to logically conclude my reasoning behind asking you to leave me alone was that open pk was suspended during great hunts. It was more that you didn't have a chance of killing me and you were just wasting my time. Please find something better to do than try to be annoying on the forums, your constant jabs ceased to be amusing long ago. I'm not sure how else I can ask you.

     i'm a rebel

  • RaynRayn thomasville
    edited January 2014
    Kuy said:
    Is... is that a monkey... dressed... like a small child?
    ((stealthily inserts picture of "little person," from the vampires apprentice-cirque de freak.))
    she gave her heart the the wicker man. Sparks flew. Love burns image
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