[25/12/2013 - 07:35:39.979]: You cease holding your breath and exhale loudly.
[25/12/2013 - 07:35:39.982]: You draw your blade back and plunge it deep into the body of Alrena impaling her to the hilt.
[25/12/2013 - 07:35:40.051]: You have slain Alrena.
[25/12/2013 - 07:35:40.053]: A starburst tattoo flares and bathes Alrena in red light.
[25/12/2013 - 07:36:08.702]: You draw your blade back and plunge it deep into the body of Rangor impaling him to the hilt.
[25/12/2013 - 07:36:08.734]: You have slain Rangor.
[25/12/2013 - 07:36:08.737]: A starburst tattoo flares and bathes Rangor in red light.
[25/12/2013 - 07:36:17.729]: You draw your blade back and plunge it deep into the body of Rangor impaling him to the hilt.
[25/12/2013 - 07:36:17.993]: Rangor looks pale and gaunt as his body shudders on the end of the weapon.
[25/12/2013 - 07:36:17.995]: Blood bubbles and froths from Rangor's mouth as he gasps his last breath and slides off the weapon.
[25/12/2013 - 07:36:18.029]: You have slain Rangor.
[25/12/2013 - 07:38:42.524]: You charge with a lunge towards Nheola, your sword at the ready.
[25/12/2013 - 07:38:42.541]: With a cry of delight, you skewer Nheola on your blade, who writhes and screams as the cruel metal is driven deep into her flesh.
[25/12/2013 - 07:38:42.574]: You have slain Nheola.
If you think about it, impale and lunge kills are one of the coolest ones going by the Chivalry theme.
Being lame with the text-great granddaughter yesterday. I'm not sure if roaring would have been better on Alrena's end but Rakon was quite close to being perma-paralyzed.
Being lame with the text-great granddaughter yesterday. I'm not sure if roaring would have been better on Alrena's end but Rakon was quite close to being perma-paralyzed.
Hey, we had fun. Also, after the Hasar incident, I'm beginning to think you will always be taking all the kills! Psh! Also, stunned at a Naga fighting in melee. Couldn't believe it. :O
I did everything wrong. I saw your name here and just knew you were going to make this bad for me.
Not only you! Look how many times Carmell hit rebounding lol!
I pointed out that on the party after the fight. I so need to fix my rebounding so I don't do that. Not sure why I didn't have heresy up and that wouldn't have happened.
Hasar sucks in his breath, and with a mighty blast of air exhales while uttering a word of magic. Suddenly, he is lifted into the skies by an unseen force. You follow Hasar up into the sky. Flying above Fifth level of the Cyrenian Pantheon. 1111h, 6977m|97%m, 100%e, 85%w, kai, ex, 28.4%, cdbk- 10:52:23.462 A large tentacle shoots up from the ground, wraps itself around Hasar, and drags him back to the earth.
Hasar dies to guards.
4539h, 5945m|83%m, 100%e, 85%w, kai, ex, 28.4%, cdbk- 10:52:31.868(+1637h, 21.1%, -15m, 0.2%) glance ground Fifth level of the Cyrenian Pantheon. The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. A rune shaped like a butterfly has been sketched into the ground here (nairat: transfix). A rune like an open eye has been sketched into the ground here (wunjo: cure blind). A runic totem is planted in the ground. A small silver bell hangs from a delicate chain. Great waves of heat radiate from a metal tank, a torrent of flames raging within. A stubborn mule wanders about here, nosing at the ground. A small salt crystal sits here, its edges sharp. A brilliant rainbow skink basks upon the ground. Resting here with a haughty expression is a golden gryphon. A noble hippogriff flaps its wings in agitation here. A black panther named Tsuki-yo stands here, alert and vigilant. There are 2 runic knights here. There are 21 arsenic pellets in 7 groups here. Antlers of jet black crown the head of a proud ivory peryton. There are 28 calamine crystals in 9 groups here. There are 5 gypsum crystals in a group here. There are 5 potash crystals in a group here. There are 7 aurum flakes in 2 groups here. There are 7 ferrum flakes in 2 groups here. There are 8 plumbum flakes in 2 groups here. There are 15 magnesium chips in 2 groups here. There are 6 quartz grains in 3 groups here. There are 2 spherical crystals in 2 groups here. There are 2 toroidal crystals in 2 groups here. There are 2 quicksilver droplets in a group here. A flake of stannum rests on the ground here, gleaming a dull silver. A flake of cuprum gleams red-orange on the ground. There are 2 argentum flakes in a group here. The soul of Kafziel roams the land, bodiless. Page Kenway Straidthan of Immunes Praetoria is here. His face is partially concealed beneath a raised hood. He wields an ornate steel rapier in each hand. Gatekeeper Lilian Xanatov-Nomathi is here. The Blue Dragon Melodie's imposing form looms. The soul of Xer roams the land, bodiless. Sir Kardal Xanatov-Thorngage is here. He wields a Scimitar of Eagles in his left hand and a Logosian battleaxe in his right. The Blue Dragon Tynil's imposing form looms. Sir Exelethril Ithilien, of the Spire is here. He wields a winged rapier in each hand. The soul of Hasar roams the land, bodiless. You see exits leading north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, down, and in.
Man, did I get out of there so freaking fast. TY HASAR. Your sacrifice saved me!
"Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"
So, during that tough entrenching, I got an idea and decided to give it a shot. Sorry if it's all crappy looking, but I tried to edit out the unimportant things. Towards the end, though, I wanted everything there so you could get an idea of what exactly was going on.
H: 6190 (100%), M: 4764 (96%), E: 27440 (100%), W: 19636 (99%) cdbk|ex (21:52:38.597) 62.5%- Hasar sucks in his breath, and with a mighty blast of air exhales while uttering a word of magic. Suddenly, he is lifted into the skies by an unseen force. H: 6190 (100%), M: 4764 (96%), E: 27440 (100%), W: 19636 (99%) cdbk|ex (21:52:38.605) 62.5%- tt touch tentacle Hasar H: 6190 (100%), M: 4764 (96%), E: 27440 (100%), W: 19636 (99%) cdbk|ex (21:52:38.707) 62.5%- You touch the tentacle tattoo and suddenly the ground splits open as a nightmarish tentacle shoots skywards, dragging Hasar back to earth. Hasar's eyes uncloud as a wunjo rune heals his blindness. Hasar's attention is grabbed and held by a nairat rune. Hasar's eyes close suddenly as he falls asleep. H: 6190 (100%), M: 4764 (96%), E: 27440 (100%), W: 19636 (99%) cdbk|x (21:52:38.752) 62.5%-
So, during that tough entrenching, I got an idea and decided to give it a shot. Sorry if it's all crappy looking, but I tried to edit out the unimportant things. Towards the end, though, I wanted everything there so you could get an idea of what exactly was going on.
Why aren't we funding this?
What am I looking for here? :S
Achieved dragon on the 13th of Aeguary, 634 - aged 21 and 1 month and 21 days.
Elder dragon on the 6th of Chronos 635 - aged 22 and 8 months and 14 days.
So, during that tough entrenching, I got an idea and decided to give it a shot. Sorry if it's all crappy looking, but I tried to edit out the unimportant things. Towards the end, though, I wanted everything there so you could get an idea of what exactly was going on.
Why aren't we funding this?
What am I looking for here? :S
Obviously looking for the fact that I mind stripped and mind commanded him to mountjump past his blockers, then regained equilibrium in time to mind throw him north into Cyrene's totems to be killed alone....jeesh, non monks suck at this.
So, during that tough entrenching, I got an idea and decided to give it a shot. Sorry if it's all crappy looking, but I tried to edit out the unimportant things. Towards the end, though, I wanted everything there so you could get an idea of what exactly was going on.
Why aren't we funding this?
Important part wasn't:
As Nim draws Lifeless Sun from its scabbard, she drives the pommel into Tirac's chin. The attack rebounds back onto Nim! <------ Ouch
With fluid motions of her iron fingers, Nim strikes precisely at Tirac's neck.
@Kross you SUCK! You made me log in to make sure @Exelethril didn't bandwagon over to Ashtan.
I like the queued commands, but keep in mind deafness can come up anywhere between 1.2 and 1.8 seconds, so it might fail occasionally. Also, prepare for around half of your city to start mocking you for automation.
Solution: automate responses to people complaining about your automation.
@Kross you SUCK! You made me log in to make sure @Exelethril didn't bandwagon over to Ashtan.
I like the queued commands, but keep in mind deafness can come up anywhere between 1.2 and 1.8 seconds, so it might fail occasionally. Also, prepare for around half of your city to start mocking you for automation.
It's not a queued command, it's an alias that sets a variable. Alias CMD sets commandcache = variable. Then, I have that echo that comes up to remind me what I have as commandcache, and I press send on eq to mind command. I'm not smart enough to make stuff work on its own
Teasing aside, if you want it triggered (don't be ashamed!) and don't know how, just flail helplessly in raids until Jhui or someone takes pity on you and makes it work. That's what I did when I went bard and had no idea how to make my queuing work - people got tired of me being useless and helped me.
Pretty sure you just called me useless . I get the ideas, and I can make cool Cechos. That's about it. As for that, I think it gives me good freedom to act/react quickly and do what I want, rather than what I thought I should do 4 months ago when I made that trigger/queue? I dunno. Something so impersonal about triggering Axe kick from pinch block..... I prefer to mash my 0 key and laugh while I do it.
You take out some balm and quickly rub it on your head. <Minuet 3776h, 5442m, 21197e, 26992w cxkb- You remove 1 potash, bringing the total in the Rift to 1996. 3776h, 5442m, 21197e, 26992w cxkb- You eat a potash crystal. You feel your health and mana replenished. 4126h, 5964m, 21197e, 26992w cxkb- (+350h) (+522m) Terra misses you with an ornate steel rapier. 4126h, 5964m, 21197e, 26992w cxkb- With a characteristic Jaziran trill, Terra sings a qasida of asceticism to you. The songbird upon Terra's shoulder quickly sings a jaunty limerick at you.
Your guardian angel casts a piercing glance at Aepas. 5479h, 4889m, 25145e, 17887w xcdbk|- Aepas eats some irid moss. 5479h, 4889m, 25145e, 17887w xcdbk|- Your angel informs you that it has struck down Aepas with sensitivity. 5479h, 4889m, 25145e, 17887w xcdbk|- You may channel elemental energy once again. 5479h, 4889m, 25145e, 17887w xcdbk|- A jet-black falcon dives at you, raking your face with its talons.
Aepas has all the disruptions applied! spiritlash Aepas contemplate Aepas 5393h, 4889m, 25145e, 17887w xcdbk|- (-86 Health) You lash the mind of Aepas with power drawn from your spirit channel. 5393h, 4739m, 25145e, 17737w xcdbk|- (-150 Mana) Aepas eats a lobelia seed. 5393h, 4739m, 25145e, 17712w xcdbk|- The Rite of Revitalisation refreshes your body and mind. 5490h, 4989m, 25145e, 17712w xcdbk|- (+97 Health, +250 Mana) You feel an aura of rebounding surround you. 5490h, 4989m, 25145e, 17712w xcdbkr|- You have recovered equilibrium. (1.97s) 5490h, 4989m, 25145e, 17712w excdbkr|- stand diag me contemplate Aepas You are not fallen or kneeling. 5490h, 4989m, 25145e, 17712w excdbkr|- You are: blind. an insomniac. deaf. bleeding for 13 health. 5490h, 4989m, 25145e, 17712w excdbkr|- Aepas's mana stands at 2197/4481. angel absolve Aepas 01:03:11.791
------------------------------------------------------------------- | TARGET AT 50%, ABSOLVE NOW! | TARGET AT 50%, ABSOLVE NOW! | ------------------------------------------------------------------- ||||||||||||||---------------- 49% mana 5490h, 4889m, 25145e, 17692w excdbkr|- (-100 Mana) Aepas, riding a storm bull, gathers the reins and jumps off to the southwest. 01:03:11.845 +++++THAT COWARD RAN! -- BECKON INCOMING+++++ +++++THAT COWARD RAN! -- BECKON INCOMING+++++ +++++THAT COWARD RAN! -- BECKON INCOMING+++++ 5490h, 4889m, 25145e, 17692w excdbkr|- You may drink another health or mana elixir or tonic. 5490h, 4889m, 25145e, 17692w excdbkr|- Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears. The guardian angel looks about fiercely, but sees none who need absolving. 01:03:12.077 5490h, 4889m, 25145e, 17705w excdbk|- (smoke 252547) You take a long drag off your pipe. (2 skullcap left) 5490h, 4889m, 25145e, 17705w excdbk|- You may channel elemental energy once again.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
You charge with a lunge towards Kross, your sword at the ready. Above the clouds over central Sapience (indoors). This room has not been mapped. Sir Arcturus D'Aud'tore, Warlock Convert is here. He wields an ornate steel rapier in each hand. Sempai Kross Da'Navi is here, shrouded. You see exits leading northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, and northwest. With a cry of delight, you skewer Kross on your blade, who writhes and screams as the cruel metal is driven deep into his flesh. engage Kross pt ---LUNGED--- Kross at Above the clouds over central Sapience (indoors) in the Skies H: 5943 (100%), M: 4406 (97%) (99%)w, (99%)e 23:47:36.176 e- -e|ne|nw|s|se|sw (Kross) You move in to engage Kross. H: 5943 (100%), M: 4356 (96%) (99%)w, (99%)e 23:47:36.183 - -e|ne|nw|s|se|sw (Kross)(-50 Mana) (Party): You say, "---LUNGED--- Kross at Above the clouds over central Sapience (indoors) in the Skies." H: 5943 (100%), M: 4356 (96%) (99%)w, (99%)e 23:47:36.645 - -e|ne|nw|s|se|sw (Kross) Your enhanced senses inform you that Aelios has entered Above the clouds over central Sapience nearby. H: 5943 (100%), M: 4356 (96%) (99%)w, (99%)e 23:47:36.654 - -e|ne|nw|s|se|sw (Kross)H: 5943 (100%), M: 4356 (96%) (99%)w, (99%)e 23:47:36.655 - -e|ne|nw|s|se|sw (Kross) Daeir charges in, sword flashing at the ready. Your enhanced senses inform you that Daeir has entered Above the clouds over central Sapience nearby. Kross writhes and screams as Daeir skewers him upon his cruel blade. H: 5943 (100%), M: 4356 (96%) (99%)w, (99%)e 23:47:36.669 - -e|ne|nw|s|se|sw (Kross)H: 5943 (100%), M: 4356 (96%) (99%)w, (99%)e 23:47:36.670 - -e|ne|nw|s|se|sw (Kross) The side of Kross's head is lightly struck by Daeir's rapier. H: 5943 (100%), M: 4356 (96%) (99%)w, (99%)e 23:47:36.677 - -e|ne|nw|s|se|sw (Kross) With a gravity, Daeir sings the Passion of Imithia at Kross. H: 5943 (100%), M: 4356 (96%) (99%)w, (99%)e 23:47:36.684 - -e|ne|nw|s|se|sw (Kross) Aelios charges in, sword flashing at the ready. Your enhanced senses inform you that Aelios has entered Above the clouds over central Sapience nearby. Kross writhes and screams as Aelios skewers him upon his cruel blade. Kross has been slain by Aelios. A starburst tattoo flares and bathes Kross in red light. A group of 2 kola nuts falls from Kross's person. A group of 2 pieces of bayberry bark falls from Kross's person. A group of 2 ginger roots falls from Kross's person. A group of 2 bellwort flowers falls from Kross's person. A group of 2 goldenseal roots falls from Kross's person. A bloodroot leaf falls from Kross's person. A group of 2 pieces of prickly ash bark falls from Kross's person. A group of 2 lobelia seeds falls from Kross's person. A group of 2 echinacea roots falls from Kross's person. A group of 2 cohosh roots falls from Kross's person. A group of 2 pieces of irid moss falls from Kross's person. A hawthorn berry falls from Kross's person. A group of 2 pieces of kelp falls from Kross's person. A group of 2 valerian leaves falls from Kross's person. A group of 2 ginseng roots falls from Kross's person. A sileris berry falls from Kross's person. A group of 2 slippery elms falls from Kross's person. A hawthorn berry falls from Kross's person. A bloodroot leaf falls from Kross's person. A sileris berry falls from Kross's person. H: 5943 (100%), M: 4356 (96%) (99%)w, (99%)e 23:47:37.008 - -e|ne|nw|s|se|sw (Kross)H: 5943 (100%)
(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
I have undressed a god.
Mudlet Discord join up
https://www.dropbox.com/s/fuo11ghlbbqqhdw/Gank on Jinsun.html
A fail gank, but still managed to get the kill. ( @Jinsun must have went afk after he walked into the room)
[ SnB PvP Guide | Link ]
1 )Khalaz: "//(-2903h, 57.4%)."
2 ) Khalaz: "Most powerful lunge in the history of Achaea?"
- Limb Counter - Fracture Relapsing -
"Honestly, I just love that it counts limbs." - Mizik Corten
Suddenly, he is lifted into the skies by an unseen force.
You follow Hasar up into the sky.
Flying above Fifth level of the Cyrenian Pantheon.
1111h, 6977m|97%m, 100%e, 85%w, kai, ex, 28.4%, cdbk- 10:52:23.462
A large tentacle shoots up from the ground, wraps itself around Hasar, and drags him back to the
Hasar dies to guards.
4539h, 5945m|83%m, 100%e, 85%w, kai, ex, 28.4%, cdbk- 10:52:31.868(+1637h, 21.1%, -15m, 0.2%) glance ground
Fifth level of the Cyrenian Pantheon.
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. A rune shaped like a
butterfly has been sketched into the ground here (nairat: transfix). A rune like an open eye has
been sketched into the ground here (wunjo: cure blind). A runic totem is planted in the ground. A
small silver bell hangs from a delicate chain. Great waves of heat radiate from a metal tank, a
torrent of flames raging within. A stubborn mule wanders about here, nosing at the ground. A small
salt crystal sits here, its edges sharp. A brilliant rainbow skink basks upon the ground. Resting
here with a haughty expression is a golden gryphon. A noble hippogriff flaps its wings in agitation
here. A black panther named Tsuki-yo stands here, alert and vigilant. There are 2 runic knights here.
There are 21 arsenic pellets in 7 groups here. Antlers of jet black crown the head of a proud ivory
peryton. There are 28 calamine crystals in 9 groups here. There are 5 gypsum crystals in a group
here. There are 5 potash crystals in a group here. There are 7 aurum flakes in 2 groups here. There
are 7 ferrum flakes in 2 groups here. There are 8 plumbum flakes in 2 groups here. There are 15
magnesium chips in 2 groups here. There are 6 quartz grains in 3 groups here. There are 2 spherical
crystals in 2 groups here. There are 2 toroidal crystals in 2 groups here. There are 2 quicksilver
droplets in a group here. A flake of stannum rests on the ground here, gleaming a dull silver. A
flake of cuprum gleams red-orange on the ground. There are 2 argentum flakes in a group here. The
soul of Kafziel roams the land, bodiless. Page Kenway Straidthan of Immunes Praetoria is here. His
face is partially concealed beneath a raised hood. He wields an ornate steel rapier in each hand.
Gatekeeper Lilian Xanatov-Nomathi is here. The Blue Dragon Melodie's imposing form looms. The soul
of Xer roams the land, bodiless. Sir Kardal Xanatov-Thorngage is here. He wields a Scimitar of
Eagles in his left hand and a Logosian battleaxe in his right. The Blue Dragon Tynil's imposing form
looms. Sir Exelethril Ithilien, of the Spire is here. He wields a winged rapier in each hand. The
soul of Hasar roams the land, bodiless.
You see exits leading north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, down,
and in.
Man, did I get out of there so freaking fast. TY HASAR. Your sacrifice saved me!
So, during that tough entrenching, I got an idea and decided to give it a shot. Sorry if it's all crappy looking, but I tried to edit out the unimportant things. Towards the end, though, I wanted everything there so you could get an idea of what exactly was going on.
Why aren't we funding this?
H: 6190 (100%), M: 4764 (96%), E: 27440 (100%), W: 19636 (99%) cdbk|ex (21:52:38.597) 62.5%-
Hasar sucks in his breath, and with a mighty blast of air exhales while uttering a word of magic.
Suddenly, he is lifted into the skies by an unseen force.
H: 6190 (100%), M: 4764 (96%), E: 27440 (100%), W: 19636 (99%) cdbk|ex (21:52:38.605) 62.5%- tt
touch tentacle Hasar
H: 6190 (100%), M: 4764 (96%), E: 27440 (100%), W: 19636 (99%) cdbk|ex (21:52:38.707) 62.5%-
You touch the tentacle tattoo and suddenly the ground splits open as a nightmarish tentacle shoots
skywards, dragging Hasar back to earth.
Hasar's eyes uncloud as a wunjo rune heals his blindness.
Hasar's attention is grabbed and held by a nairat rune.
Hasar's eyes close suddenly as he falls asleep.
H: 6190 (100%), M: 4764 (96%), E: 27440 (100%), W: 19636 (99%) cdbk|x (21:52:38.752) 62.5%-
[ SnB PvP Guide | Link ]
I like the queued commands, but keep in mind deafness can come up anywhere between 1.2 and 1.8 seconds, so it might fail occasionally. Also, prepare for around half of your city to start mocking you for automation.
Solution: automate responses to people complaining about your automation.
Teasing aside, if you want it triggered (don't be ashamed!) and don't know how, just flail helplessly in raids until Jhui or someone takes pity on you and makes it work. That's what I did when I went bard and had no idea how to make my queuing work - people got tired of me being useless and helped me.
No macros, just aliases.
10 will combo someone. 01 will say something to them. Nothing can go wrong.
You take out some balm and quickly rub it on your head. <Minuet
3776h, 5442m, 21197e, 26992w cxkb-
You remove 1 potash, bringing the total in the Rift to 1996.
3776h, 5442m, 21197e, 26992w cxkb-
You eat a potash crystal.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
4126h, 5964m, 21197e, 26992w cxkb- (+350h) (+522m)
Terra misses you with an ornate steel rapier.
4126h, 5964m, 21197e, 26992w cxkb-
With a characteristic Jaziran trill, Terra sings a qasida of asceticism to you.
The songbird upon Terra's shoulder quickly sings a jaunty limerick at you.
5479h, 4889m, 25145e, 17887w xcdbk|-
Aepas eats some irid moss.
5479h, 4889m, 25145e, 17887w xcdbk|-
Your angel informs you that it has struck down Aepas with sensitivity.
5479h, 4889m, 25145e, 17887w xcdbk|-
You may channel elemental energy once again.
5479h, 4889m, 25145e, 17887w xcdbk|-
A jet-black falcon dives at you, raking your face with its talons.
Aepas has all the disruptions applied!
spiritlash Aepas
contemplate Aepas
5393h, 4889m, 25145e, 17887w xcdbk|- (-86 Health)
You lash the mind of Aepas with power drawn from your spirit channel.
5393h, 4739m, 25145e, 17737w xcdbk|- (-150 Mana)
Aepas eats a lobelia seed.
5393h, 4739m, 25145e, 17712w xcdbk|-
The Rite of Revitalisation refreshes your body and mind.
5490h, 4989m, 25145e, 17712w xcdbk|- (+97 Health, +250 Mana)
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
5490h, 4989m, 25145e, 17712w xcdbkr|-
You have recovered equilibrium. (1.97s)
5490h, 4989m, 25145e, 17712w excdbkr|-
diag me
contemplate Aepas
You are not fallen or kneeling.
5490h, 4989m, 25145e, 17712w excdbkr|-
You are:
an insomniac.
bleeding for 13 health.
5490h, 4989m, 25145e, 17712w excdbkr|-
Aepas's mana stands at 2197/4481.
angel absolve Aepas 01:03:11.791
||||||||||||||---------------- 49% mana
5490h, 4889m, 25145e, 17692w excdbkr|- (-100 Mana)
Aepas, riding a storm bull, gathers the reins and jumps off to the southwest. 01:03:11.845
5490h, 4889m, 25145e, 17692w excdbkr|-
You may drink another health or mana elixir or tonic.
5490h, 4889m, 25145e, 17692w excdbkr|-
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
The guardian angel looks about fiercely, but sees none who need absolving. 01:03:12.077
5490h, 4889m, 25145e, 17705w excdbk|- (smoke 252547)
You take a long drag off your pipe. (2 skullcap left)
5490h, 4889m, 25145e, 17705w excdbk|-
You may channel elemental energy once again.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
You charge with a lunge towards Kross, your sword at the ready.
Above the clouds over central Sapience (indoors).
This room has not been mapped.
Sir Arcturus D'Aud'tore, Warlock Convert is here. He wields an ornate steel rapier in each hand.
Sempai Kross Da'Navi is here, shrouded.
You see exits leading northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, and northwest.
With a cry of delight, you skewer Kross on your blade, who writhes and screams as the cruel metal is
driven deep into his flesh.
engage Kross
pt ---LUNGED--- Kross at Above the clouds over central Sapience (indoors) in the Skies
H: 5943 (100%), M: 4406 (97%) (99%)w, (99%)e 23:47:36.176 e- -e|ne|nw|s|se|sw (Kross)
You move in to engage Kross.
H: 5943 (100%), M: 4356 (96%) (99%)w, (99%)e 23:47:36.183 - -e|ne|nw|s|se|sw (Kross)(-50 Mana)
(Party): You say, "---LUNGED--- Kross at Above the clouds over central Sapience (indoors) in the
H: 5943 (100%), M: 4356 (96%) (99%)w, (99%)e 23:47:36.645 - -e|ne|nw|s|se|sw (Kross)
Your enhanced senses inform you that Aelios has entered Above the clouds over central Sapience
H: 5943 (100%), M: 4356 (96%) (99%)w, (99%)e 23:47:36.654 - -e|ne|nw|s|se|sw (Kross)H: 5943 (100%),
M: 4356 (96%) (99%)w, (99%)e 23:47:36.655 - -e|ne|nw|s|se|sw (Kross)
Daeir charges in, sword flashing at the ready.
Your enhanced senses inform you that Daeir has entered Above the clouds over central Sapience nearby.
Kross writhes and screams as Daeir skewers him upon his cruel blade.
H: 5943 (100%), M: 4356 (96%) (99%)w, (99%)e 23:47:36.669 - -e|ne|nw|s|se|sw (Kross)H: 5943 (100%),
M: 4356 (96%) (99%)w, (99%)e 23:47:36.670 - -e|ne|nw|s|se|sw (Kross)
The side of Kross's head is lightly struck by Daeir's rapier.
H: 5943 (100%), M: 4356 (96%) (99%)w, (99%)e 23:47:36.677 - -e|ne|nw|s|se|sw (Kross)
With a gravity, Daeir sings the Passion of Imithia at Kross.
H: 5943 (100%), M: 4356 (96%) (99%)w, (99%)e 23:47:36.684 - -e|ne|nw|s|se|sw (Kross)
Aelios charges in, sword flashing at the ready.
Your enhanced senses inform you that Aelios has entered Above the clouds over central Sapience
Kross writhes and screams as Aelios skewers him upon his cruel blade.
Kross has been slain by Aelios.
A starburst tattoo flares and bathes Kross in red light.
A group of 2 kola nuts falls from Kross's person.
A group of 2 pieces of bayberry bark falls from Kross's person.
A group of 2 ginger roots falls from Kross's person.
A group of 2 bellwort flowers falls from Kross's person.
A group of 2 goldenseal roots falls from Kross's person.
A bloodroot leaf falls from Kross's person.
A group of 2 pieces of prickly ash bark falls from Kross's person.
A group of 2 lobelia seeds falls from Kross's person.
A group of 2 echinacea roots falls from Kross's person.
A group of 2 cohosh roots falls from Kross's person.
A group of 2 pieces of irid moss falls from Kross's person.
A hawthorn berry falls from Kross's person.
A group of 2 pieces of kelp falls from Kross's person.
A group of 2 valerian leaves falls from Kross's person.
A group of 2 ginseng roots falls from Kross's person.
A sileris berry falls from Kross's person.
A group of 2 slippery elms falls from Kross's person.
A hawthorn berry falls from Kross's person.
A bloodroot leaf falls from Kross's person.
A sileris berry falls from Kross's person.
H: 5943 (100%), M: 4356 (96%) (99%)w, (99%)e 23:47:37.008 - -e|ne|nw|s|se|sw (Kross)H: 5943 (100%)
Ferreal though...three lunges within a second. Dat's just mean.