Pffft, like Ourania would only do something as boring as reducing damage on some meteors arrows if She was allowed to screw with them. I imagine
all meteors Mhaldorians shot upward would fall back down on their own head and/or She'd drop down a meteor five times as big.
"You think that's a space rock? THIS is a space rock."
Pffft, like Ourania would only do something as boring as reducing damage on some meteors arrows if She was allowed to screw with them. I imagine
all meteors Mhaldorians shot upward would fall back down on their own head and/or She'd drop down a meteor five times as big.
"You think that's a space rock? THIS is a space rock."
Ideas to the Dais, please. But... yeah... +10 to Moon Arrows.
I'm not sure where else to put this. @Vicious has been encountering a pretty problematic bug (At least, I think that's what is happening) for a while now, and the admin haven't responded to the issue and bug I made reporting it.
Full, unedited log of what happened. This has been replicated at least ten times now, and the same happens if he alternates what arm he breaks first. If he has my arm/arm/leg prepp'd one slash from break and then breaks leg, left arm, right arm. The right arm does not break. In fact, it entirely resets the damage without breaking (As I then had to have him doubleslash my right arm another 6 times without any break). The exact same thing occurs but for the left arm if he breaks the right arm first.
Does anyone have any ideas as to what this could be if it isn't a bug? If not, @Tecton get your coders on this please. It's a pretty bad bug.
Wow and I thought I was going insane the past couple days. Thanks for posting.
On a super classy note, big shoutout to @Denex for using an earrings target to jump walls during our second duel. Going to be using the arena's duel to the death option from here out for this guy.
[10/07/2013 - 10:49:12.821]: You begin to tumble agilely to the north.
[10/07/2013 - 10:49:16.703]: You tumble out of the room.
[10/07/2013 - 10:49:16.706]: North of New Thera (road).
[10/07/2013 - 10:49:16.712]: The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. A rune like a lightning bolt has been sketched into the ground here. A polished wooden sign is nailed to a small tree here. A ladder of long, soft leaves comprises a wispy Weaver's Fern along the ground. A glowing red flame-shaped sigil has been left here. A large wall of stone stands here, blocking passage to the south. Ambassador Inara Vas'amaen is here. Denex Le'Dominae, Vanguard of the Bastion is here.
[10/07/2013 - 10:49:16.717]: You see exits leading north, southeast, south, southwest, and northwest.
Wow and I thought I was going insane the past couple days. Thanks for posting.
On a super classy note, big shoutout to @Denex for using an earrings target to jump walls during our second duel. Going to be using the arena's duel to the death option from here out for this guy.
[10/07/2013 - 10:49:12.821]: You begin to tumble agilely to the north.
[10/07/2013 - 10:49:16.703]: You tumble out of the room.
[10/07/2013 - 10:49:16.706]: North of New Thera (road).
[10/07/2013 - 10:49:16.712]: The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. A rune like a lightning bolt has been sketched into the ground here. A polished wooden sign is nailed to a small tree here. A ladder of long, soft leaves comprises a wispy Weaver's Fern along the ground. A glowing red flame-shaped sigil has been left here. A large wall of stone stands here, blocking passage to the south. Ambassador Inara Vas'amaen is here. Denex Le'Dominae, Vanguard of the Bastion is here.
[10/07/2013 - 10:49:16.717]: You see exits leading north, southeast, south, southwest, and northwest.
Honestly, it was a situational method to get past your tumble looping over stone walls.
In hind sight, I should have just fought you at Greatrock. I didn't want to use the tumble cancel BBT considering our previous discussions, we'd talked about how lame it was and I figured it'd be insulting to use... but like the tumble-cancel BBT is "lame" - endlessly looping tumble past a stonewall on an area boundary is equally as irritating.
She happened to be there watching, and I had to get around it somehow.
I'd be more than happy to fight you again, you can even come here and post it!
Is Denex Ashuran? I was told he is not. He didn't even use uppercuts on that, woulda been higher. Scary.
@Jovolo -- The combo wasn't random, you've got to look at the context as to the whole fight. If that AXK didn't kill him, the following sweep would have broke his left leg, giving me another to chase.
If he lived he would have had like 7+ seconds to get up and run (or his tumble would have continued out). Random combo it is. Should have combo'd it again then AXK'd to make it worthwhile or even AXK/hfp left/hfp left with l3 knuckles for a (very likely) break. Sigh, monks these days.
I have no problem with using the tumble cancel or anything else you could have executed by yourself. If you believe something is broken, the best way to get it fixed is to draw as much attention to it as possible. Avoiding using certain tactics because you think they're lame or overpowered or what have you just makes the designer's job harder and lowers the chances they'll spend their time fixing the problem.
The really stupid thing about your constant earring use is that she didn't just 'happen to be watching.' Inara was there because you needed health refills in the middle of our duels, which I graciously allowed you to get. She also remained there for several minutes while you continually used earring for the wall. I should have made her leave, but you were making a pretty big hash of it and I decided it probably wouldn't matter. Still wouldn't have if not for the massive axk. Bad judgement on my part, should have just called a halt the first time I saw you earring.
Good fucking god. Logs. Stop the whinefest. I leave the game and you lot repay me with this sack of shit? Come now. @dunn@jhui someone please just post good ole gank logs.
No reason not to burn if you are going to pit three combatants out of the group of six (like you did the fight before, followed by triple truename). If you are looking to equalize a fight, pit the noncombatants, otherwise you are just coming across as a jerk that is farming kills on noncombatants (how impressive), and will be treated as such.
Oh. And the eye sigil was for Bonko (who was sniping the entire time), so it was 3v4.
How dare they try to participate in combat, thank you for pointing that out. You are clearly justified in crushing them and asserting your dominance. My mistake.
"You think that's a space rock? THIS is a space rock."
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Lol random combo.
Party right, party hard,
Sing and dance, perfect bard.
Prefarar loop, accentato whore,Buy a new rapier, get nerfed some more.