Hey, im creating a bard and would like to know how they fair in bashing as well as solo and group combat. What their main stat is or atleast how important of a role str and int play in the grand scheme of things? I also read an update on the bard class that looked very promising, is that making a difference for the class as a whole?
Any advice is welcomed and appreciated.
In group combat harmonics and tremolo are amazing. Martello allows you to force actions like force tumble etc so quit nice.
1 v 1 they have optio for damage or lock. Having access to every affliction and a now nice affliction speed along with songbird is good, as well as having somersault for quick escape tumble and balancing/arrowcatch and various other defensive aids and passive healing.
They have a lot of options available from beastly 1 v 1 locks and damage throuh to good team abilities. Only issue i found was getting a good rapier. Outside of that expense/time deffinitely a solid class for now.
Awesome, just what i was looking to hear actually, The only thing im still wondering about are the stats, @Tesha are you saying that con is the best choice for bashing or in general?
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For 1v1 PK I'd say they're a very good class with high potential but as @Tesha said, there's a lot of stuff to deal with, so it can be a bit frustrating if you're lazy like me. For group I'd recommend getting a bow if you can afford it, then you can do something other than play harmonics and tremololol in melee.
Con is the only stat for affliction classes.
Songbird costs 1000 mana to call, so you need to make sure you've sufficient mana to keep a songbird if you're going for PvP, and you'll also have the mana cost of focus and clot to contend with.
Bard specific artefacts:
With the changes to weapons, artefact rapiers are now useful for bards - they're faster than forged, and the faster you can go the better.
If you use harmonics a lot, a pendulum is useful in so much as it halves the time it takes to call harmonics, from 3 seconds to 1.5 seconds. This means that eq is recovered (even with diadem) before the harmonics arrive, so you only lose 1 round of attacking when calling harmonics. I've not found much use for a tuning fork, replaying harmonics doesn't take long and you get a base 900 seconds (15 minutes) out of them if they're in room with you.
Bards can also use a Shield of Absorbtion, it can be wielded with a rapier and is arguably the single most useful artefact a bard can own. You just need to make sure your harmonic aliases unwield the shield and wield your instrument instead - there's no reason to wield your instrument (fnr fnr) at any time other than when playing harmonics.
Aside from that, the usual info about artefacts applies - sip rings / regen rings / stat artis, etc.