Could we have combined actions in the new emote system? Like: GET APPLE+EAT APPLE: (picking up
@thing,) eats
@thing with gusto. Or REMOVE HAT123+WEAR HAT456: (removing
@thing1,) quickly replaces it with
@thing2, cocking it to a jaunty angle. Maybe allow a few different combined actions, so you could remove/put/get/wear in a single emote with
@thing1/2/3/4, etc.
Also, I've been thinking about ceremonies for Targossas, and it'd be nice if I could be able to put things on and take things off other people. So you could, for example, PUT MEDAL ON $tecton: pins
@thing to $tecton's chest. Or TAKE MEDAL OFF $tecton: (shaking his head at the shame brought to the city,) tugs
@thing off $tecton's chest, looking gravely disappointed.
ETA: To avoid abuse, maybe have the person AGREE to having things put on/taken off them.
First would probably be easier.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.