(I composed this over a period of about a week and changed my stance and understanding of a thing or two in that time, so please forgive the disjointed nature of this post.)
I've been playing Achaea for about a month now and I love it. I love the depth of history and culture the game sports. I, the player, actually have to study to advance in my house ranks. My inner bookworm (okay, so it's not that inner actually) is in love.
I am somewhat new to MUDs: I played on a MUD around '95 and enjoyed it, though it had nowhere near the depth present here. I have played on MUSHes and other RP-centric games for the last ten years or so, and my concept of RP is different to what I see here. I'm used to sending a short paragraph of my own words (perhaps a bit longer than the one above) and waiting five minutes for the other person to write a response. I find it strange to use pre-written emotes. In my MUSHing experience, scenes are usually pre-arranged or at least agreed-upon by players in a particular location, so there's no such thing as a surprise attack OOCly: we know we're going to do a scene where such-and-such attacks the other guys or what-have-you. It's quite different here, where there are people busy doing this or that in-game and not willing or able to RP. But how to tell, aside from insanely asking?
When I first began playing I had no desire to get into PvP. I'm starting to come around to the idea, though I'm very nervous. I would also like to take part in other offensive activities such as shrine attacks, but I don't want to wind up unable to walk the world without being randomly ganked. I've walked away from games where I'm 'farmed' -- I don't find that fun. I'm willing to take the consequences of my actions, but I'm not sure how much I can get involved in without winding up with a character who steps out onto the highway and is instantly atomised by an adventurer. I once blundered into the under-construction Targossas when a member of the Ivory Mark was there, and I was sure he was just going to hand me my heart. My own OOC heart was pounding as I tried to get away from him before he killed me. I don't find that terribly fun either. How true is it that if I stick my little toe over the wrong line the world will descend to annihilate me? HELP PK seems to indicate there needs to be a cause, but that doesn't inherently preclude anybody from just nuking you 'cos you're there. If there's IC reason for someone/group to be antagonistic toward me, I should at least hope there might be some IC interaction of the spoken kind before I visit Thoth.
Many of my questions can be answered in-character by my betters and those I'll direct that way, in due time (so as not to be the 'oh no, here she comes with another twelve thousand questions' one). A few I thought I'd toss out here as well.
I'm starting to learn Runelore now and I'm starting to want to stock up on inks. The biggest batches I've seen are tens. I'd love to buy 50s or 100s (provided I can scare up the cash required). Is it possible for a Mhaldorian to shop outside Mhaldor or Delos? From an RP standpoint I expect my Mhaldorian betters would frown on such a thing: I should support Mhaldor with my coin, not its foes.
Speaking of RP, it's quiet in Mhaldor much of the time, to my experience. I'm shy and low-ranking and the IC culture of 'speak when spoken to' and general harshness (which I like, by the way: it's very Klingon) makes me nervous about trying to start anything up with anybody. When my character was first enslaved I had the opportunity to chat with a few other Malefics in the tavern, and that was wonderful. I learned a few things and got to RP as well. I haven't had much RP beyond that I've had with my mentor since then. Maybe it's just me, but I get the sense that folks are too busy to RP, especially the high-rankers in Mhaldor. I don't want to be a pest, but I would love to discuss the Seven Truths or Sartan or whatever with people IC, beginning in a safe place (i.e. Mhaldor).
You'd be surprised. Just speak to people. I am new in Mhaldor too, but I'd love to meet your character ic.
As for shopping, you can shop in Ashtan too. Hashan is enemying mhaldorians who trespass into the city, but maybe you could sneak in a few purchases first. Likewise with Cyrene.
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.
That said, also feel free to initiate conversations with other slaves/citizens. I don't believe they will entirely shut you out.
Stories by Jurixe and Stories by Jurixe 2
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Honourable, knight eternal,
Darkly evil, cruel infernal.
Necromanctic to the core,Dance with death forever more.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
First, welcome to Achaea. Stick with us and we will become your favorite hobby. New blood is of critical importance to everyone, and only the most myopic and embittered of the plauerbase will decline to go out of their way to make your stay enjoyable if you let us know your status.
Your bad experience with Targossas shouldn't put you off completely to interaction with factional enemies. That said, trespass is a perfectly valid IC cause for attack, and every faction has trigger-happy members. A novice Targossian/Shallamese should expect to get similar treatment if they set foot in Mhaldor, or even the greater island. Most people will give a stern warning or even forcible but nonlethal ejection to a newbie before unleashing hell on them.
If RP is what you're after, you're in luck. Achaea is in the midst of a game-wide player-driven renaissance of roleplay, where the always-on, enthusiastic player type is becoming common and the frequently-OOC, crass players are becoming a rarity.
Lastly, I have to echo those counseling you to be unafraid of interacting with superiors, including gods. Every single one of them has a player just like you behind the keyboard. Hell, I'd (conservatively) estimate that between a third and half the players you see at any given time are in their undies. If that doesn't help make interaction easier I don't know what will.
Welcome to your favorite time/money sink. If you're ever in the market for a cross-faction debate of Evil vs Good, drop Tan a line.
Honourable, knight eternal,
Darkly evil, cruel infernal.
Necromanctic to the core,Dance with death forever more.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
@Arditi, thanks for the tip about the saferoom in Targossass. I'd heard of it, but wasn't sure what that meant: is the whole place a saferoom, or is there a room/set of rooms that is marked so you can see it in-game?
@Ruth, @Jurixe, thanks for the insights on prospects for pestering my betters. ;D I'm hoping to increase my interactions with my fellow citizens and, Sartan willing, I will make it to a sermon or mass to fulfil my Malefic requirements. There were two, I think, this past Saturday evening, the only time I'm consistently not available to MUD.
@Trilliana, an IC conversation with @Nizaris was the thing that convinced me completely that I needed to join Mhaldor. The idea that the City of Evil is so not merely because we want to wear black and be scary at people but because there are guidelines for behaviour and specific ideologies (the Seven Truths, etc.) was too much to pass up. Admittedly, when I first joined Achaea I was expecting it, as a MUD, to be more shallow. I'm very pleased to be entirely wrong on that.
@Tanaar, I think much of my discomfort with being run out of Targossass stemmed from my inexperience with the game. I don't expect to play a Mhaldorian and have everyone come out of the woodwork to love on me. I was afraid the fellow I encountered would really attack me, and given my weak status and complete ineptitude regarding PvP (item one: get Omnipave working right on my character!), I was sure I would be a smoking pile of ash in mere milliseconds. As I'm adjusting, and with the help of all you friendly folks here, I'm learning what's going on and how I might react were such a thing to happen again. And I'm sure I'll have opportunity to take you up on that offer of debate as I progress in my studies.
@Mishgul: Hello, Dreadlord. Memory tells me you are the person responsible for creating Omnipave. It is a great set of scripts: I just have to get familiar with it. I'll be pestering people in Mudlet Clan for help if I need it, and I'm sure my mentor can help me out too. Is there a clan for Omnipave users, or is the Mudlet Clan the place to be for that?
@Nizaris: Greetings, Apostle. I've missed talking with you about the Truths and such. I went on an exploring/hunting kick for a week or so (finally found Creville Asylum, yay!), but I'm back in study mode now and I have lots to talk about!
@Drauka, I think I've seen you about the city now and again. I'd like to chat with you, or maybe even go out hunting some time. That goes for the rest of you as well.
Random aside that's still relevant to the conversation: Oraiste and Phaedra were two of the first people I met in Mhaldor, aside from the aforementioned, but I haven't seen either of them for a few weeks. That one day I blundered into the Worm and Grub and a conversation that clued me in to the fact I could sell lycopods for cash (still my main source of cash, though I'm looking for others) remains one of my favourite moments thus far on Achaea. Anybody seen them about, or talk to them out of game? I remember, I think, Oraiste from when I was a newbie, running around Minia. It was kind of like seeing an old school mate again when I had formally joined Mhaldor and found her in the Congregation.
Anyway, thanks for the millionth time to everyone who took the time to respond here. See you in Achaea!