In a city, every active citizen with enough in-game time can vote in elections/referendums, which is fine, given cities' immense importance to the game.
In a house, every active HR5 member can vote in elections/referendums, which is also fine, given houses' more specialized roles, so having to work a little harder to gain a voice is acceptable.
In a clan, every active member can vote regardless of time spent in the clan or relevance to it. Would it be possible to get voting privileges as an investable power, so that a clan can limit the voting base to specific positions, since we don't have ranks like a house does? I'm a member of a few clans that are run democratically, but we have members that are only affliates of the clan's purpose or identity, not full members or decision makers. Being able to designate who can vote and who can't would allow safer and more effective elections for clans that wanted to limit authority to a council or oligarchical style of leadership.
It could also prevent some of the more extreme cases of "clan theft" that's occurred in the past with fully democratic clans, with the ability to vote reserved for the more trusted members of the organization.
-- Grounded in but one perspective, what we perceive is an exaggeration of the truth.
For normal clans, I don't like this. For one, someone could take over a democratic clan then use it as a non-democratic clan by removing everyone's ability to vote, circumventing the one-way direction of the decision.
Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
Either way, I'm fine with a High Clan prerequisite.
In my case, both of the clans I'd like this for are not high clans. I'm actually not worried about them being stolen, either way, I just want to hold referendums that only poll selected individuals, since posting votes in the logs can easily be missed/forgotten, posting votes to the news is inefficient, and messaging votes to the head is easily manipulated. And again, a High Clan requisite still sounds fair to me, it's just more work I'd have to do before I can get started.