If anyone has any scope whatsoever of finding Xerimor, Malaclypse, Khejian, Tont, or Malifuus, by any means whatsoever please send me information. They are all friends and allies, some dating back over a decade irl. It's very important that I find a way to reach them, as it effects the current players of a faction, and in very specific sub areas of it. If you have any any information which leads to the e-mail, skype, or txt number of the above, a 50 credit reward will be given to the person who hands any one individual among them in alive for questioning. No purchase necessary, void after one rl year, not everyone who enters may win, no info for me = f/o
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(The Fool's Court): Carmain says, "I have subbed ~ to *orgasm* use it at your peril."0
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important