This is a stand alone hunting/bashing database.
Download Link:
What it does:
List of What it Records:
There is ONE Alias zBash that will pull up the display multiple ways:
What it looks like:
Here is an example searching for only blademaster sorted by KPM
Sorted by Gold
When you CLICK on any row on the list you will get a more detailed report:
Here is an example clicking on the first row
When you finish hunting in a zone you will get a message from your personal assistant that they have recorded database entry.
You can easily change the name, voice, and appearance of this assistant in the script:
zData.bardName = "Jaskier"
zData.bardVoice = " with a melodic voice"
Here is a GIF showing it being used:
If you want to see these you have to use DEF BRIEF (brief for you svo users) once in a zone.
DEFENCES is the only place you can pull this information from. I have DEF BRIEF built into my attack alias when I start in a zone.
This will all work fine without the crit% exp% information from defenses. That is just extra
Download Link:
Holy shit dude.
Added a small change (Thank you @Veldrin) Some people just don't gain noticeable experience due to their level. If you've already downloaded and don't want to redownload for this.
Search for this bit of code in your scripts --> movement --> line 22
if zData.char.oxp ~= zData.char.xp and getStopWatchTime("zoneHuntWatch") > 60 then
Switched to:
if (zData.char.oxp ~= zData.char.xp or zData.char.killsCount > 0) and getStopWatchTime("zoneHuntWatch") > 60 then
Already updated for future downloads.
zGUI 4.0 - A Free GUI for Mudlet 4.10+
bruh u insane
I am just in awe really. First the GUI, now this. Thank you very much
Registered on forums just to say this is nice. Thanks.
Man, stuff like this is what’s going to end up tempting me to switch to Mudlet from Nexus the most. There may be a lot of fun to be had in writing everything you have from scratch, but there’s only so much you can do. Packages like this are really incredible to me, and I have some fairly high hopes that there could be some awesome data analytics that could come from this. (Gold versus experience gained, time-to-kill versus gold/experience, accurate measurements of damage output… I might have to start writing a system of my one like this for personal use on Nexus.)
So I finally got around to using this and I'm pretty surprised this post only got a couple of comments. This is the best free package I've ever seen released on Achaea that weren't total curing systems.
It works with just an install and is so user friendly.
Jaskier says to you with a melodic voice, "Quite the slaughter you had at the Azdun Dungeon! You
earned 0.038 experience per minute. You also killed 7.45 vile monsters per minute."
It would be nice if there was an option to configure what Jaskier tells you at the end of the trip. I would personally rather see how much gold I gained, how many talismans, and total experience rather than experience and monsters per minute. I am pretty sure this can be changed on the user end but it might be worth considering it for everyone.
I tossed ya 25 credits for releasing this publicly, thanks Zulah.
not too hard to fix
find the zData.db.zoneAdd function and this is what you change the zData.echo to
zData.echo("<magenta>"..area.."<cyan>\! You earned <NavajoWhite>"..exp.."<cyan> experience. You also got <NavajoWhite>"..tali.."<cyan> talismans and <NavajoWhite>""<cyan> gold.")
This is great and I love it. I noticed an error though. It registers negative gains on level up. I'm looking through it to fix, but haven't sorted it yet.
Hrm, do you think we could get a way to merge some results (so we could make hunting trips) and delete others? Like I have quite a few now that's for sailing related stuff (cause it tracks xp gained)
Is there a way to delete all the data in this? I tried uninstalling and deleting, but the data was still there when I reinstalled the script.
It uses a database so you would have to find the db file "exp_db" in your mudlet profile and delete that....then restart mudlet.
It would be quite nice to be able to click an X to delete an entry. Luckbinder/Rageblade bashing really skews this and makes it difficult to keep track of standard results. I know I've run into this a lot, I'm sure Cooper has as well.
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
Thanks Thaisen, this worked.
There are times when I don't want this to record new bashing trips - when I'm testing, know I'll have to take a break mid trip, etc.
Also bashing while goldcapped skews it a lot and I don't want it to record those sessions.
Not a big deal overall but it was nice to be able to clear everything and start fresh.
- Shows last 3 hunts
- Can delete an entry
- Can sort both up and down now
- Added Unnamable
zGUI 4.0 - A Free GUI for Mudlet 4.10+
zGUI 4.0 - A Free GUI for Mudlet 4.10+
zGUI 4.0 - A Free GUI for Mudlet 4.10+
zGUI 4.0 - A Free GUI for Mudlet 4.10+