Iorin's Hero Targeting Reflex Pack. - Free Custom NEXUS Script

Hey there folks! I figured to compliment my prey targeting reflex pack, I'd release a pack that allows priority based adventurer targeting. Since the word "Adventurer" is a bit long to type, I settled on "Hero".

This pack offers basically the same features that my prey targeting does with 2 main differences.

1. The order in which the targets are selected is from least to greatest. (prio 1 being first.)

2. This pack allows you to target people by their titles. (So for example if you wanted to setup a priority list for the different ranks an enemy city citizen could have. That is an option as well.)

  • HEROLIST (Lists all the previously registered hero target strings)
  • ADDHERO <Priority> <String> (Will add a string to your hero target database and associate a priority.)
  • DELHERO <String> (Deletes a string from your hero target database manually)
  • CLEARHEROLIST (Clears all of your hero target database and allows a fresh start.)
  • FINDHERO (Searches the room and targets any adventurer who contains the registered-string in it's name.)
  • ADDHEROLIST <List of names separated by commas> (Allows you to add an entire list of people in one command, useful as a trigger for city raid party kill order calls.) *Will automatically remove spaces in the string if they are present. so can only be used with single word targets.

*edited repost:

The way this package works is by priority. So the lower of a priority a target is, the sooner the "FINDHERO" command will target it, when picking from targets in the room. This package will only set your target if you use the associated commands.

This package uses the nexus clients internal functions that are not usually presented in the documentation. If you have questions about these functions feel free to send me a message and I'll show you a way to compile a list of them. If you like what I've made, leave a comment; would love to hear what everyone thinks/needs in terms of reflexes.

*Note: Worth using the "CLEARHEROLIST" command at installation to initiate your variable in your nexus cloud storage. Using commands before setting variables causes no harm, just could give you a reference error the first time.

*Beware: If you set hero target strings that are common between people you wish to avoid hitting, you can and will target them by accident. hero target strings can be multiple words long, so make them specific if you need to.

Once Again, Enjoy :)


  • Worth mentioning as well that "ADDHEROLIST <KILLORDER>" will properly associate the priorities related to the order of the list.

    So: "ADDHEROLIST Iorin, Iaxus, Vasher"

    Will set priorities:

    • Iorin : Prio 1
    • Iaxus : Prio 2
    • Vasher : Prio 3
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