I finally max'd out my critical hit pendant, so I am looking for the next few options to boost hunting speed.
I mostly hunt as 2H Runewarden so, which last I checked unless this recently changed, is second best to serpent at this tier. I am also not really worried about tanking up more at the moment for hunting.
So with Level 3 pendant, lucky elixir and trait, and dragon lair I can reach a crit bonus of 11.
Is artefact armour the next best option? Mayan figurine? Let me know if I am missing anything.
Bastard sword if you haven't already got it.
Gauntlets if you do.
Make sure you have enough health to be able to survive, as well. Cape doesn't affect hunting speed but it does basically let you hunt wherever you like without penalty. If you have all the above, you're basically set.
Mayan is meh without the crit-boosting paragons, and also vice-versa. Max str, sword and crit is really all you need to get super good hunting speed. Paragons/maya are just luxury.
Disappearing from Achaea for now. See you, space cowboy.
smileyface#8048 if you wanna chat.
I agree with everything Saonji said, with the exception that Mayan is meh. As two-hander, you have A LOT of wasted dps on crit overkills. As an example, when I one-shot a sidhe with a WSC on the first attack, the next sidhe is also a guaranteed one shot because of how much damage it rolls over. (Edit: This has turned my Matic (guaranteed upper-end crit on your next attack) into a SURVIVABILITY option, allowing me to clear out rooms of 4 or 5 big mobs by one-shotting the first two).
The only reason I'm voicing this disagreement is SPECIFICALLY because you are two-handed, which is really slow but hits like a truck. I still agree that it's a just a luxury, though, and should be picked up after strength and sword like Saonji mentioned. Mayan is just disproportionately good for two-handers.
Awesome, thanks all. Sounds like I am basically there!
I have cape, lvl 3 bastard, and all that. I guess a Mayan first, then armour.
Two-handed bashing scales ridiculously well with strength. I would max that out before a Mayan.
(Edit: This has turned my Matic (guaranteed upper-end crit on your next attack)
Mayan can be alright in these kinds of instances, but even then it's an expensive artifact that has niche cases. The reason I mentioned the synergy with paragons is because Maya only procs on WSC and PRC hits; without the paragons WSC only makes up around 4-5% of your total crits.
Paragons and Mayan get exponentially better when they're combined. Alone they're -okay- but they really shine when they're combined together.
eta: I'd definitely try and aim for mayan first, though, given it's a limited thing. Armour you can get whenever you want (and with bound credits).
Disappearing from Achaea for now. See you, space cowboy.
smileyface#8048 if you wanna chat.