Inkmilling script update?

Does anyone have an inkmilling script that also includes milling for pigments? Please and thank you!


  • SophiSophi Rally Point
    You don't need a script, you can just type out mill 5 red/blue/yellow pigment without having to outrift or do anything else, including taking the pigments out of the mill! If you use svo or some other system you can just do use DOR.
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Sophi said:
    You don't need a script, you can just type out mill 5 red/blue/yellow pigment without having to outrift or do anything else, including taking the pigments out of the mill! If you use svo or some other system you can just do use DOR.
    I was excited when I read this, then I realised that for some reason this doesn't work with making inks.

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