so i found a good resource ( ) and it's showing stuff for things scripts already do, some useful like the interacting with the actual client. Do I have to use these funny ways of declaring variables and incrementing/decrementing stuff?
You don't have to use any of the variable functions, no. Only really need to set/get them if you want to save the state of something between play sessions. Don't have to use the rest of the mathematical operation ones at all.
Ok thanks, setting up some defence reflexes and stuff to force me to run. I tend to lose sight of my health and die. This way I will move away and be like: WTF?! than realize my health is low lol
I can't help with coding, but just wanted you to know that there is an in game curing system that can also be set up to handle defences. Have you tried looking into that?
I can help with coding. You need to understand what item++ is actually doing, because it isn't just incrementing the value of item by 1. It returns a value before the increment happens, so item++ will return 0 (which gets passed to the loader function when the timeout fires), and then uselessly increments its value by 1, storing that in the item variable.
Just use item + 1 if you want the current value plus one.
Yep, that worked. It seems to be running out of sync with the server maybe, because they all work fine except the one that apparently has a longer cooldown than on the website? Or that's a milisecond difference
edit: NVM, seems to only happen if my wifi glitches. Might have to get a bit more complicated and go based on the ping
this keeps looping the cloak part, I've adjusted stuff to try to get it but it ain't working very well xD
edit: I found my issue, it seems to be resetting the item variable each time it is called, it should not be doing that though
Just use item + 1 if you want the current value plus one.
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edit: NVM, seems to only happen if my wifi glitches. Might have to get a bit more complicated and go based on the ping