This is an amazing release that adds drag and drop packages, custom cursors, draggable labels and more! Mudlet is now more powerful than ever for building stunning, modern interfaces for MUDs.
Thanks to Edru, who massively improved Geyser and Userwindows in the last update, you can now drag and drop packages into Mudlet to install them. Pretty simple!
Credit: Eraene’s DarkTheme
Along with this comes a sysDropEvent, so you can code a custom action when a file is dropped into Mudlet. If you’re a package author, remember you can make use of the sysInstall event to notify that your package has been installed. Enjoy!
This game has put
together a seriously impressive Mudlet package and we’re honoured to
have them added to Mudlet officially! Double-click on CF in the
Connection screen to play
Carrion Fields is a unique blend of high-caliber roleplay and complex, hardcore player-versus-player combat that has been running continuously, and 100% free, for over 25 years.
Choose from among 21 races, 17 highly customizable classes, and several cabals and religions to suit your playstyle and the story you want to tell. Our massive, original world is full of secrets and envied limited objects that take skill to acquire and great care to keep.
We like to think of ourselves as the Dark Souls of MUDs, with a community that is supportive of new players – unforgiving though our world may be. Join us for a real challenge and real rewards: adrenalin-pumping battles, memorable quests run by our volunteer immortal staff, and stories that will stick with you for a lifetime.
Edru didn’t just stop with drag and drop – adjustable containers are in as well! What does it mean? It means labels/miniconsoles that you can move around and reposition just by dragging! No code needed.
Try this code in Mudlet:
testCon = testCon or Adjustable.Container:new({name="testContainer"})
testLabel = Geyser.Label:new({x=0, y=0, height="100%", width="100%", color="green"},testCon)
Dicene also added a cool feature – you can now hit Ctrl+F to search within the script only, not your entire Mudlet profile!
He didn’t just stop there either – you can now toggle whenever you’d like to search within variables, default off so it’s quicker:
Thanks to SlySven, the CP437 encoding is now supported. Along with a custom font, Medievia makes use of this to draw amazing custom maps
Check out a few more screenshots.
Yep, custom cursors are here! Curious? Download, drag, and drop this demo package into Mudlet to try all the cursors out
Big thanks to Edru for adding these in.
gcms added MXP as another format that you can get data / events from, just like GMCP. Check it out!
demonnic did a pass over the table functions – table.contains() can now check within multiple nested tables, and table.collect(), table.n_collect(), table.matches(), table.n_matches() to make working with tables easier.
Thanks to Edru, you can now manipulate the syncing of a module with enableModuleSync(), disableModuleSync(), and getModuleSync(), and add/edit the Scripts as you see them in Mudlet with enableScript(), disableScript(), setScript(), getScript(), permScript(), and appendScript().
Edru also improved on the userwindows – you can now choose whenever they should be popped out or docked at start, and if docked, which area should they be in. Autodocking while dragging can now be disabled, too!
A few more improvements are also present – see the full changelog below.
As mentioned two months ago, we’ve fixed an issue where you could still :show() the child of a hidden container. If your UI relied on this broken behaviour, make sure to update it!
Alias/trigger/script editors are no longer huge by default, and they’ll remember their sizes as well. Thanks to dicene for covering this off!
Big thanks to mwarzec for translating the entirety of Mudlet into Polish! In his own words, it was possible thanks to:
home.. sweet home.. and no reasons to go outside..
We skipped 4.7 because that was the April Fools version
Thanks to all coders who made this release amazing! atari2600tim, Damian Monogue, Edru2, gcms, Ian Adkins, Jim Tryon, Kebap, keneanung, Mike Conley, Richard Moffitt, Slobodan Terzić, Stephen Lyons, and Vadim Peretokin.
Thanks to all translators: DarkApocalypse , Dawid Chomaniuk (pd.chomaniuk), Jelle Z. (jelle619), Leris, Marco “M0lid3us” Tironi (wiploo), mwarzec, vingi, and thomazleventhal for their work in this.
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