The title says it all. What is the difference between cities?
I know that there are some classes that can be played in certain cities.
Is there certain cultures in the cities? What are they?
Could someone tell me something good about their city that is different from the others?
I'd like this thread to be something that complete newbies could take a look at and find some answers. I'm not familiar with Achaea either so I'm looking forward to this.
Thank you in advance!
but seriously... just HELP <CITY> will get you like 90% there...
Cyrene (from outsider's perspective):
Edit: Except less rainbows and more snow.
We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.
On a less sarcastic note, the actual culture within the village is actually quite positive these days compared to how it's been in the past. We have a good group of young aspiring players and a fair few of us old grumbly farts trying to help them learn as best we can.
In response to OP, I've only ever lived in Cyrene (a loong time ago to be fair), Shallam and Eleusis. I've been Eleusian far longer than anything else so I'll admit I am quite biased toward it. But my objective advice would be to simply loiter awhile in each city and chat or listen/observe the goings on. Most places at peak times are quite bustling whether with raids, or just lots of adventurers etc.
Hope that adds something to the conversation. If not, well... at least there's cookies in Eleusis. and Sailing.