Customer Service Turnaround

edited February 2020 in North of Thera
I hate that the most recent string of posts have been targeted at the administration, but I get the impression that the Garden does want to provide a positive experience in the game. I merely wanted to highlight some issues that I've been experiencing. That being said, I do enjoy the War set. It seems to be a good one (and most items are useful) so far from what I can tell.

I've submitted a series of bugchecks and issues about problems with the new War set. It's been 4 days and i don't think the bugs/issues have been even assigned.

*The war talisman set info hasn't been populated
*The gilded bit that i fed to my mount went poof. Never got to even use it.
*Also had a question about the functionality of the rotting remains but anticipating a 'working as intended' response so I didn't bother submitting it because of the lack of response about the other two issues.

Is it customary to have to wait this long for a response/fix for something that was newly released ? 
(I had a similar issue with the logosmas pike, and after having waited over a week for the bug to assigned and 'fixed', only for it to continue to be broken in the same way, and my second bug to be left unaddressed, I just went ahead and traded it in and deleted the bug)

This are examples of the feedback that has been given around concerns about quality of product being released through the monthly promotion system.

While the community appreciates the administration taking feedback about promotions, these are the kinds of issues that harm confidence in the administration and ultimately undermine people's interest in paying their hard earned money. I will be voting with my wallet this month and won't be purchasing into this promo. 


  • I think the 'timer' put on bugs was a huge mistake just to "clean up the list" rather than clean up the bugs.

    I also have been doing TALISMAN SET WAR and see nothing so I havent been interested in trading or possibly buying credits for the one sweet thing on the list I can't live without.  It comes across as just another half-done money generator because of that - but is having the opposite effect, for me at least.

    That said, I see how some of the posts (even ones I make) can be seen as critical of the admin. I fully realize some things are oug if their control and there's only so much they can do, while also having to generate revenue, etc. 

  • Oops, that one is on me. One of our coders flagged that up to me the other day and it appears I made the changes but didn't actually move them to the live server. The talisman war set should now be populated with its information.

    I hadn't got to your gilded bit one in the listing yet, but I'll handle that today: for reference, if you have an artefact or related bug, you can message me directly and I will handle it. Sometimes those can end up at the back of the new bugs listing and fly under the radar for longer than is of course ideal.

  • honestly, I think the current devs do work really damn hard, and almost always I get expedient responses, as well as being given front-row seats to help fix stuff if I'm able to. At no point do my current frustrations really hang on the current set of admin for the game, as I do believe they are working ridiculously hard and I appreciate the shit out of their efforts, which sometimes doesn't show when I pick something to hound on. I don't talk to Nicola much, but that's because I always presumed I irritated her, while I know I irritate mak and ictinus but Ictinus at least gets to picture Aegoth in speedos with me and Makarios gets to hear wonderful stories of my dog falling off my lap. . .
  • @Makarios thanks for the quick response.
  • I have always had quick responses to important bugs I have submitted. Ones concerning a purchase have been responded to very promptly as well.

  • Normally if it's a typical bug with a game mechanic, I leave it to the bug system. If it's a oh crap I broke the game bug I message directly then bug. If I dont hear a response for a bug I message just to see the status or issue myself. I normally get a prompt response from Inc or Mak.
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