Current Limb Counter

Since it's my understanding some of the values change whenever they change skills... does anyone have a currently viable limb counter for Blademaster that is available?


  • I can hook you up if you use nexus.
  • Can confirm, Keorin's got the hookup. Now make me an aff tracker!
  • Hmm, I use Mudlet! But am not opposed to moving over if there isn’t one that is workable for it! There’s a lot more utility just glancing at the new Nexus than there used to be when I tried it forever ago.
  • I probably wouldn't recommend switching clients if you like Mudlet, personally. There are enough counters that work or -mostly- work that it should be possible to find something. I tried making a svo tracker for blademaster for mudlet, and had what I thought was success, but lately someone's been unable to get it working, so it may be too buggy.

    Do you use svof? I might be able to fix up that one, if so.
  • I hadn't really gotten around to picking up anything like svof yet? I jumped the gun past curing and straight to, "I wanna be able to stab people!" I've svo before though, so I would happily pick up svof.
  • I have ratios for all the stances in a folder somewhere. Sanya/Unstanced being 1 and the others multiplying up or down from there. I think Mir is 1.2 for instance if I'm remembering right. I'll just go dig it up.
  • Sanya - 1
    Doya - 1.05
    Thyr - .8
    Mir - .9
    Arash - 1.1
    Unstanced - .95

    For legslash left for instance, do 1.5*stanceValue to left, and 1*stanceValue to right. Compassslash is 1.4*stanceValue.

    I hope this helps, some people calculate limbs differently than I do, I just count to X but lotta people try to deduct hits from total limb health and junk.
  • I'll make sure the svof counter's working over the weekend or earlier. Gilliam's numbers are the same ones I use, so you can also potentially edit one of the other counters out there to use those numbers.
  • thanks so much @Keorin , I really appreciate all the answers and help! and thanks to @Gilliam too for the numbers!!
  • Gilliam said:
    Sanya - 1
    Doya - 1.05
    Thyr - .8
    Mir - .9
    Arash - 1.1
    Unstanced - .95

    For legslash left for instance, do 1.5*stanceValue to left, and 1*stanceValue to right. Compassslash is 1.4*stanceValue.

    I hope this helps, some people calculate limbs differently than I do, I just count to X but lotta people try to deduct hits from total limb health and junk.
    How do you calculate the value of X?
  • You test on a lot of break points and make a list. Once you get a sense of the scaling, it's not hard to guess in-between values.

    Plus, a lotta people will let you get their break point before a spar, and pretty much everyone's chill with you getting one afterwards, if your number was off.
  • Pretty much what Keorin said. If you're extra nuts, just keep adding every health point you test on to your list until you come across two health totals with a 2hp difference between break points. Not based on a real example or anything. Who would do that? That'd be overkill.
  • Alright, I'm going to tentatively suggest that this counter is working. I haven't been able to test it extensively (not being a BM), but it's worked in my tests so far on both svo 34 and the latest multiclass version.

    Install by using the package manager on the .zip file, like normal. Make sure you move the trigger folder -above- svo's trigger folders, and if you're using the multiclass version, you'll want to disable the built in counter's folder, since this uses the same alias patterns (there's no built in BM counter, so this shouldn't cause any issues). Restart mudlet once it's installed.

    I'll give the caveat that this is having horrible bugs for one friend. I can't seem to reproduce them, so my hunch is that she got my code haunted, but please let me know if things aren't working!

    As for hyper specific break points, back on shikudo release, your staff strikes hit for 1.05 and your kicks for 1, which basically mandated getting break points down to the hundredths place. I kind of miss it.

  • Late, but I was unable to get Keorin's script to track hits. Normal target alias wouldn't even recognize target (nn <target> would report that it wasn't tracking that target anyway), and "shn <target> <#>" would force a target to be recognized but still wouldn't track.

    Jumpy said:
    The membership is already such a good deal that there is no way we can reduce the cost. 

  • I can help you troubleshoot, if you need, though in my experience issues like that almost always come from the prompt not being configured in a way that the prompt trigger picks it up. The readme explains how prompts need to look to match, or you can change the prompt trigger's regex itself.
  • I can't look at it at the moment, but is the prompt trigger not isPrompt? Or Mudlet's prompt trigger line?

    Jumpy said:
    The membership is already such a good deal that there is no way we can reduce the cost. 

  • Disregard above post, looking into it and messaging Keorin now.

    Jumpy said:
    The membership is already such a good deal that there is no way we can reduce the cost. 

  • I guess I’m not into the blademaster yet as much as u guys. For the most part, I don’t know what u’re talking about.
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