If I wanted to create a combat focused character, what class is the easiest to learn with?

Hi everyone.

I’m thinking of returning to Achaea with a new character. I always found combat impossible to get my head around so focused on RP exclusively. However, I always wanted to learn combat and am looking to at least get the basics down. What class would be the most strait forwards to do this with? Also, which Houses and/or Cities are best at training newbie combatants?

I know I’m being a proper n00b here, and I realise there possibly isn't a single answer to my questions, so please be gentle with me ;)


  • edited December 2019
    This is definitely a tricky question, because a lot of it comes down to play style preferences. The simple answer is that all classes are viable and can be learned, so don't let the specifics weigh you down if you find something that interests you. Play what is fun and the details will come to you as you practice! Don't hesitate to swap around until you find something that fits you. My personal opinions and analysis follow:

    Classes can usually be categorized as being either momentum based, prep based, or a hybrid of the two. Momentum based rely on stacking up afflictions to reach kill conditions or lock the target; these usually require the opponent to disengage or make specific curing choices to survive, but can be reset quickly by curing those afflictions down. Prep classes rely on limb damage or similar conditions that can't be reset by curing, and instead require you to either disengage entirely (3 minutes or longer) or survive the 'execute' sequences by doing the right things at the right time as your limbs break. Hybrid classes have a mixture of these components and tend to have more moving parts, and so have a steeper learning curve, but not so much that they're impossible to get into.

    In general I would avoid the factional classes unless you have a specific interest in them, since these will heavily hinder your ability to switch factions if you find your character doesn't fit in or that you're not enjoying it for whatever reason (i.e. you'll have to drop the class to join another city). These would be Apostate, Druid, Infernal, Occultist, Paladin, Priest, Sentinel, Sylvan. Alchemist is subject to a lesser extent, as they have a skill option that is exclusive to Hashan, and cannot join Eleusis at all, but are generally more able to move between the other cities.

    For momentum-style classes: Alchemist is relatively straight-forward and doesn't benefit hugely from artefacts, so they're a good economic choice for giving combat a try. Depthswalker is another great choice, it lessens a lot of the burden behind coding and theory, while still having a lot of options and a high ceiling for effectiveness; it also does quite a bit of damage and has a prep element it can use in the process. Serpent is the classic choice and is a great class to learn with, but benefits from artefacts to increase their affliction rate, which can be discouraging.

    For prep-style classes: Runewarden is another classic choice - it's good at almost everything, is great to bash with, and gives you a fair bit of flexibility by having multiple specs to choose from. I recommend two-handed or dual cutting as they're easy to start with and have pretty straight-forward kill conditions. They do have a significant benefit from artefacts, but are great to get started with against similarly matched opponents. Magi is a strong prep class with great group tools (almost necessary ones for a lot of circumstances) and a great defensive kit to give you some breathing room, but the kill sequences can take some practice to properly execute. Monk is another choice that is simple to start with and becomes increasingly complex as you get used to the class, however it benefits significantly from artefacts (it's a longstanding example of what artefacts can do for a class, since monks benefit from almost all of the general ones). If you pick this, don't go the Shikudo route, it's considered an advanced route and takes more understanding of the different tools available.

    For just getting started, I don't recommend Bard or Shaman, because they have a lot of details that can make it difficult to get kills without practice and precision. Psion is a relatively new hybrid class that is not particularly friendly to new players, mostly because they are fragile and have prep and momentum elements that are best used when lined up. Blademaster is amazingly fun but the mechanics behind it can be frustrating, since your attacks all do varying and somewhat unclear amounts of limb damage, and need a fair bit of data collection and practice to really employ. Jester requires timing and precision, and so can be frustrating when you're just getting started; it's also relatively outdated and relies a fair bit on someone already understanding how cure balances line up.

    To vaguely answer the second part, all cities have a framework in place for training fighters. Even Cyrene. The better options within each city will become evident when you do the introductory quests and interact with the city. Find out in game!

    TL;DR: Alchemist, depthswalker, serpent, runewarden, magi, maybe monk. But read it.
  • If you're willing to play a factional class, Occultist, Apostate, and Sylvan are all very good choices, as well, and don't require an extreme amount of artefact support to be fairly potent on offence, particularly in group combat. 

    For dueling, I think I'd say Alchemist is probably your best choice, like Issam said, but I'd be wary of categorising anything as an 'easy' climb. Offences are more straightforward with newer classes, and it's not very complicated to learn how to kill people, but if you want to make combat the centre of your Achaean experience, you'll have to work a lot, either learning to recognise others' offences, coding, or a combination of both. Being at the top of your game means parsing a lot of information and reacting quickly or having a script that can do that for you, and both require work!

    Combat is a fun part of Achaea. I would caution against making it the sole focus of your experience, because it can be frustrating, particularly once you clear the initial hurdles and move into fighting people who have been accumulating artefacts and talismans and stuff for a long time. There's a pretty big plateau at a certain level of skill and investment, and getting past that can be frustrating, and time-consuming. And it's not always necessarily worth it, if you're not the kind of person that doesn't enjoy putting the work in for its own sake. 
  • Be forged in the crucible of grief, it makes u hardy.

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • edited December 2019
    Wow. Thanks for the detailed responses! Lots of food for thought here. Thank you.
  • Condensing what the laguz said: at some point someone is going to tell you "you should get <artie> so you can <do thing>." So be prepared to either drop an amount of money that may or may not be significant to you, or do a whole lot of grinding.
  • Or just not get arties and do what you can with what you got.
    Deucalion says, "Torinn is quite nice."
  • Keep in mind that Achaeans have been abused for so long, they're in love with their abuser. People telling you you 'need' X or Y for whatever might overestimate the importance of being able to do that, might not realise there are other ways to win, or might actually be right about what they're saying. 

    As always, shop around for opinions and remember you can always ask to test out an artefact before you go splurging cash on Achaea. 
  • I tell new players roughly the same thing every time. Play what seems fun to you, Offense is not as important as defense. surviving long enough to reach a kill condition will carry you a lot further than perfectly executed kill setups. Try not to fall into the trap of focusing on offensive artifacts to narrow the gap between you and someone else. Get to level eighty before you start fighting seriously. (health helps a lot) Make an effort to understand why you lose and shop around for ways to avoid it next time. Lastly dont be afraid to jump atalkez. Easy kills. XD 
    Cooper said:
    This is one of the worst forms of special snowflake RP I've ever seen. Thanks for going to another city to do it!
  • Occultist.
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