Plumbing in Achaea

SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
I don't really know a whole lot about plumbing in general. But I'm wondering about the state of plumbing in the game. We've got water fountains, pipes and a sewage system. We've also seen at least one shower albeit one built during an older time. Mostly I'm curious how this affects furniture crafting, particularly bathroom items like sinks and tubs. Do they include faucets and drainage?


  • I have asked this question many times. I did 'rf <a bunch of bathroomy words>' and only came up with latrines, iirc.
  • The plumbing in Mhaldor must be something special to not get clogged with all the blood and whatever else goes through it
    Deucalion says, "Torinn is quite nice."
  • Torinn said:
    The plumbing in Mhaldor must be something special to not get clogged with all the blood and whatever else goes through it
    You just have to rinse thoroughly when it's fresh. Really sucks if you let it start clotting, though it does give your footsteps that satisfying sticky click.
  • Gror said:
    Torinn said:
    The plumbing in Mhaldor must be something special to not get clogged with all the blood and whatever else goes through it
    You just have to rinse thoroughly when it's fresh. Really sucks if you let it start clotting, though it does give your footsteps that satisfying sticky click.
    Deucalion says, "Torinn is quite nice."
  • Achaeans don't poop.

  • Cooper said:
    Achaeans don't poop.
    That can't be true, as I've met many Achaeans who act like theirs is odorless.
  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    Y'all should read better. I woke up hoping for something productive but all people want to talk about is pooping :(

    I'm actually less interested in waterclosets and more interested in the sinks and tubs. Toilets aren't even a furnishing option, which speaks volumes about the need to use the bathroom I guess. But washing your hands/face and taking a bath is just polite.

  • Torinn said:
    The plumbing in Mhaldor must be something special to not get clogged with all the blood and whatever else goes through it
    Jir once saw a bathtub with taps in the lobby of a place in Mhaldor as a young Naga and was genuinely curious about how they got clean water from the taps for exactly this reason. 

    But then his friends were like "Dude we brought you to the brothel and all you're interested in is where they get clean water from, what the hell" and it got really awkward. 

    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • There could be a simple gravity fed system being used to provide the water, with pressure depending on the height difference between inlet and outlet. For hot water, there are options that could include having a heavy clay pipe wrapped around a fireplace or metal stove, or having a heat source under a tank of some kind, and again it would need an elevation difference. Theoretically, I would bet the technology and magic in the game are advanced enough to look at some form of pumping system, but gravity systems have been around for a long, long time.

    Disposal systems are pretty ancient, but I think you're looking more of how to get the water in, than a functioning sewer system or latrines.
  • Or we could just accept that our characters don't poop, pointing out the like 2-3 latrines doesn't change that!

    Over 600 years of none of my characters pooping so far.

  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    I think Skye is just trying to design her housing, man, not ask the "what pooped first, the Shallamese or the Ashrani?" question.

    Plumbing itself (or at least basic forms of it) is pretty ancient, so I'm sure it exists. The way Aerek and I decided to tackle it was to just have the baths directly above the kitchens, and there would be an easy system to heat the water that way, then just the fill the bath with buckets method. Nothing fancy. I think it would be entirely possible to sort of brand sone really basic piping plumbing as "emerging" technology and go with it though, as adventurers would be in the best position to acquire new things. Drainage especially should be doable if pre-planned well.
    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • edited August 2019
    Han-Tolneth pooped first
  • Rainwater collection into a rooftop cistern, feeding cold water and into a heating system like @Melodie suggests should do wonders.
  • Skye said:
    Y'all should read better. I woke up hoping for something productive but all people want to talk about is pooping :(

    I'm actually less interested in waterclosets and more interested in the sinks and tubs. Toilets aren't even a furnishing option, which speaks volumes about the need to use the bathroom I guess. But washing your hands/face and taking a bath is just polite.
    I don't know if you ever checked it out, but the Mojushai Hold had a chain you could pull to release water and rinse yourself off. So, there was at least some sort of plumbing!
  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    Yeah I've used that one. Showers aren't exactly reliant on any sort of elaborate plumbing though. You can fashion a makeshift one that's reliant on rain catchment, so it's just water stored on top and a shower head below. :/

  • The alternative answer is

  • edited August 2019
    Cooper said:
    Or we could just accept that our characters don't poop, pointing out the like 2-3 latrines doesn't change that!

    Over 600 years of none of my characters pooping so far.

    All I can think of is the admin running out of ideas and scouring the forums before stumbling upon this thread.  Upon implementation, it is as messy as the weather system and mid-duel people getting well designed 3rd person msgs on torso hits like 'Your fist finds it's mark and for a second you think you have caused <target> to explode. It doesn't take long before you realize it is only their ass, as a brown shower erupts'.  But then, there are the classleads...  "Make poop have an effect like bananapeel and frozen ground but with a chance to.prone"   and "If it prones or the persons stays in the room too long they recurring nausea".

    @Skye I always just assumed each city had irrigation and whatnot from aquifers and things like aquaducts from/to the many rivers. (Like Rome)

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