Hey guys, I've finally decided to write some simple PACKAGES that you can just download and modify some variables if you want them to work! MY first one is an adorable gold_counter:
Simply type 'gc on' to turn it on, and 'gc off' to turn it off.
You can use this for parties to split gold, or simply to see how much you've gotten at any time!
*gc off also resets the variable, gold_count
Now, the BETTER ONE, my anti-theft package! With only TWO VARIABLES you have to fill out on your own:
*requires variables and advanced curing on
And here are the variables: backpack and packnumber. Backpack will look like this:
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/589230050885500942/606759398508855307/unknown.pngSo mine is 'an embossed suede backpack.'
Packnumber is:
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/589230050885500942/606760076203524096/unknown.pngSo mine is '27638'.
ss to turn selfishness on (and advanced curing priortiy 10)
gg to turn selfishness off (and reset advanced curing priority)
buypls to turn the package off for 10 seconds and remove gold from your pack.
You can of course change these variables and more in your settings, but I tested this AND IT WORKS.