Year 800 Championship games!

edited June 2019 in North of Thera
State your raves, what you like, how is the difference from the previous years, all in all your over all assessment of it!


  • I’m missing most of the start of it, dad got married and we all traveled to attend. I’m very curious how things are going.

  • So as someone that won't be able to play, I'm curious. Is Sojourn like Oregon Trail? The comparison was made in another thread and I'm curious if it is or not. 
  • Gahhh this is crap... I want to Sajourn so bad...  :'(
  • edited June 2019
    Sojourn is pretty fun and tough. I enjoy how it makes you really consider your choices.
  • Disappointed that I can't participate.
  • Given that the Sojourn explicitly takes a sample, I wish they hadn't put an initial sampling at the bridge just to get into the place, too. Not getting to participate in the game itself is fairly disappointing, but not getting to explore and see more lore just sucks. Will have to try and find a way around it.
  • I thought the rock was the sampling mechanic?

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • ShirszaeShirszae Santo Domingo
    They didnt have the staff to begin with. If they had had it from the start... Perhaps this is exactly what they would have done, but there's no way they would have had it from the start.

    And you won't understand the cause of your grief...

    ...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.

  • Shirszae said:
    They didnt have the staff to begin with. If they had had it from the start... Perhaps this is exactly what they would have done, but there's no way they would have had it from the start.
    True enough. It is a nice respite from the invasion, however.
    I've given too much to the hate, delved its depths, and rested my head upon its fluffy bosom.

  • As much as I really wanted to participate in my first games (was looking forward to those XP events), I can't really get behind it, ICly. I was going to figure a work around to do the XP Events because that would have really helped me get to dragon, but finding out they are also FREE PK kinda squashed that for me. I do understand that I won't lose experience dying to someone else, but it's more of an inconvenience than anything. I already don't hunt as often as I should (must catch all the fish).

    I do hope those that are taking part are enjoying it though! I'm sure the admin worked hard to make it something special :)

    We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.

  • If it's anything like last time, the double exp will be applied game-wide. You'll just only be able to accrue points inside that particular area (which is open PK)
  • I found out that I can't get XP for the XP contest by killing adventurers. :(
  • As we near the first of the XP Event windows, we wanted to clarify something on the format.

    In prior years, contenders have entered isolated mazes in order to compete: this is not the case this year, and the

    entirety of Achaea is open for hunting throughout.

    Does that mean there will be Open PK for anyone participating in the XP event?
  • Now we know why they priced bugles at 1800cr
  • Puxi said:

    As we near the first of the XP Event windows, we wanted to clarify something on the format.

    In prior years, contenders have entered isolated mazes in order to compete: this is not the case this year, and the

    entirety of Achaea is open for hunting throughout.

    Does that mean there will be Open PK for anyone participating in the XP event?
    Yes, anyone participating that shows up on XPEVENT WHO (I believe that's the syntax) is open PK.
    "If you build it, they will come."
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    And so commences the land-wide genocide for the foreseeable future.

    Even though only the Sojourn part requires sampling, between time restrictions due to RL obligations and boycotting the official games in order to support the Seleucarian Games, there are still parts of this event I would love to participate in. The Treasure Hunt sounds like it was a great time, and there being an Archery contest as well sounds amazing.

    I imagine @Jiraishin will participate in the Archery contest, a little more composed this time around! :P

  • JiraishinJiraishin skulking
    Kresslack said:
    And so commences the land-wide genocide for the foreseeable future.

    Even though only the Sojourn part requires sampling, between time restrictions due to RL obligations and boycotting the official games in order to support the Seleucarian Games, there are still parts of this event I would love to participate in. The Treasure Hunt sounds like it was a great time, and there being an Archery contest as well sounds amazing.

    I imagine @Jiraishin will participate in the Archery contest, a little more composed this time around! :P
    Yeah that's a good bet.
    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • Have got to say this. Logged in for an hour to see what this XPevent was all about and boycott or no boycott, it was super fun. Best time I've had in Achaea for a while, kind of reminded me back when I started out Maldaathi and would get excited going up against Shallam. Before the whole “I can just download all the scripts I need from a forum, play around and be cocky“ bit of Achaea. Having personally benefited from shared scripts I'm not complaining, but you get what I mean. Huge thumbs up at the Garden, cool idea. Loved getting chased around and hunted while hunting. Hope more people join in the fun, seemed low participation!
  • AustereAustere Tennessee
    Dominius said:
    Before the whole “I can just download all the scripts I need from a forum, play around and be cocky“ bit of Achaea. 
    I always find this line of thought amusing. People make statements like this, yet I've never once come across someone that "downloaded all the scripts" and could consistently kill me. Maybe it's a timezone issue? Maybe everyone is just scared to show me all the little monsters I've unleashed? Maybe people exaggerate. Unsure..
  • Austere said:
    Maybe people exaggerate.
    Wow are you saying people in Achaea lie!?
  • Austere said:
    Dominius said:
    Before the whole “I can just download all the scripts I need from a forum, play around and be cocky“ bit of Achaea. 
    I always find this line of thought amusing. People make statements like this, yet I've never once come across someone that "downloaded all the scripts" and could consistently kill me. Maybe it's a timezone issue? Maybe everyone is just scared to show me all the little monsters I've unleashed? Maybe people exaggerate. Unsure..
    I think it comes with the artefacts and the 160%.
    Saeva said:
    If Mathonwy is 2006 I wish 2007 had never come.
    Xenomorph said:
    heh. Mathowned.
    Message #12872 Sent by Jurixe
  • Mathonwy said:
    Austere said:
    Dominius said:
    Before the whole “I can just download all the scripts I need from a forum, play around and be cocky“ bit of Achaea. 
    I always find this line of thought amusing. People make statements like this, yet I've never once come across someone that "downloaded all the scripts" and could consistently kill me. Maybe it's a timezone issue? Maybe everyone is just scared to show me all the little monsters I've unleashed? Maybe people exaggerate. Unsure..
    I think it comes with the artefacts and the 160%.

    Only in Mhaldor. Ashtani have to work for that.
  • I'm overly artefacted and scripted and my combat is shite, its kind of embarrassing. Practice makes a lot of difference, I've done very little

  • Shub said:
    I'm overly artefacted and scripted and my combat is shite, its kind of embarrassing. Practice makes a lot of difference, I've done very little
    Hahaha I know that feel.

  • Get rid of the automation scripts and learn your class. You'll go much farther
  • I guess we need to clarify now. I don't have any offensive scripting in play, l abandoned bashing scripts around level 80 after killing myself with it far too often.

    Most of my stuff is the ui bits, timers and labels and whatnot. Lots of convenience things like humgii race betting, mineral extraction, also did my own battlerage timers, a room info console that I'm pretty proud of. I always meant to chart out an offense but have been too consumed with bashing to put the time into it, maybe things will be different now with the dragon chase completed.

    I have a hard time inputting commands quickly enough in real combat situations even with the 4 letter aliases. I panic and forget all of them, or just lose patience when nothing seems to go out because of my opponents effective hindering. We're probably looking at 2-3 ability usage decisions per second between the humour, equilibrium, homulculus, curing adjustments, movement, shielding, etc, so those things need to become muscle memory and the text flow just completely loses me. Before I can figure out what to do the information has passed me by, then I'm locked, or my opponent is gone, or I'm dead, its sad.

    The answer seems to be log analysis but there are so many different situations you have to analyze and prepare for. I see why people turn to scripting, people could need months to build up all that muscle memory otherwise.

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