Issue with SVOF

MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
So I recently bit the bullet and updated to the latest mudlet and SVOF because I was tired of a lot of the issues I was dealing with. One of those issues, however, hasn't entirely gone away.

Sometimes when I'm putting up defenses, trying to ink a tattoo, eating curatives, and some other actions, I'll get the following message: I cannot fathom the meaning of "showselfclasswho".

This message can show up multiple times in a row and spam the hell out of me. Worse, it can entirely prevent SVOF doing a major function, like curing. This is a particular issue I've run into with potash. It's been driving me mad and keeping me out of the combat scene, and I'm just ready to try and fix things so I can function like a normal person again.

Any ideas?
And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby


  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    Sometimes I hate the forum search function.

    Thanks for the point out!
    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • My qwc command keeps breaking and failing to show the breakdown by city of the wholist under the normal who.  Anyone know how to fix this?  Thank you.
  • Kuririn said:
    My qwc command keeps breaking and failing to show the breakdown by city of the wholist under the normal who.  Anyone know how to fix this?  Thank you.

    Two triggers in the script need to be corrected to fix your problem. The second pattern in "QPT Qwho" needs to be from:

    ^Plus another \d+ whose presence you cannot fully sense


    ^Plus another \d+ whose presence you cannot fully sense|^\(\d+ total\)\.$

    and the "Get Honours Info" trigger pattern needs to be changed to:

    ^(.+)(male|female|Chaos Lord resembling a|Chaos Lady resembling a) (Tsol'aa|Dwarf|Human|Troll|Mhun|Atavian|Rajamala|Horkval|Grook|Xoran|Siren|Satyr|Viridian|Immortal|Tash'la|Elemental Lord)
  • Ok thank you.  Still having a bit of trouble, not sure where to find "QPT Qwho" or "Get Honours Info" Thanks!
  • I linked a copy of the script with the changes already in. To install it, you need to:
    1. Unzip the .xml
    2. Remove the script you are using in the Package Manager in Mudlet (or module manager, depending on how you originally set it up), you may want to save a copy of your original .xml script somewhere else if you want to keep a backup of it, sometimes uninstalling packages in Mudlet also removes the files too.
    3. Install the new one called "APT 1.2 (Edit by Israyhl + Vandred)" using the Package Manger.
    4. Enjoy.

  • Ok, the script I'm using is in SVOF, so I'll have to figure out which of the "svof" packages it is to uninstall it.
  • Thanks again Vandred, got it working, yours works well.
  • Vandred said:
    Kuririn said:
    My qwc command keeps breaking and failing to show the breakdown by city of the wholist under the normal who.  Anyone know how to fix this?  Thank you.

    Two triggers in the script need to be corrected to fix your problem. The second pattern in "QPT Qwho" needs to be from:

    ^Plus another \d+ whose presence you cannot fully sense


    ^Plus another \d+ whose presence you cannot fully sense|^\(\d+ total\)\.$

    and the "Get Honours Info" trigger pattern needs to be changed to:

    ^(.+)(male|female|Chaos Lord resembling a|Chaos Lady resembling a) (Tsol'aa|Dwarf|Human|Troll|Mhun|Atavian|Rajamala|Horkval|Grook|Xoran|Siren|Satyr|Viridian|Immortal|Tash'la|Elemental Lord)

    I am having this same problem, as are others. We are finding your instructions a little hard to follow...

    We found the first trigger and added the new line, but we can't find the "Get Honours Info" trigger pattern at all.

    The instructions for your second post say to install your edited package while uninstalling our own from the package manager, but the problem with that is that svo packages are all "classname svo". How do we know which one to uninstall?
  • Mercer said:
    I am having this same problem, as are others. We are finding your instructions a little hard to follow...

    We found the first trigger and added the new line, but we can't find the "Get Honours Info" trigger pattern at all.

    The instructions for your second post say to install your edited package while uninstalling our own from the package manager, but the problem with that is that svo packages are all "classname svo". How do we know which one to uninstall?
    Both the triggers are in the edited package of my old NDB. The one you want to uninstall, is the one that has SVO's ndb in it (which you can see if you expand the folders in triggers). Haven't used SVO in ~3 years, but from memory it's like the 3rd or 4th one from the bottom.
  • Pyori said:
    Both the triggers are in the edited package of my old NDB. The one you want to uninstall, is the one that has SVO's ndb in it (which you can see if you expand the folders in triggers). Haven't used SVO in ~3 years, but from memory it's like the 3rd or 4th one from the bottom.
    The stuff in the edited package he is offering does not seem to correspond to anything in the NameDB folders. If I lock those folders rather than delete them, qwc reverts to Achaea's usual colourations based on city, implying that the svof function is no longer working at all. That is even true with the edited package installed. I tried searching for his stuff to see if doubles came up, hoping that would give me a clue as to where the original version is precisely located, but no joy.
  • Mercer said:
    The stuff in the edited package he is offering does not seem to correspond to anything in the NameDB folders. If I lock those folders rather than delete them, qwc reverts to Achaea's usual colourations based on city, implying that the svof function is no longer working at all. That is even true with the edited package installed. 
    So in terms of the disabling not fully working as intended, I think locking/disabling folders does turn stuff off but on loading the profile, the variables and tables are still initialized (so it works if you unlock) which could be causing issues if there are overlapping names/functions- not quite sure about this or the package referenced.

    That said, what I usually do if I'm trying to debug and need to go nuclear and delete a large chunk of something- go into the Mudlet profiles folder, duplicate it with a different name and do whatever you want to test in the new profile (which should be an exact replica), in this case- delete what's being suggested, install the new package, restart the profile to reinitialize variables, and test. If you get the desired outcome, you can continue on the new profile, go back to the old one and do the same thing, and if it doesn't fix it- main profile is fine, so scrap the copy, and try some other change. 
  • That's probably because he uploaded an edited version of APT with has nothing to do with Svo's NameDB.

    Changing the 3 pattern on the trigger: (there are 2 with the same name so check)
    NameDB qw
    ^(?:Plus another (\d+) whose presence you cannot fully sense(?: \(\d+ total\))?\.|\((\d+) total\)\.)$

    Should fix the qwc issues.
  • Oh, and you should comment out this part in that trigger.

  • Yeah, it's my bad. When I first looked at the question, I assumed it was dealing with the APT script that was also available on the forums since the commands and output are very similar. I hadn't touched svof up until that point, so I didn't realize it also had a similar people-tracking function with a different implementation. Sorry about the confusion guys!
  • That's probably because he uploaded an edited version of APT with has nothing to do with Svo's NameDB.

    Changing the 3 pattern on the trigger: (there are 2 with the same name so check)
    NameDB qw
    ^(?:Plus another (\d+) whose presence you cannot fully sense(?: \(\d+ total\))?\.|\((\d+) total\)\.)$

    Should fix the qwc issues.

    I did this as instructed, and commented out the parts indicated in your second post. But the qwc problem remains unresolved.
  • However, the broken qw update process now works again, and deleting the NameDB and updating it from scratch seems to have (temporarily at least) fixed the issue. I'll post later if it breaks again.
  • Yep.. still broken. QWC just randomly stops working. Then it works again. Then it breaks again.
  • I recommend just using APT, it works well.  One thing I need to know about APT though, how do I manually set cityless adventurers?  Whenever a cityless adventurer comes on who has their city and house hidden, it breaks qwp and it stops showing people by city.
  • Kuririn said:
    I recommend just using APT, it works well.  One thing I need to know about APT though, how do I manually set cityless adventurers?  Whenever a cityless adventurer comes on who has their city and house hidden, it breaks qwp and it stops showing people by city.

    There is a comment in the APT thread.  One way (the way I do it) requires you have the ^lua (\w+) alias... but honours the person and then do

    lua apt.players["NameOfPlayer"].city = "NameOfCity/OrRogues/orDivine"

  • Thank you!  :)
  • I keep meaning to actually sit down and re-write a new version on that framework but never have time. There are a few other options I would live to implement.

  • Ok a player deleted and APT can't seem to show people by city anymore...  any idea how to fix this?  Tried aptinstall again and no luck.
  • Kuririn said:
    Ok a player deleted and APT can't seem to show people by city anymore...  any idea how to fix this?  Tried aptinstall again and no luck.
    APT is not part of Svof. This thread is not about APT. Make a new one or ask on the original APT thread.
  • Kuririn said:
    Ok a player deleted and APT can't seem to show people by city anymore...  any idea how to fix this?  Tried aptinstall again and no luck.
    They seem to alternate the end of QWHO. I just made a trigger with the \( \d+ total \) and it works so..  play with that

  • I hate it say it but... qwc is still broken. I've done everything suggested in this thread with no result. I don't know what APT is and I can't find a thread about it, but if it is another system like SVOF I really don't want to migrate to it just to solve this one issue since I use SVOF for alot of things.

    Life without SVOF's qwc is not worth living. :(

    I noticed that the Gods now appear in parenthesis for some bizarre reason. Could that be tripping it up? Aegis is now (Aegis). No idea how to fix that if such is the case.

    This isn't just me. Others have had this problem, and I tried a fresh installation of the "latest version" of SVOF Runewarden on my other laptop and had the same issue. QW UPDATE with 'use honours on' doesn't even try to work anymore.

    Who actually controls new releases of SVOF? Is there even someone to contact anymore?
  • APT is in the Tech Support forum as something like "Almost Triggerless NDB" by Alyxeri. @Israyhl modded it for Divine and it is for people like me who dont use SVOF or Wsys. From what I understand it works similarly to the svo option.

  • Mercer, are you in Aegis' Order or Lay order? Brackets about a god use to mean that the god is hidden from the general qw but can be seen by his Order.
  • Was going to post a work around alias but here is the fix for SVO qwc (and the other functions in there)..

    Go into your NDB folder, Data Capture, List folder. You will see 2 triggers with NameDB qw. This was either made before trigger gates (since they're right above it being used) or who made it didn't want to for some reason- Maybe because there is multiple types of displays in there? Don't know.. So, the second one that starts with local function commit() is the one to change.

    Find this:
    if selectString(multimatches[3][2], 1) > -1 then
      replace(string.format("%d (%d total)", multimatches[3][2], tonumber(multimatches[3][2])+#temp_name_list))
    And do this:
    if selectString(multimatches[3][2], 1) > -1 then
      replace(string.format("%d (%d total)", multimatches[3][2], tonumber(multimatches[3][2])+#temp_name_list))
    Just comment block it out and it works.

    Oh and just restating- the 3rd pattern match for that one should be this (Dragonknight posted above)
    ^(?:Plus another (\d+) whose presence you cannot fully sense(?: \(\d+ total\))?\.|\((\d+) total\)\.)$

    I'll check again this evening when total someone is hidden and the total count is the long line, but I think it should still work.
    Hope this works for you!
  • So all the fixes have worked so far, I run into the issue of everytime I use CW QWC I honors the last 35 names of the Database.  Any ideas?
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