Hello all!
I'm giving 100 bound credits for a legenddeck script. It will still be yours to use and sell after if you'd like!
Here is what I need:
- Script that nicely shows which legenddeck cards I need to complete which suits, what I'm missing, etc.
- Ability for me to update it to add future cards and suits. Something like 'legend add Newcard1 to Newsuit'
If this is for you, please post here so I don't accidentally have 5 people try and make this, cause I'm only paying 1 person!
Here is what the output currently looks like for me - except it is in nice lines and the forums broke that.
Name Charges Max Charges Charge Timer
Agith'maal 2 2 0
Agith'tai 3 3 0
Alcibiades 1 1 0
Ama-maalier 3 3 0
Aran'kesh 3 3 0
Aringar 4 4 0
Ashaxei 1 1 0
Bakios 3 3 0
Belladona 2 2 0
Blackboar 2 2 0
Boulder 1 1 0
Camilla 4 4 0
Catarin 5 5 0
Covenant 3 3 0
Enheduanna 5 5 0
Haidion 3 3 0
Han-silnar 1 1 0
Horald 3 3 0
[Type MORE if you wish to continue reading. (46% shown)]
7134h, 8244m, 32120e, 33950w (-13m, 0.2%)
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Icosse 3 3 0
Ithin'urai 1 1 0
Lordan 3 3 0
Matic 3 3 0
Murad 1 1 0
Nicator 5 5 0
Parni 3 3 0
Pazuzu 3 3 0
Reinhold 4 4 0
Rurin 1 1 0
Severian 5 5 0
Slith 3 3 0
Sycaerunax 3 3 0
Travian 3 3 0
Trixy 3 3 0
Ugrach 0 0 0
Vellis 4 4 0
Vulkuz 2 2 0
Xylthus 3 3 0
Yudhishthira 4 4 0
[Type MORE if you wish to continue reading. (90% shown)]
7134h, 8207m, 32120e, 33939w (-37m, 0.4%)
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Yuthka 4 4 0
Zh'risia 3 3 0
Zsarachnor 2 2 0
Not sure I can do it yet mind you...but I'll give it a shot, haha
Sorry if that came across as rude, I'm trying to make sure no one wastes time making something when it's already being done.
Dunn tells you, "I hate you."
(Party): You say, "Bad plan coming right up."
Not rude...doesn't matter, I'm going to do it anyway
Regardless, if anyone else wants to use this, feel free.
LGDECK - Base command (in-game is LDECK, so had to be a little different!)
LGDECK SHOW - Brings up clickable thing to add/remove suits/cards
LGDECK OWNED - Shows you what you own and what you need!
LGDECK OWNED (I know, I know...I'm a poor scrub...)
Some of the names that show up on legenddeck list don't match the output or something, though.
I have Aran'kesh, Blackboar, Han-silnar.
I've fixed those specific cards in this new version along with another thing I missed that impacts adding new cards in the future (hopefully fixed!)
If you run across another one you can simply delete the card with the bad spelling and add it again with the right spelling. (E.g. Delete "Black Boar" and add "Blackboar")