Will Starmourn Impact Your Achaea Play Time?

Do you think you'll stop playing Achaea to play Starmourn? I get open beta just started and it is a mess of bugs and everyone doing stuff, but do you think you'll spend most of your time playing it instead of Achaea?

What's your opinion of Starmourn? 


  • Kerir said:
    Do you think you'll stop playing Achaea to play Starmourn?
    Nope. Don't like sci-fi.
    Kerir said:
    What's your opinion of Starmourn? 
    It will probably do okay. It won't kill Achaea like so many seem to think it will.
  • It'll do ok, it isn't high fantasy, so more than likely it's made to attract people from either other sci fi muds, or old mudders who are looking to scratch the itch with something new, and people who may have never tried a mud but are big sci fi fans.
  • I won't be playing Starmourn.
  • This should be a poll. But, to answer the question, yes. 
  • ShirszaeShirszae Santo Domingo
    I'll definitely be playing it. Not sure how much, yet. We'll see.

    And you won't understand the cause of your grief...

    ...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.

  • It depends on how cash grabby it gets.

  • I'll play it, but I'm also going to hold off starting a character for a few months to let everything settle and the game to find  a stable base.
  • I haven't been playing Achaea much lately, but gave Starmourn a go.  I like sci-fi more than fantasy, and think the game has a lot of good and interesting mechanics that I have been enjoying.  
    Deucalion says, "Torinn is quite nice."
  • The tutors only being able to teach one person at a time is the best. There's not 300 people waiting to learn or anything.
  • Tecton said they are working on a fix, it’s not an easy job to do though. 

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • Caitryn said:
    The tutors only being able to teach one person at a time is the best. There's not 300 people waiting to learn or anything.
    But you can also learn as many lessons as you want in one go. Learn 1736 plasmacasting from atlas.
  • Achaea has been pretty low pop today, all you folks paving the way :) 

  • I already don't get enough Achaea time. I can't fit another game in.
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Caitryn said:
    The tutors only being able to teach one person at a time is the best. There's not 300 people waiting to learn or anything.
    There should be other tutors available in the rooms around the battlemasters to help, but yeah it was hectic. Thankfully a lot of people didn't mind hanging out, making themselves available to teach others.

    I was really impressed with how patient and helpful everyone was being with each other overall. There was a hold up trying to kill one of the quest bosses, and most people simply formed an orderly queue to help everyone slowly get through it.

    I've not been doing much in Achaea, have a lot going on in life, but I took some time to check out Starmourn. It's a lot of fun, and definitely going to appeal to a select group, but I do not think I'll find myself heavily invested in it. When it comes to MUD's I'm more compelled by the fantasy genre (preferably low-mid).

  • Taryius said:
    Caitryn said:
    The tutors only being able to teach one person at a time is the best. There's not 300 people waiting to learn or anything.
    But you can also learn as many lessons as you want in one go. Learn 1736 plasmacasting from atlas.
    You can, which is fantastic and I'm glad they did that, but when your ping is 3000+ and there are 50 other people wanting to learn, it gets a little frustrating.
  • I had to turn off all channels cause the spam is real, folks. Can’t even read what you need to do next!  =)
    Give us -real- shop logs! Not another misinterpretation of features we ask for, turned into something that either doesn't help at all, or doesn't remotely resemble what we wanted to begin with.


    Current position of some of the playerbase, instead of expressing a desire to fix problems:

    Vhaynna: "Honest question - if you don't like Achaea or the current admin, why do you even bother playing?"

  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    I barely have time to play Achaea let alone another game >_>

  • I figure I could create a toon, eventually play it once the rush is over, and then 20 years from now I'll have a Starmourn character as old as ever.
  • Made a character. Was so overwhelmed I barely got past the tutorial thingy. May revisit at a later date.
  • I doubt I'll even try it out, to be honest.  Achaea feels fresh and new to me right now, and I'm not big on sci-fi stuffs.

    And they don't have vivisect.
  • I'm pretty impressed with it so far, granted I'm not that far in. What draws me into Achaea is the depth which is something that's going to take time with Starmourn. 
  • I finally created a character... Am at the portal now but what's next... Don't have time to continue yet. Will return to check it out.
  • edited December 2018
    IDGAF about Starmourn (or any other IRE game besides Achaea - and even that is just a game)

  • I haven't tried it yet and probably won't until my RL gets substantially calmer, if ever. I love sci fi and the mechanics sound fascinating, but I'm pretty well attached to Aereidhna and Achaea and don't plan to go anywhere. I'd have to have a lot more free time open up to play Starmourn, too. So chances are I won't.
  • Unsure if the drop on Achaeas numbers is a combo of holiday time and Starmourn but there been a noticeable drop since it came out.
  • normally it would not. BUT PSIONS! PSIONS! I must play this. Too distracting! :(

    2015/01/12 Tecton, the Terraformer has bestowed His divine favour upon you. It will last for approximately 1 Achaean month.
  • @Zaryu I was wondering if game cannibalism would happen as well. I've seen it happen in other games. I'm hopeful we'll see more come over from Starmourn as well.
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