Making Classes more Badass

This is a thread for flavour related ideas to make classes more badass.

I think Serpents would be more badass if they used Vega's claws instead of dirks.

Also, monks need more "oomph".



  • Metamorphosis flavour text could be more savage and feral. The abilities already lend themselves well to this, but a lot of the messages are rather bland, and I've seen way too many druids/sentinels going for "cute and cuddly animal" rather than "ferocious beast".
  • More flavour-text in deathsights would be a good thing across the board. Something for Druid freeze-pound and Magi holobomb might be a good start?

    Oh and not really a class as such, but we also need one for Dragon devour!
  • edited December 2012
    I would like some revamp on the Jester skinning of certain abilities. I'm trying to be a Mhaldorian Jester, and nothing breaks that kind of character structure like 'You kick your giraffe in the haunches and scream, "RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY!"' or throwing banana peels on the ground or badjoke (Which has far more potential than what it is now, could even be org-based!). I quite liked the 'redsmile' change to Jack-in-the-box but instead of having the jester do it, have the actual jack-in-the-box do it over the course of the instant-kill. It doesn't make sense to have the Jester do it because of the mechanics of jack-in-the-box.
  • edited December 2012
    Sena said:
    Metamorphosis flavour text could be more savage and feral. The abilities already lend themselves well to this, but a lot of the messages are rather bland, and I've seen way too many druids/sentinels going for "cute and cuddly animal" rather than "ferocious beast".
    Maybe they want to be this or this.
  • Tvistor said:
    I'd settle for a doublestab line. Every serpent to ever become frustrated with the combat has thought 'If I'm going to prick them with two venoms WHY DON'T I JUST STAB THEM TO DEATH OUTRIGHT?'

    It's like we're afraid of hurting our victims too badly the way it's worded now.
    Doublestab should also do twice the normal dirk stab damage. Thoth's curare/prefarar doublestabs with meteors FTW!
  • I would like to see viridian done more like Origin:Spirits of the Past.
  • Bards need a viable instakill (I've actually got one written up, but I missed the classleads due to syntax failz).

    Bladies need a bit of tweaking for flavour; they're sitting on the fence between ninja and samurai and not quite achieving either.  But this is just tweaking. I love Bladies.
    Tvistor: If that was a troll, it was masterful.
    I take my hat off to you.
  • Jesters becoming this:


    Green Goblin OP.
  • Priest needs a better in-room death message than "You hit him and he collapses a broken, bloody mess." with smite. Judge and absolve's in-rooms and deathsights are already cool, though.
  • Infernals need a disrupt skill. That is all I ever want.

  • @Blujixapug I believe bask used to only work in the desert, but it was changed a good while ago to work anywhere outside so long as its day time

  • Antidas said:
    @Blujixapug I believe bask used to only work in the desert, but it was changed a good while ago to work anywhere outside so long as its day time
    Favorite Serpent memory:

    Basking in the middle of a freaking blizzard cause the sun was -technically- behind the clouds somewhere.
  • Forgetting for a minute that Achaea's next class is going to be pirates, there should be a pirate spec for serpents. Instead of a snake they could summon a monkey or a mongoose. Instead of a dirk they'd use a cutlass and instead of a whip they'd use a net. Their replacement for Bask would, instead of working only in the desert (is that still how it goes?), work only in bars and taverns.

    For sylvans I always wanted specialisations for viridian once you'd bonded with a certain environment. You could be a desert viridian covered with spiky cacti, chapparal, spinifex, and pampas grass, with pauldrons of aloe. A swamp viridian would smell of decay and drip brackish water, and be covered with sodden wood, fungi, reeds, and lilies. An ocean viridian would be covered with coral and seaweed. A jungle viridian would be covered with lianas, ferns, leaves, strangling figs, and wildflowers.
    wait, wha?
  • You'd want something like this for Jesters

  • Lyr said:
    Priest needs a better in-room death message than "You hit him and he collapses a broken, bloody mess." with smite. Judge and absolve's in-rooms and deathsights are already cool, though.
    That's not unique to Priests, though, it's the standard damage attack kill message.

    For Knights, I've been considering requesting a custom message and deathsight for disembowel kills, so it's not just the same as a regular disembowel with "You have slain X." tacked on the end.
  • Antonius said:
    Lyr said:
    Priest needs a better in-room death message than "You hit him and he collapses a broken, bloody mess." with smite. Judge and absolve's in-rooms and deathsights are already cool, though.
    That's not unique to Priests, though, it's the standard damage attack kill message.
    I think that's exactly the issue!
  • @Iocun: Probably, yes. Though there's the risk that if they change it for one there'll be an avalanche of requests to have other attacks changed in a similar fashion, and I don't think it makes much sense for something as relatively boring as hitting somebody until they die to have overly elaborate messages attached.

    Not to mention that, as Lyr already mentioned, Priests already have unique - and quite cool - kill messages and deathsights for their other two means of killing, Judgement and Absolve.
  • edited December 2012
    I don't think fear of such an "avalanche of requests" should be an argument against flavour changes like this though. One has to start somewhere, and we all know they can't and won't give every kill method a cool, unique line, at least not immediately. To me, getting small flavour buffs like this here and there, no matter for what class, is more important than universal equality and "fairness".
  • CaladbolgCaladbolg Campbell County TN
    Veldrin said:
    You'd want something like this for Jesters
    Or this

  • edited December 2012
    I am actually thinking that it (probably) is relatively easy for them to tack on cooler kill lines for everything, it'd make everyone happy and it has no combat implications because you will be too dead for it to matter if you ever see one.

    That or the Garden just hates children.
  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    I would rather have more diverse deathsights then actual in room kills. Here are a few examples of some commonly used kills in raid scenarios that could be implemented and help onlookers via deathsight get a little more of a commentary on the action.

    Snipe : Pierced by Vayne's well aimed arrow, Tvistor breathes his last breath.

    Meteor/Star : Crushed by Corbeaux's flaming meteor, Silas has been ground to a bloody pulp.

    BBT : His spine severed by the force of Thaumas's thrusting knee, Cain falls into a broken heap.

    Bite : The life blood of Dunn drains away as his body is left torn and shredded by the jaws of the dragon Tarkor.

  • But then anyone who didn't already realize it would know that every single kill I ever make is with snipe.
    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
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