Hi all, looking to host a DnD using discord and Roll20:
when: Wednesday or thursday 9pm AEDST ( Wednesday or thursday 10am GMT)
What: DnD is the classic tabletop roleplaying game, roll20 gives us all the tools to play over internet, with discord allowing for voice comms if people find it easier as well!
Why: Because I like having people die to gelatinous cubes
huh: wha?
what to bring: Yourself, fun, headset (mic not necessary, but for clarity I find it easier to be able to speak to peeps) Consistency!
For those interested, PM me, and I'll sort numbers, this will start potentially 4/5 of April, but if you are interested and the time is a bit off speak to me and we'll see what can be organised.
https://www.d20pfsrd.com -> the entire rule set
If you have any questions though about the game or want help, I'm on discord and here!
@Accipiter happy?
Any peoples around between 1-6 pm GMT? (My local time is Central, but my free time is mornings rather than evenings.)
Tecton-Today at 6:17 PM
So far (although not all confirmed, but seems a go) for wednesday are:
friend of mine who's in (another ossie)
A lot of others with varying times, but if a good "middle" time can be found happy to host another campaign! will be hosting 2 which is fine, and the second one (as long as it isn't friday/saturday at a really ridiculous hour) I can pretty much do anytime.
possibly accipiter
Which would make a heck of a campaign
I'll endeavour to add as much as I can to make it a single resource hub, and branch it out to allow people to get their friends to join campaigns, achaean or not, though I am still quite busy for a few more days so it won't be immensely updated instantaneously!
This is also the first discord server I've managed, so do let me know if I've doinked anything!
Tecton-Today at 6:17 PM