For those of us that live overseas from the servers, I was wondering if anyone had some tips or tricks as to fighting, or attempting to fight in lag.
So far, I've found several things system related. Mainly, my temptimers never caught diagnose or def, and I could not figure out why. Turns out my lag was too bad for the length of the trigger, so I had to go through and extend all my temp timers in anything trigger related.
I've also found that keeping things outrifted help a lot, and cut down a lot of time. For fighting I just learned how to put a "stand" or other mostly useless option in front of multiple inputs, as it makes the last set of multiple inputs group together rather than act seperately.
Also, is the sendall command in mudlet more useful than doing multiple send commands?
Anything that might help cut down a bit of time when it comes to fighting in bad lag would be appriciated.
Replies the scorpion: "It's my nature..."
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Then set variable to 0 in no lag, 0.5 seconds in light lag etc.
Really helps with that. Other than that chase balance when you can. Helps in some cases.
→My Mudlet Scripts
Hides in a corner.
→My Mudlet Scripts
→My Mudlet Scripts
latency = ( (latency * i) + getNetworkLatency() ) / (i+1)
i = i+1
...where "latency" and "i" are variables initialized at 0 when you log in. And then use the latency value in your tempTimer, preferably with some multiplication factor (I use 1.5*latency).
→My Mudlet Scripts
Depends on how you're using it, though. If you're using the latency in a way that there's some small chance of, say, consuming a curative before you get balance back, you might want to err on the side of weighting spikes more heavily.
→My Mudlet Scripts
Not sure I really get @Daeir's suggestion. Maybe it depends on what the timer is doing, but if you're adjusting the time to wait before sending a command to account for latency, wouldn't you want to be subtracting the latency (or half of it, maybe) rather than adding it? Adding it seems like simulating extra latency.
→My Mudlet Scripts