...to my knowledge, they shouldn't need your password? Fairly certain you can just enter in a character name on the website and buy it. I could be wrong, but I don't think I am.
Its because they store your recurring payment info, and you have to log in to cancel, otherwise anyone could cancel your elite, or someone could just refuse to cancel the subscription you set up on their account.
It'd be amazing if you could buy something on the website that would give you an item that's redeemable for a month of elite, and you could sell it/trade it/hold onto it in-game. Maybe even have bulk packages, with or without discounts? @Makarios plz
That would be fantastic. Lots of other games have that sort of thing, and it's be a good way for people with extra cash to get credits, or those with extra credits to get premium game time.
Agreed, plus if someone gets gifted a free month of elite they'd be more likely to keep buying it for themselves once they've been able to test it out!
Tecton-Today at 6:17 PM