I'm having trouble with a say trigger. I'd like quest givers to put out text I can click on to respond to their prompts, instead of having to copy/paste the text to respond.
I have this:
local saying = matches[3]
selectString(saying, 1)
echoLink(saying, [[send("say "..saying)]], "click to say", true)
but when I get yes/no prompts from quest givers, both links cause me to give the 'no' response. That saying variable seems to be overwriting on the second item.
My question is, how to I make each link use a fresh variable so that I can click yes?
You don't want the code to be send("say " .. saying) when the link is clicked. You want the code to be send("say Yes") or send("say No"). To do that: [[send("say ]] .. saying .. [[")]]. That creates a string with the value of saying when the trigger runs (i.e. either send("say Yes") or send("say No")) rather than using the variable later.
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