For magi, you need to staffstrike in elementalism and you need timeflux, pummel, and hypothermia in artificing for the barebones, simplest kill method. Destroy is in sacrificing and would open up the remainder of the class's options. Destabilize and crystalism are only really utility and extra hinder, or group stuff. You don't even need to trans elementalism, I dont think. I may have left out something, but I know magi can function without trans all class skills because none of its pvp-reauired skills are at trans. And a diadem helps, but their primary kill methods are available without it.
Druid is pretty ballin with two skills transed. Metamorphis is a must whichever way you go for hydra morph. For your second skill you can choose to go for mobile passive defence, damage and healing with Groves (wildgrowth, flail staff, vigour, panacea, bees) or you can go for the less mobile healing, damage, additional hinder and limb based insta with Reclamation (refresh spores, lash+poisonspores, constrict, embrace). Groves will net you more convenience and easier kills on lower might/artefact types and Reclamation will give you an instantkill that works regardless of the opponent's health and artefact level.
I've played both jester and alchemist on non-tritrans, unartied lvl 80 characters in the past. They were both plenty of fun and could kill plenty of people, for what it's worth, but like Calira said, you aren't tanky enough to stand a chance against everyone, particularly someone who is both skilled and a damage class. If they aren't so skilled, but you can't tank them, you just forego puppetry and jugglelock without it.
Alchemist is an easier beginner class, and tankier, but I feel like Depthswalker would've been the best if it existed when I was lvl 80 and unartied. It just has a lot of nice tools for survival.
DWB Infernal is good but likely hit-and-run-y. Also kinda boring imo but that's personal preference. It's limb breaks into instakill, no other affs.
For magi, you need to staffstrike in elementalism and you need timeflux, pummel, and hypothermia in artificing for the barebones, simplest kill method. Destroy is in sacrificing and would open up the remainder of the class's options. Destabilize and crystalism are only really utility and extra hinder, or group stuff. You don't even need to trans elementalism, I dont think. I may have left out something, but I know magi can function without trans all class skills because none of its pvp-reauired skills are at trans. And a diadem helps, but their primary kill methods are available without it.
This is awesome! So, 1496 lessons into Elementalism and 356 in Artificing is only 2074 lessons And you think that would be adequate for mid-level combat, so I can focus on survival afterwards?
@Lyrin - Druid looks super cool! I'll have to read through the Druid forums before I can ask any intelligent questions. Thank you!
@Farrah - Sweet. I'm not necessarily looking for easy hit-and-run combat, so I think Alchemist, Depthswalker, or Shaman will be my final choice. Juggle locking - other than Pranks, what else do Jesters need to make this effective?
Druid is pretty ballin with two skills transed. Metamorphis is a must whichever way you go for hydra morph. For your second skill you can choose to go for mobile passive defence, damage and healing with Groves (wildgrowth, flail staff, vigour, panacea, bees) or you can go for the less mobile healing, damage, additional hinder and limb based insta with Reclamation (refresh spores, lash+poisonspores, constrict, embrace). Groves will net you more convenience and easier kills on lower might/artefact types and Reclamation will give you an instantkill that works regardless of the opponent's health and artefact level.
Alchemist is an easier beginner class, and tankier, but I feel like Depthswalker would've been the best if it existed when I was lvl 80 and unartied. It just has a lot of nice tools for survival.
DWB Infernal is good but likely hit-and-run-y. Also kinda boring imo but that's personal preference. It's limb breaks into instakill, no other affs.
@Lyrin - Druid looks super cool! I'll have to read through the Druid forums before I can ask any intelligent questions. Thank you!
@Farrah - Sweet. I'm not necessarily looking for easy hit-and-run combat, so I think Alchemist, Depthswalker, or Shaman will be my final choice.