Hey guys!
Long time listener, first time caller. Just looking to get an idea of how much crit you get per level. The help file states the following:
Critical Hit Pendants
- These pendants allow you to get extra critical hits when hunting.
Everybody, at every level, has a chance of getting a critical hit.
The higher the level, the higher the chance of getting a critical
hit _and_ the higher the chance of getting harder hits. These
pendants increase both the chance of getting a critical hit and
the chance of getting harder hits. To give a couple of examples
of critical hit chances: level 50 = 1.6% chance of getting a
critical hit; level 65 = 6.4%; level 80 = 16.6%.
With how lvl 50 = 1.6, 65 = 6.4, and 80 = 16.6, would it be safe to assume that at 95 you would have close to 30%? I'm not sure if that is accurate but I am assuming only because it increases from 1, to 5, to 10 every 15 levels. If someone can help me with figuring that out, I'd be most appreciative!
Thanks in advance and have a good one.
The formula is ((Level-25)/100)^3, capping at either level 99 or 100. This means it grows much faster at higher levels.