So I mentioned maybe doing this previously, but I think I'm going to open this as a thread. More or less, I'd like to get in more practice with doing greyscale sketches and play around with styles and refining how I work with my tablet.
Disclaimer: My progress through any queue in here will probably be quite slow as I'm going to be doing it on the side. Please note these won't get the same treatment as my commissions i.e. I won't be checking with you throughout it and will just post the final products here when done. Please remember that at the moment I'm working around the clock on my paid commissions to feed myself as I'm currently out of a job, so these will always be lower priority, although I look forward to getting to do some!
Very few if any will be in color as well unless something about them strikes me as particularly appealing to do in simple colors, and likely none will be below bust cut as I really want to work on my portraits at the moment. I may make other threads for different styles of requests at some point!
If you'd like one, please pop your description in here under a spoiler and I'll get to it when I can! I hope for each and every one I create something you like.
Duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh hurty, duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh fighty, hurty, fighty, hurty, fighty, slicey, slicey, facey, kickey -art stream /
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ko-fi 1
He is a human. Tall and slender, he stands at roughly six feet and two inches. He carries himself with an effortless assurance that belies his attenuated frame. Short, wavy hair the color of burnt umber is carefully slicked back on the left side of his face and falls forward on the right in insouciant curls. Clean-shaven except for the sideburns that extend just beneath his ears, he would look young if not for the sharp angle of his jaw and distinguished features. His light brown eyes cast a focused gaze about himself while maintaining an air of equanimity. The left sleeve of his shirt is rolled up to expose the raw flesh of his freshly-branded forearm, bearing a crude escarbuncle within a border.
I, uh, kind of realized the second I finished that the hair is flipped. I guess I was so tired I slicked it on my left, and so on; if you'd like me to make another later feel free to ask, my bad!!
art stream / twitter / ko-fi
being overly bulky. His arms are likewise girded and end in expressive, dexterous fingers which are
heavily calloused from use of the blade - though his palms are heavily bandaged with cloth of the
same pristine colour as his horns. This Satyr sports an odd straw hat, into which slots have been
cut for his massive, pristine, back-swept horns and his long, pointed Tsol-like ears to hide beneath.
Though his wild, blue-black hair is mostly obscured by the wide brim of the hat he wears, the tail
of it hangs out of the back and speaks of the mess that is obscured from view. The strands of its
tail are captured in a watered-steel hairclip, the only sign of class upon his otherwise bestial
visage. While Bann's face is handsome, it is often at least partly hidden beneath the brim of the
same hat that obscures his hair and his sapphire blue eyes. An Aegean scabbard is always upon his
left side, held snug by the blackened chain links that form its belt, and often-times when he's at
rest his left hand will rest upon the pommel of the blade sheathed within. From the hips down, this
Satyr is covered in thick curls of the same blue-black as his hair, and wide, strong hooves support
his weight with ease. Swirled sable and purple warpaint is artfully brushed over his cheek to form
the image of a pair of crossed spears.
He usually wears a kilt as well as some kind of sleeveless shirt, in case you want to know that.
shows some signs of muscle cultivated through regular exertion. His skin is a healthy dark olive tone, the kind that
one acquires from spending very little time inside. His face is surprisingly androgynous in structure. Depending on how
he styled himself could easily be taken for either male or female lacking context. Light signs of age and a crescent-
shaped scar on his upper right cheek harden his appearance slightly. His raven hair is about shoulder-height, though
it's kept up in a simple bun at the upper back of his head. His eyes are similarly dark with long eyelashes that draw
attention to them and his lips are a rich color that highlights their thickness.
Other than the reference to androgyny this desc reads nothing like the Thin White Duke. So I'll say this...
if Kiet was darker skinned he'd look like a feminine Will Smith!
@Bann He is a cheerful boy in the sun~
art stream / twitter / ko-fi
art stream / twitter / ko-fi
That's usually where some of the best improvements as an artist can be made.
Having said that, I love her! Pretty damn close, actually. Thank you so much!
Here's the two pictures I found online that I thought were beautiful and kind of merged them together in my mind:
This one I thought looked kind of...serpentine! That's where I chose the eye color and head shape. (kind of)
This little guy just stole my heart
I found out later that albinism can be extremely rare for Xorans. Oops! Fun mistake.
art stream / twitter / ko-fi
Toothless for life
[spoiler] She is a graceful tsol'aa. Standing with her shoulders back, she reaches approximately 5'6 in
And for @Zenii, hope you like this; added a little bit of watercolor wash into the greyscale. How could I not, considering it's rainbow hair? (;
art stream / twitter / ko-fi
Thank you in advance.
I don't know how to spoiler tag...
He is a human. He stands tall at 6 feet, 4 inches. He has a broad-shouldered, muscular frame and carries himself with humble confidence. His brown hair is shaven short, and he has a matching beard covering his strong jawline. He has soulful, expressive brown eyes which convey a sense of friendliness and compassion.
art stream / twitter / ko-fi
He is a graceful tsol'aa. Standing tall, this creature is pale, his skin almost
[spoiler]She is a beautiful siren. Neither tall nor short, she stands at average height for her race, yet
@Zakkariah Sorry if the hair was supposed to be shorter! I'm a little fuzzy on the meaning of short when it comes to guys' hair haha!
These were kind of simple I know, I'm sorry if they didn't live up to expectations feel free to let me know. I got pretty worn out trying to burn through all of my request queues today :X
I've noticed the other posts and I'll do them in another batch, thanks for all the interest guys. @Jinsun I normally would say no to anything more than a portrait in this thread, but I can't turn down an opportunity to publicly illustrate my mocking of all greyfaces, so alright, it's in the queue >:D
art stream / twitter / ko-fi