I'm a 19 year old fennoswede (Swedish is my mothertongue, finnish is my second language) who loves roleplaying games. I've tried a couple of tabletop RPG's with a tight group of friends over the years, but I am always the most "interested" person in our group (sadly). I've tried playing Achaea many times over the past 7-8 years (I've probably made twentyish characters) and I always tend to play multiple hours a day for a couple of days/weeks before I suicide that character. This is solely because of one thing: my difficulties in RP'ing ing English.
I wouldn't say that I'm absolutely terrible at the English language (feel free to correct me, however) and if it's just me and another player I can manage the conversations fairly well but whenever I'm in a RP situation where there's more than me and one other person (three or more) I tend to freeze and I have no clue what to say. This might just be because I'm a MUD noob, but I'd genuinely like to hear if anyone else has had this issue (especially if English is not your first language!). I've had a great time so far though, and it seems like this character will stick around for a while. Who knows though.
I'll stop now before this question/rant gets too long-winded, though. Thanks for reading.
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Which city do you play in, if you don't mind me asking? Are there cities that are less RP heavy than others?
One thing is for certain though - playing Achaea is guaranteed to expand your vocabulary. I know it has expanded mine! (even learned some Sartanic obscenities along the way
You don't have to be an expert cunning linguist to play Achaea, and it's even advantageous not to be a shining wit.
I have this as well. I'll be ok if there's no pressure (conversations with multiple people in room, lots of stuff happening like in events, etc), but otherwise I tend to bail and ask later what actually happened. I'll admit that I rather stay out of RP situations though, doesn't really seem to be my 'thing'. Like @Dochitha , I rather fight, bash or trade.
From my experience, people will forgive you your mistakes and bad grammar/misunderstanding stuff. Not all of them, but most of the players will understand your situation and be patient/forgiving. Even though most of them will never know what a struggle it can be
So in the end, I think you'll be fine. You can, as suggested, RP being born somewhere primitive or something like that. But I never felt the need to do so, so that's all up to you!
That's what she said.
I mean, as long as you're not roleplaying a stutter... No offense to any stutters out there, as I myself have a thing with stammering/stuttering in real life as is. I mean, I do it, not I hate people who do it.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
Most of us are also ok if you send an OOC message to say you have difficulty with the language.