Having tried out DSC for a while now, I can safely say that they impress me as a company. Customer service is top-notch, and all of the products I've tried work wonderfully and smell great. My biggest loves at the moment are Dr. Carver's Easy Shave Butter and the Mint Cedarwood body wash. I would strongly recommend giving them a shot, even the ladies! I'm told by female friends who also use DSC that the Executive is a great razor, and the shave butter makes legs and underarms a fairly pain-free ordeal.
All of this to say, if you use this link here -
http://shaved.by/fxyVK - if you were curious about trying them out, I get $5 DSC credit when you do. This is less shameless begging than my TurboTax was (thank you to all who did that, bought me enough supplies to survive until I started getting checks from my new job), and more promoting a company that I love doing business with.
Have your tried Harry's? Compare/Contrast?
I bought my 18-yr old a Harry's with a year of razors because he needed one in college. But I don't want to spend the money on DSC if they use similar razors.
@Caelan I have not tried Harry's, but I forgot to mention - you can try out any of the razors for $1, believe it comes with a 4-pack of cartridges too, so not a bad risk to try it out!