So I've tried searching paste in for some logs and searched the forums for combat tips and stuff but generally everything is from 2016 or before. Can someone point me in the right direction for what the basic tactics are for Sentinels now with all current updates and stuff
@Rangor @Caelan I'm tagging the both of you because you have been the only two Sentinels I have seen in the game currently.
Links to past posts or logs of just basic combat would be wonderful. I plan on jumping in the game and asking as well.
Here are a couple from today. I've just come back from dormancy so am a bit rusty.
Petrify (affliction based instakill):
Skullbash (limb prep based burst damage):
I still have it in my head that I should be going for axe-locks. But the 'new' routes are PETRIFY and DISMEMBER.
I personally love dismember because the message is awesome when you rip someone apart limb from limb. But people seem to complain alot about Lyrin's petrify route so.. I'd give that a look over.
It is also given during the first hit of a DOUBLESTRIKE (skirmishing skill)
You can still freeze/pound but I haven't gotten back into fighting enough to know the likelihood of success. I'm guessing it is low since Magi have made most everyone prio freezing over most limb breaks. But it is something I intend to work on.
@Atalkez I've noticed people doing it.. like I said, something I need to look into more.
@Renek also, we've always been able to lock.
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
I'd advice to master petrify first, then explore into skullbashing and dismember routes. Look me up in game if you want to chat!
I'll post a few more logs without gags once I fix things up a bit.
1) Trumpet only works on undeaf people. Is there anyway to use this in conjunction with our other attacks. Say trumpet/doublestrike to break the legs while they are already prone. Or should I just be using trip. I've noticed a lot of times I try and use trip I end up getting parried and the whole combo gets thrown out the window because I have been trying to use trip after I break their legs.
2) I've recently switched to using clumsiness on my doublestrikes to help with some hindering. I know this won't be suitable for all classes and will likely have to switch to paralysis to change that. Is there any other sort of hindering in room that we have to stop people from running etc. I try and use noose traps but I've noticed with serpents and blademaster they tend to just evade away and I am stuck chasing them and having to restart my whole combat sequence again.
3) I also have noticed that sitting in the room with some classes I am at great risk of getting locked or dying to damage really quickly. Even with my SoA. Should I be running a lot more? I feel that if I do run I am only limited to out of room axe throwing and can never guarantee the hit because of parry or dodge. If I have to run like that should I just strictly stick with skullbash kills or is it possible to get Extirpate while running a lot.
@Rangor @Caelan @Coamenel
2) Paralysis is generally better hinder than clumsiness. Plus petrify can happen quickly so going for it asap (with paralysis) is itself a form of hinder. Noose traps are what you get. Blademaster evade is on a cooldown, so they can't lean on it all the time. Serpents you always have to chase. Though, as sentinel you can try to break legs while going for petrify. A single leg break stops evade.
3) No point in trying to out-of-room axe. You can go for petrify still though. Basically, you're always at risk when going for momentum. You need to maximize your own kill speed so you can beat whoever you're fighting to the kill. Some RNG will play a role too because of your ents passive attacks. You have to recognize when you're being outpaced and run then, but keep going if you're the one outpacing them. If you do it well, you'll definitely get some super perfect ent proc into petrify eventually. Sentinel petrify can happen really quickly.
1) You can enrage raven (undeaf/sensitivity) and trumpet in one attack. But I prefer to enrage with something else (like axe/dstrike) and -then- go for a trumpet. Trumpet is more profitable if your victim is confused (lemming passively gives that). I don't enrage/trumpet because that combo will cause you to lose one of your pets (can't summon after trumpet).
2) I always open with curare, it's -the- number one venom in my stack. Nothing hinders quite like it (except for SnB pallies I've heard? Not sure about that). If you're opposing a class that gets away all the time, you may wanna slow prep them. You can target limbs while petrifying. When they're set up, you have the option of skullbashing, skullbash into dismember or just stick with petrify. Depends on the person and situation though.
3) I never do LoS really, there's a trick to check if you hit them, but imo it's not worth the trouble.
2) since doublestrike gives impatience, clumsiness will generally be left uncured for longer than part which will hinder better. It won't be as effective in getting a quick petrified.
3) always have nooses set for defensive play. If you can't outpace the opponent with doublestrike you have to slow prep and use nooses for defense.
Can we enrage off skullbash, truss, or impale?
You use the venoms count from weaponprobe to determine if the handaxe hit or not (if a venom comes off it was a successful hit, if the venom count doesn't change then it was parried/dodged/whatever.)
It took me like 30 minutes to make when I didn't know anything about coding, 100% worth the time. I put weaponprobe at the start of my los axe alias, counted the lines of poisons and then compared that number to a subsequent count, and gagged all the probing, it was even easy to work into my limb counter since the los throw line includes the limb.
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1.5) I tend to find that breaking an arm with an axe prior to the trip can be worthwhile. Might be the artie axe talking (1.2 second throw) but most people don't react to the arm break before the trip hits. You do risk trip hitting parry, but the extra 2.8 seconds of prone (4 seconds salve time - 1.2 seconds for the axe throw) can be worth it. I think a forged axe with nimble and knife-thrower is 1.5-1.6 seconds, so difficult to react to.
2) Since the change to clumsiness, I find that I lose a lot more affliction races against pure aff classes than I used to. This is because clumsiness used to be a very effective momentum killer and this value benefited sentinels and other aff classes similarly. With that aspect of clumsiness lessened, the other value it provides - stopping kelp from curing asthma/hypochondria/weariness is far more beneficial to other aff classes than it is to us (we require a limb break and bad choices by the opponent on top of a kelp stack to lock). Since the change, I've found my self stacking affs under clumsiness a lot less frequently and just falling back on curare and limb prep.
3) LOS axe is good fun and can frustrate an opponent who doesn't use a shield tattoo. Another oft-overlooked option for defensive play is spinning which will gain you an easy 1-2 herb balance advantage on someone who does damage with their attacks.
In my opinion, there is only one other class that matches Sentinel prep speed in active combat, particularly against heavy hinder, and that is Druid.