Question: Out of all the specs for Infernal and Runewarden, which are the best for bashing?
I rolled SnB Paladin for a long time, but it was just so slow, even with SoA (which I still have, and am tempted to trade). Am currently DWC Runie, which feels a billion times better than SnB or Priest did, but am still curious as to what the best spec might be.
Aurora says, "Are you drunk, Aodfionn?"
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.
Basically between both it's a toss up, have fun with either!
The one rough thing is not being able to have a SoA, I sprung for the Paragon and it's amazing to have but it sucks that it's so much more expensive (and not just for the artefact itself, but also putting an embrasure into armour for it to work)
SNB is slower than that, IIRC.
Both of these are true.
I did 82 - 99 post SnB nerf. It wasn't fun, let me tell you. However, I got it done in a few weeks. It really just comes down to how gud you grind.
I'd vote 2h for leveling because I feel like harder hits chip at denizen health better when your crit rate sucks. I started as unartied bard and going unartied 2h was a breath or fresh air.
I switched to dwc shortly after dragon and I feel like I probably kill things faster now (especially smaller things). That could just be flawed perception based from looking at twice as many criticals fly by on screen than before. I haven't tested anything.
Combo attacks are not better just because "more hits mean more crits!". That logic ignores the fact that their individual hits do less damage so their crits do correspondingly less damage.
The attack with the best DPS is generally going to be the best bashing attack. It doesn't matter if it's one hit or two hits or four hits. The only real advantage combo attacks have is if they're of the type that allows carrythrough to the next target if the first target dies, and that's a marginal advantage unless you're hunting tiny things.
DWC is pretty decent the whole way through. It's fast (makes for good escapes) and both scimitars hit for the same damage, so you don't miss out on damage if your crits come from your left or right hand. Razeslash being put on par with raze for speed gives a pretty good shield-breaker, too.
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And DPS is, for the most part, the main metric that does matter in terms of killing speed, assuming that you are tanky enough to avoid the need to hit-and-run. There are probably some occasional edge cases where a lower DPS spec has a better time-to-kill because of how enemy health lines up against their attacks but, generally speaking, as enemy health increases your raw DPS becomes more and more important. Most of the areas I bash as dragon are well into that territory.
Even now with battlerage and increased denizen health, attack speed (multi-hit combos being effectively the same as faster balance) still has a large effect. Say you have two attacks, A and B. Attack A does 1000 damage and has a 4s balance, for a DPS of 250. Attack B does 200 damage with 1s balance (or, equivalently, is a 4-hit combo with 4s balance), for 200 DPS. With a 50% crit chance (ignoring the crit paragons and Maya figurine), the two attacks will generally take about the same amount of time to kill something, with attack B being slightly faster on average, despite having 20% lower DPS. I've run simulations to confirm this, because I didn't expect the speed to offer such a large advantage either.