Have an extra key for each of the following games. Anyone want? Message me or post here.
Assassin's Creed 3 (uPlay)
Hand of Fate (steam)
Depth Hunter 2 (steam)
Porradaria 2 (steam)
The first two are brilliant. The second pair are just... bleh. But if someone wants them, go right ahead.
Huh. Neat.
That leaves Depth Hunter 2 and Porradaria 2, if anyone is interested.
awesomenauts, chivalry:medieval warfare, Defcon, discstorm, gunpoint, medieval 2: total war, tango fiesta, torchlight 2, psychonauts, bejewelled 3, dead space 2, dragon age: origins, call of juarez, mark of the ninja, strike suit infinity, stronghold crusader hd, swords and soldiers hd, thomas was alone, bridge constructor, burnout paradise (origin key), command and conquer red alert 3 (origin), crysis 2 maximum edition (origin), dead space (origin), medal of honour (origin), mirrors edge, populous (origin), capsized, dear esther, hotline miami, intrusion 2, little inferno, oil rush, proteus,
Will also still has (by my count): awesomenauts, defcon, hotline miami, intrusion 2, little inferno, mark of the ninja, medal of honour, medieval 2: total war, oil rush, proteus, strike suite infinity, stronghold crusader, swords and soldiers, tango fiesta
EDIT: Jotun's gone too. Go harass Will for his free games.
Its free. Go get it. You wont regret it.